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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Does the pay what you want upgrade not show up for you? (top one) https://www.propellerheads.se/shop/index.cfm?fuseaction=category&Cat=1000 I believe it is for owners of Reason and Record? OH BTW loving the new FX devices. Haven't had time to fully dive in; but they offer so many more sound sculpting capabilities than just the obvious possibilities.
  2. ANY device (combinator, instrument, effect) can have a track in Reason. And you can have unlimited number of devices. Therefore there are unlimited number of tracks. Here is a picture showing tracks for devices and multiple lanes: Here is a Video showing:
  3. Here is a link for producing Chillout beats with lots of good hints: http://www.soundstosample.com/blog/pro-tips/programming-chillout-beats I agree with everyone else in saying there are almost no rules to ambient music. Given that your best route to take is to incorporate sounds/techniques you are already familiar with. 1. Use lots of guitar amps on sounds. 2. Focus on old school Analog synth sounds in combination with GRANULAR synthesis. 2a. for granular synthesis (Kontakt, Absynth, Alchemy, Omnisphere, etc...) 3. Get creative with audio in your sequencer. 4. If you have Atmosphere or Omnisphere def start there. 5. No boomy kicks. (EQ out 50Hz) Let the bass instruments occupy the low frequencies. Also group the kick with the rest of the percussion and not the bass. 6. For compression stick to values below 4:1. I often don't go above 3:1 unless needed. The gain reduction should only be "blinking" like an eye. 7. For silky ambient reverb cut around 6 to 12db at 2000Hz. Also 8000Hz is a frequency that when boosted will make a sound feel like it is sitting on top of your head. MOST IMPORTANT...EXPERIMENT. I've always found it useful to create tons of sound and material to work with. Just go crazy for a bit and give yourself a good palette to work with. Once you have that set you start arranging your new sonic textures.
  4. Reason has the same capability and logical outcome. It just does it in a different way. The workflow to get the end result is different. An instrument or any device; not just a combinator; can have multiple lanes. A combinator won't control anything unless the user programs it to. If you don't want all of the instruments in the combinator to be controlled in the same way; then don't put the midi/automation data in the track for the combinator. Put it on the track for the individual instrument. Also in the combinator control panel located in the Rack Window you can choose which instruments/devices receive midi note data from the combinator.
  5. By "track" I believe you are referring to a "pattern" or "PAT" in FL? Tracks in Reason, along with other DAWs, mean something different. In Reason the relationship between devices and the sequencer are: - Device is located in the Rack Window - There is a Track dedicated to the Device in Sequencer Window - a Track contains one or many Lanes; and Automation data for any parameter - a Lane contains multiple clips - Clips contain midi notes and/or automation data - you can have unlimited # of Lanes per track Using Reason's terminology for these features, there is no need to have more than one "track" for a device. Since a track can contain an infinite amount of midi and automation data. In the Sequencer Window there are Blocks (more a pattern based approach) http://www.propellerheads.se/products/reason/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=whatsnew_blocks If an instrument is located in a combinator both that instrument and the combinator can have a "track" in the Sequencer Window. The instruments in the combinator can have the same FX or different ones. It all depends on how the audio is routed. It is a very relative not fixed concept for the audio signal. Reason doesn't display ghost notes so the example doesn't really correlate. If you had 32 instruments in one combinator, you could map the filter on each instrument to a Combinator knob with unique values and ranges. Then automate that to move all 32 filters at same time.
  6. What's an example in FL Studio? The word choice is a little confusing for the Reason environment. "Routing" would normally mean to connect the cables on the back of the rack somewhere. In Reason one would route audio or cv cables to another device. Any combinator can have a track associated with it on the sequencer. A combinator can be used as an instrument, multi-instrument, FX, FX & instrument, a midi data controller/manipulator. You can route the audio or any signal from inside the combinator into another combinator using the cables on the back of the rack. Does that make sense?
  7. Yes. You can route the midi note data and audio send to any combinator to any other device. Thor, Neptune, or RPG8 device will allow midi note data to be entered into the sequencer and then routed anywhere to be used for anything. Embedding one of these two devices into a combinator will allow a user to gain access to the ability to route midi note data send to anywhere. Also with Thor you can convert Audio signals into CV signals (which is the type of signal midi note data is in Reason) and vice-versa. BTW I am not attacking you. If I intended to attack you I would have used a very different set of words. Your impression of my reasons and motivations behind any of this is 100% wrong. I am merely tying to correct incorrect information of a program. If you don't know something just ask a question. Surely someone around the community would be able to provide clarification. It is easier to clarify a point than it is to correct something. And also doesn't lead petty "internet" arguments that are a waste of everyone's time and energy. In my opinion I really don't care what software people used. I have mixes on this site made with every notable DAW except Pro Tools, Digital Performer, and Reaper. I have used Pro Tools extensively in graduate school but that was it. Tools are tools. Just go with the one whose features and concept fit your musical brain the best. Therefore miscommunication of features hurts people's ability to find which tool best fits their need.
  8. Here is the link the Reason 5 Manual: http://www.propellerheads.se/download/files/reason/version5docs/English/Reason%205%20Operation%20Manual.zip In which is states: "Devices that can receive MIDI notes, such as the Combinator device, will automatically be assigned a record enabled track when created. On an instrument track you can create a number of separate note lanes that can incorporate clips containing a combination of note and performance controller events. Multiple lanes are perfect if you, for example, are recording a drum track and want to record each drum sound on a separate lane. An instrument track can also have a number of parameter automation lanes that can contain clips with instrument parameter automation events." Reason can have as many tracks as you want. And say for example you wanted to send 50 clips with different automation data to the same parameter on an EQ at the same time you can do that. I could add as many midi note clips with embedded automation data feeding a track that I want. In all seriousness dude please learn how to respectfully talk to people. It is fun to debate and talk about these kind of topics. But your behavior, bias, and general disregard for other people's ideas really ruins the experience. Your blind faith in your own opinions and the need to push those opinions onto others does not really add anything beneficial to these conversations.
