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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Fl Studio is actually a really good program. It is a great program to use bc the step sequencer/piano roll is friggin awesome. It's work flow is really easy. You can use just about any effect or synths sounds you find in the FL. So yeah you kinda need to get some new synths apart from the fl presets. Sytrus is good, just learn how to use it. Vanguard is an awesome synth if u are doing techno/trance. If you have the money anything from native instruments will fit the bill. Go here and you'll find links to a million places: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=92175&start=0 I say the biggest thing is to pick a few synths and really learn how to manipulate and create sounds with them that will help you out the most. I really only use 3 synths so far: Absynth, Sytrus, and Vanguard. Or sometimes I take natutral instruments and process the ever living shite outta them to create new sounds. Also learning some serious but basic mastering techniques will help you out a lot. Being good at EQ'ing will go a long way in your songs.
  2. I think I might have someone who can do it, I'll see if that person is still interested. fingers crossed I think the vocoder on the sax would prob be better.
  3. Sweetness been waiting for this to get posted. It was beautiful sounding when it was in the WIP section, and still friggin beautiful now. I def think the pieces strong point is it's emotion. The feel of the melody reminds a bit of the ending song to the last episode of Full Metal Alchemist, which is an absolutely killer song. Besides all that jazz I got a one sentence review prepared for this: It is tasteful, exsquisite, and flows like a fine wine.
  4. good stuff, I think it'll go over well on tha sauce. Obscure rpg's always need more love.
  5. Why not at least try something, maybe you'll strike gold? Anwways I prob won't have time for this wicked opportunity, but I really hope something good comes outta this. And hopefully somebody strikes gold and comes out with a bad ass mix. Still can't believe no one has taken the main theme.
  6. Yeah I'll be honest the first time I heard this, i was like uhhh it's ok. Some good stuff but I wasn't personally feeling it. After seeing so many reviews, I thought hey there has to be something with this. So I gave a few more listens and wow this is damn fun song to listen too. Really catchy, unique style is what I'm feeling now. I think the songs biggest strong point is the catchy composition. Which I will take any day over production. Anyways great stuff, keep it coming bro.
  7. Nice I like it, it is nice and soothing. Section around 1:49 is nice. Along with the other section later where you expand the melody. Can't pick out the other VG references though. I think the this is very good, but it lacks some of the consistent overall expression and depth usually found in piano solos. This does have some sections in the middle that are beautiful. Also the choir samples could use some work.
  8. This project? http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=66077 That source tune is still open, and the project is still going on. I'm downloading a massive amount of stuff off of megaupload today, so I can't give it a listen due to the fact you can only download so many things from megaupload in one day. Try putting it on putfile. Sorry for my shitty excuse.
  9. sax count +1 Yo DJ SymBiotiX your good to go homes. You can do emotions as the trance chill out. Uh oh... 20 track minimum limit has been hit. And we still got a few more tracks coming! Edit: Forgot to mention. We know who might need an extension of those involved. For everyone else, if anything comes up, please let us know!
  10. Let me PM Foxhull about it. The track is already taken but then again many of the tracks are similar to emotions. You know Stars of Tears is basically the same song, shhhhh. Well except for the bad ass celtic part in it right at the end. We'll def be able to work out something. Any of the other source tunes giving you any ideas? If you combined emotions with another track that isn't taken it'd prob def be ok. Shattering of the Dream Egg, could def go with emotions. The melodies from that tune def fit the relaxing chill feel your goin for.
  11. Well you could be crazy and have someone run your sax through guitar rig2 and see if you can't create some new kinda sound that would fit!? One more person working on awakening couldn't hurt now could it? Oh yeah announcement this is me being super happy Reforged is now collabing with Taucer and I on the Small Two of Pieces track. So Foxhull switch this song over to the Gears disc. Wow I can't wait to finish this one and listen to it.
  12. WHahahaha. Fishy I got a song you might be interested in doin as a rock mix. VGMusic is down, so you'll have to go to Blue Laguna to check it out. 'Meridian Dance' (41)from Secret of Mana is def screaming for a rock song. The source tune is already is beautifully composed. Also check out the 'The Curse' (36) for some nice backing you could use in the intro.
  13. Kanjika, quick question. The version of my song you wrote about is that the last version I posted on the public forums and the one I pm'ed you? I'm assuming it is, bc I am already in the process of getting real guitar work done for it from Tensei. There is a whole page on the private forums where we are discussing the real guitar work. The latest version has a lot to it. My old version was quite empty I do agree. If you are talking about my latest version, then I'd like to go into a more in depth conversation on it. There are more harmonies I already have written I can add in, but it would muddy up the whole soundscape etc...So let me know wats up so we can make this song better. Also I'm guilty of this too, but guys we really need to try and comment on each other's mixes more. If you guys really want this project to kick ass we really need to help each other out. Even if a mix is really good and you can't say anything. Then just tell the artist that their mix is good, and if you can point out the parts in the song that aren't your favorites. For my mixes I listen to them so much working on em I loose the ability towards the end of them to tell what parts are good and what parts are bad.
  14. Diddo So far this is sweet. Hit us up with a fuller version. You sure put out good trance tracks at an alarming rate. Oh yeah the choir in the intro OMFG please more! That really was giving me the chills.
