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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Celemony Melodyne Essentials (in-box) $50 $50 does not include shipping. I can register it for you in your name to avoid shipping costs. URS Phat C $75 (I will pay the $25 license fee) Novation V-Station Cubase 4.5 Logic Studio 8 Ableton Live 6 (will listen to offers, just PM me) Thanks! Will do paypal or google checkout. Also if you buy any of the items above, you can have 1 individual soundset from my site for free: http://sonic-elements.com/ Also just on a random occurrence, I am trying to transfer one or two Anytime Fitness gym memberships. There is a year left on each. Great gym, I just live too far away to use now that I moved.
  2. Have some good progress on my track. Just finishing creating the parts from/for the C section of the source tune. After that I can arrange it and then show a pretty realized WIP.
  3. I really enjoy Hans Zimmer The Last Samurai soundtrack for this. Especially the track Hard Teacher. Also sooooo many Anime soundtracks are good for this. (Escaflowne, Wolf's Rain personal faves)
  4. I think it's a sweet gesture. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Would I personally do it if I had a daughter? Prob not. Would rather use it as an education experience to look at people as people, and not put people into roles based upon gender. Which I believe the father is trying to do in some sense. I just wouldn't do it the same way.
  5. F'n ace dude. Love all of the ideas and the various sounds coming in and out. And sum is greater than the parts!
  6. The plugs are only for Windows. SynthEdit is used for the GUI and to glue parts together. BTW go on GearSlutz and see some of the threads on these. These are prob the best free plugs for mixing and mastering you'll find. Just download all of them and stick with em.
  7. Loved the opening. Excellent song, great to see some MP3 love.
  8. Loved the track dude. The subtle aggressive energy really drove the arrangement forward. Really liked the usage of all of the synth sounds. Great combinations!
  9. The Matrix is similar to a main feature of Ableton Live. Can be extremely to create and perform drum parts on the fly. Also really good for creating happy accidents.
  10. The academic version of producer is only $299 fyi.
  11. Holy crazy this sounds awesome! Love the combo of chip tunes and other elements.
  12. Yeah they def copied some stuff from Cubase...and everyone else. Honestly X2 looks like a collection of some of the better features of all DAWs. Which IMO is a good thing.
  13. Per usual, love the arrangement of VHD's tracks. The medley formula always works well in the context of his arrangements. Sure to invoke feelings and images of the games they are from.
  14. Wow thanks for posting Larry. This was an awesome, and when I go look at the release date I was shocked. Beautiful composition and ideas here DJP.
  15. Looks cool dude, thanks for the linkage!
  16. Had toyed with Sonar in the past, but felt it was too clunky. Here is a very...long video: I've personally used tons of DAWs. Sonar X2 looks extremely flexible and well thought out. Very impressive. Anybody using this?
  17. Great mix. Minimalism to a T throughout the song. Would loved to hear a bit more atmosphere in the breakdown/slower sections. Def feels like an awesome homage to the original.
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