  9. Who made the image? They should get a donation!
  10. Then is what are you talking about? An ambiguous comment with no clarification doesn't really add anything to conversation...It derails the conversation in a needless manner.
  11. Happy bday dude! ...hahahahahahaha bets bday pic evar Rexy!
  12. This is a very ambiguous statement. By a channel are you referring to midi note or automation data? Therefore an instrument's ability to accept more than one channel of midi note data at a time? Are you saying Reason can't support having two separate midi channels or tracks feeding an instrument at once? (which is incorrect) Or are you saying FL is the only one where this is possible? (which is also incorrect) Also other DAW's can display "ghost notes" like Cubase and Logic for example. It is an excellent feature when composing very complex parts with multiple instruments.
  13. Sweet thanks. I work as a Web Application Developer (Actionscript, PHP, Javascript, SQL, etc..) Done some very high end work in Actionscript and Flash. Lots of computer/human interaction and UI stuff. Also lots of database work as well. Have done Java in college. I'd love to be a part of this, if accepted. Will take a look over Slick2D and see how it relates to my experience. Got a couple things on my plate I want to accomplish currently. Will have to see if I can give it a realistic commitment after I look over things. Def can't wait to see things come to fruition though. Love 16-bit style! Kudos for taking up the challenge dude.
  14. This sounds wicked cool! What is the programming language and development platform being used?
  15. Reason has audio recording. Are you referring to the piano roll and automation from v3 and below? That piano roll was horrendous. The piano roll in v4 and above is basically a clone of Cubase's piano roll. Automation is also drastically improved. IMO FL's piano roll is still faster than Reason's for quick sequencing. Also ghost notes in FL are an amazing feature not found in Reason. Also with soundflower on Mac (there are windows equivalents) you can't route audio in and out of Reason to another DAW. This way you can use VST FX plugins on Reason instruments and then route the VST FX back into Reason. Or vice versa you can route a VST plugin into Reason and then route it back out through rewire.
  16. The new version of Reason is coming out this week. It has built-in recording/audio tracks and it is 64-bit: http://www.propellerheads.se/reason6/index.cfm Reason is an awesome program if you love creating creative set-ups. Here are some links to unique tricks that are really easy to make in Reason: http://www.propellerheads.se/substance/discovering-reason/index.cfm?fuseaction=display_main Reason and FL are completely different. Check out both demos and give each a fair shake. One will feel more comfortable than the other.
  17. I was exactly the same way from 2006 to 2007. Being an uber competitive person myself who can be ultra critical of himself does not help either. I believe my inability to ever compose in a "genre" or focus in on "genre" really hurts musically at times. I played in school band from 5th grade to the beginning of 8th grade. In that time I played 7 different instruments. I got bored of each instrument very quickly and moved onto another one. Also did not like the music I was playing. I wanted to focus on sports in high school instead so band didn't seem like the best use of time. During middle school and the beginning of high school I use to cut out instrumental sections of rap songs from CD's and songs from the radio on my stereo. Piece them back together and rap over them. Did that for quite some time. My sophomore year of high school a friend of mine introduced me to Fruity Loops. I basically composed original music in FL for about 3-4 years. I had zero knowledge of anything. I just kept hammering away and tried to compose the melodies in my head. After that I completely dropped music for a year due to personal stuff. My Junior year of college I decided to pick-up music again after listening to OCR for a year. This was the summer of 2006. I just dived in head first into everything. It was really hard to re-learn alot of stuff. It was both a rewarding and painful experience. Good news, I discovered at this time my love for music technology in general was just as much as composing music, maybe even more. I got really into sound design and mixing and mastering. By early 2007 I was doing sound design professionally working on commercial Refills for Reason. I still do professional sound design as a side-job to this day. After undergrad I went to graduate school for Music Technology which was friggin awesome. I am such a music tech nerd, I have used all of the following on OC ReMIxes: (Cubase, FL, Ableton Live, Sonar, Reason/Record, Logic) (used Pro-Tools in school) I think my next goals are to find an electronic genre to call home and hopefully start working towards getting an original track signed. Also want to make another OC ReMix to hit 10 mixes posted. Can't stress to everyone enough to remember to always have fun and don't be too critical. I probably really set myself back being overly critical for too many years.
  18. Found this on the props site and though it might be useful to alot of people: (sfz format) http://sso.mattiaswestlund.net/
  19. You can loose sound quality over Soundcloud too: http://forum.anjunabeats.com/topic/52435-soundcloud-read-me/
  20. Sequencing, Loops, Cut up Loops, and Audio I tend to write really complex involved chillout/downtempo beats. Adding just a hi-hat or shaker loop that has a very human feel to it can really add a nice dimension to your track.
  21. It was sold out at every store within a 1hr radius of my house. Had to buy it off amazon.
  22. It's a cool song dude but it desperately needs FX and percussion to round it out. The whole song sound like it is on auto-drive. Adding those elements will give it a better ebb n flow. Even just soft down-tempo percussion would help tremendously. For example: Also that soundcloud version is way better. Much clearer and vibrant. Maybe add some automation to get a bit more dynamics in the mix.
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