  15. Not much homes, I was gone for 2 days and I come back to see LuiZa is now collabing with you poor saps on the Awakening track. And then I go to listen to the source tune again and map out a prog rock arrangement in my head with all of your guys styles and then I crap myself out of excitement...The mix sounds really good in my head, now get to it guys n gals. Oh yeah another announcement, of course basically everyone already on the project knew this. E-Bison is gonna be the audio engineer for da proj. He will also be doing a remix for the project if he can find a source tune to work with. Please check out the proj forums for a more detailed discussion about the mastering process for the project. Input from everyone is always welcome and has really been an integral part in how this project has been run so far. Also I got another collab partner in mind for the Small Two of Pieces mix. If it pans out the mix will prob be moved to the Gears disc. OH YEAH!
  16. Nicole: I think it's good, it's just a little too loud for my tastes. It's def one of those love or hate things. Some people love it and some people hate it. Chickenwarlord: The composition on those two are actually completely different. The two mixes I was talking about are my Lufia mixes. But yeah please don't me of PRC80
  17. I don't know about that. I'll probably be so sick of this song when I finish it that hearing it one more time would make me gag. Haha tru, i couldn't imagine doin a 2nd version from scratch of a song of mine. There is only one song a did 2 versions of, but it was only changes in instruments and that was it. Well your more than welcome to pick up any of the other tracks if you want. Stars of Tears is actually still open, mmmm celtic style electronic mix
  18. good stuff dude. def some good production in areas. This song really reminds of Ghosts of Shadow Moses by Siamey. Which got rejected. The song is over at remic tha sauce. Despite this being a good trance song I don't think it will get accepted at OCR. 1. Cut out or slim down the first 3 mins. It just feels like one big intro, and not until the 3 min mark do we start to hear some really interesting stuff. The intro as is, there some little sounds coming in and out that are pretty hard to hear. 2. Ur production is pretty darn good, but you need to take your production values to the next level. More specifically during each verse having little things come in and out that really keep the listener engaged. 3. This is more so just my personal style, but maybe have a section where the melody is played by a synth with a highpass filter that is not gated, delayed, or arpegged. It will give the tune a section with a very melodic feel. I just that would be a really nice addition to this piece. If you decide to submit as is good luck, from 3 mins and on it has some really good stuff. If you are a huge fan of mega man, the mega man4 remix project is doin that whole soundtrack as dance and trance style songs. You might wanna check them out.
  19. What a tease to stop right before the breakout! This is def a creative soundscape. Lot's of lil production values is always a plus. I'm sure the xenogears project coordinators would love to have this song on the project. But hey you got a good point about not wanting to wait. I'm sure if you wanted to do a remix of your remix(a 2nd version) or pick up another song they wouldn't mind. good luck on the judging.
  20. Despite being a wicked popular game FF4 is under-remixed. There are tons of wicked good sources off of FF4 no one has ever touched. There are also lots of good tunes from FF6 too, like Cyan's theme.
  21. Yup I'm using FL6xxl. I've only submitted it once so far and unless I fix it up some more i think i would have to resubmit again. Here's wat I'm using: Mainly Sytrus. Absynth Vanguard A shakugachi flute sample M32shaku i think... Kontakt 2 (for the piano) All the percussion samples are from samplefusion All default effects FL plugins except that I am using some absolutely crazy settings on NI-Spektral Delay for the piano. I'm gonna be outta town for 2 days and I still gotta pack so I won't be able to get you the file till around thursday or friday. Most likely friday bc I'll clean it up some for you. Otherwise you'll be really really confused, and most likely your computer will crash or ur cpu will burn up from opening it. I have around 36 effects channels goin, but I'm only using about 15 of em. I might make some changes on the compression before I send it to you is that cool? Or do you want it as is, how everything is set up in this version? Thanks dude.
  22. Wow thank you guys. This was the kinda feedback I was hoping for. There were things that were bothering me about this and I felt I could do better, I just couldn't put my finger on it. JG: I def agree with alot of your comments. I think I might run that rainstick through a granulizer and keep it goin longer. Another aspect for the first section is I don't have any "dry" elements. It makes the 'wet' and reverbed sounds stick out even more. No sense of balance. I'll prob add some dry snare hits or nylon string guitar with delay to compliment different accents in the piano. Or do them in a similar fashion to how the koto is my schala mix. I'll def cutback and rework some of the FX in and around the piano too. Yeah I def think the 'tweets' do go a little too crazy around :50. The tweets are actually a result of holding sustained notes on one the 3 pads I got going on. Splunkle: Yeah just about everything is compressed at 99% and is set to the same compression settings. I kinda forgot to go back through and change that in my many updates. The flp file for this is pretty ugly. But having everything overcompressed and at the same settings is prob the number 1 reason for the distortion. I do have the mix set to not go above -1db. I ussually don't like to use limiters at all unless I absolutely have to. I'll even out the multiband compressors and see what comes out. Again thanks guys, I'm def gonna step back and rework this as you guys have really pointed out the things I need to do to really make this mix kick ass.
  23. OMFG Pi is on a mix! We need a list on the instrumentalists for those who can whistle. I can wait to see the song description for this mix.
  24. Yeah dude no prob. Did you get the PM i sent you?
  25. I think both are great. This is def very relaxing and chill. The mix accomplishes wat it sets out to do. Something you can just click repeat and melt away with. Nice stuff Blue, oh yeah congrats on ur DK mix getting accepted.
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