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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Crisis Core didn't make a me cry...it made play FFVII for the first time in 12 years. The thing I enjoyed most about the game was how Zack's character progressed and changed throughout the game. The beginning kinda put me off with how he was so uber happy to go and kill a bunch of other people and thought it was his big chance to make something of himself. He seemed like a kid in a candy store in Wutai.
  2. Yeah caused he jumped to avoid the slide tackle. Landon Donovan did the same thing in tackle against John Terry in the England match.
  3. Cacau jumped to avoid getting his ankles smashed. It would have been a dive if he carried on like he had gotten hurt...which he did not. Still I'd rather them be stringent on diving.
  4. At least Heskey missing a sitter was predictable...
  5. Isn't that how the sample CD's are made!? I kid I kid... To the OP, here ya go: http://www.simonv.com/tutorials/drum_patterns.php
  6. One option although it sounds crazy is this. Put a Hi-Pass filter on the mix and filter out everything 180Hz and below and then redo the kick and bass. Although to be honest considering the mix didn't receive any NO Resubmits, fixing the bass alone will not allow the mix to pass. Don't take it the wrong but IMO the standards on the panel are a little bit higher nowadays so don't get your hopes up real high. Read Liontamers's decision on the mix for what needs to be done to really get this comfortably past OCR standards. Which is where you want to try to be to get a mix passed. Honestly the track sounds simplistic and shouldn't be hard to redo from scratch. Might sound crazy but could prove to be a fun learning experience.
  7. One basic easy EQ thing to do is to cut out out everything 180-250Hz from any non-bass/kick sound in your mix. I'd take of the chorus for now. Also unless you absolutely have to do not boost a lot of frequencies. Cut what needs to be cut. If you are having to boost too much you prob need to pick a different kick or bass sound. Try cutting about 6-18db at 800Hz on the kick with a Parametric EQ. This will help clear up a lot of room for everything else in your mix. Side-chaining the kick to the bass is also key. So you create a dynamically cohesive low-end.
  8. Hey Andy the Lufia Field Motif song ended being Stevo and I. He added some guitars.
  9. And you sir know how to rock. I almost wish AeroZ's mixes were in surround sound. That way we could really hear all of the microsound details he puts into his mixes. I really enjoy how different ideas are introduced and developed throughout the mix. Really gives the mix a sense of forward motion. Kudos good sir!
  10. In the sequencer window click on the transport bar. Then click on the blue drop down box in the top/middle of the sequencer window. Click time signature. Then draw in the regions with different time sigs. Click on the lil arrow in the middle of each region in order to pick a different time signature. Good luck!
  11. I am wicked excited about this game. I love the artstyle thus far and the music. Here's to hoping we get a decent blast from the past with a little new innovation to create a kick ass new RPG.
  12. Excellent idea...Lufia2 has a wedding theme. Congrats Dave!
  13. You can also patch external audio through it in order to use it's FX. SWEET! All of the other extra new features are listed here: http://www.propellerheads.se/reason5/index.cfm?fuseaction=get_article&article=more Coolest one is prob the hold alt/option to resize and time-stretch. any clip (audio, midi, automation) So glad they expanded that feature to include any clip not just audio clips.
  14. Congrats on your first solo mix posted homes! This is def one my favorite two remixes from you. This is a mix with and excellent personal touch added to it that doesn't feel forced or awkward in any way. Keep it up Steven!
  15. Sampling bwhaha! Although I'll prob will never use this feature. Maybe to resample certain parts but that's about it. Anybody with a mic think they'll use it?
  16. Lesson 1: Learn to have fun and express yourself. Lesson 2: Repeat until satisfied. Lesson 3: Find what you want to improve on. Lesson 4: Improve on it. Repeat for eternity.
  17. I got on the beta last night. Although I signed up within the 1st minute the beta was available so go figure. Neptune is much more than just autotune. It can be used on any sound source for a creative effect. Wish they focused more on the voice synth part in the promo vid. Oh BTW in every vid they show hints of the feature they debut in the next vid by showing part of it in the current video.
  18. ZOMFG Birthdays! Happy escape from the womb day dudes!
  19. This def pulls of the feel of the original song and game x10. Awesome stuff dude! (it's pretty funny that the tags for this review read "epic, flute")
  20. I don't see how they got "blocks" from a Seal. Features seems cool enough. Like to see how that would affect building a full blown song. The next is a pic of what appears to be a trident. Or maybe a pitch fork. Maybe it will be some type of pitch changing device or multi fx device. What do you dudes think of Blocks?
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