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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Sequencer Fl Studio 7 Reason 3.0 Live 6 Plugins Native Instruments Komplete 3 reFX Vanguard Contralogic Feldspar Izotope Ozone Samples Quantum Leap Rare Instruments Sonic Reality Ethnic Instruments Refill Hardware Korg K49 Midi Keyboard Sennheiser 280HD Monitor Headphones M-Audio Audiophile 192 Soundcard Computer AMD Athlon64 4000 2gb dual channel 400mhz RAM Socket 939 Mobo with 2ghz front side bus
  2. OK this is prob my final update on this song. My inspiration and creativity has just about run it's course with this track. But I'll prob still find something to change regardless. http://avaris.studios.googlepages.com/StirofEchoes3.mp3 I cut back on the reverb even more, EQ'ed it a little bit. Took a good deal of sustain and release off of the piano in the ambient section. Also messed with little things here and there. Any comments at all are welcome. Have at it. Big thing clipping for you guys anywhere? My speakers are shot as is so... Thanks guys n gals.
  3. Sweet, ok one last thing what brand/model # is your computer? Or is it custom built.
  4. That actually would be a good remix project. It's got a great soundtrack that just doesn't get enough lovin'. diddo
  5. Yeah, I need help with that. Help along the lines of, you know...... how to do it. I mean, do I go into Control panel, and if so, then what? I was never good at the installing/uninstalling part of hardware or software. Oh brother Yeah give me some time but I'll type out something for you. If your on a MAC then I can't really help you. But since you said control panel I'm assuming u run Windows. If you could answer a few questions for me first: 1. Mac or Windows, maybe even Linux...? 2. Desktop or Labtop 2. Wat is your Soundcard? Did you buy a seperate soundcard and install it? Or do you just have have the soundcard that came with your computer? 3. Any other problems with your computer? Ok this is really important.(this is for windows) 1. Right Click 'My Computer.' 2. Go to 'Manage.' 3. Go to 'Device Manager' on the left hand column. 4. Click on the little speaker icon that says 'Sound, video, and game controllers' next to it. 5. There should be a list that drops down. 6. Tell me everything that is listed in that drop down list. OK get to it almighty, it is very important you give me everything in that drop down list verbatim(exactly as it is written) With all that info I'll go track down the drivers for you, and then give you the link and then some more step by step instructions on how to install them properly so you can get everything back to normal.
  6. If u haven't already, why don't u just unistall and reinstall the drivers? If you need any help just let me know.
  7. Good luck dude...I def think the new sections are that xtra thing this song needed to put it over the top. I think I've set this before but the all the metallic rythms Crazy.
  8. wow... Oh yeah goin back through and listening to more of the tracks, hadyn's 'three ring nightfall.' Friggin awesome! That really sick backdrop thats comes in the intro and is then embelished later on sounds just like the intro to Dirty Diana by some dude named Michael Jackson. Even though is it's obviously Lava Reef Zone.
  9. That's cool, quality over quantity. Dash send rpggamer180 and I some of your songs. Make sure they are recent and preferrably finished, thanks dude.
  10. Yeah VHD basically said the same thing, and ur concept for the mix is completely different from VHD's...
  11. For those remixers still lookin for a source tune. You can pick 'Stars of Tears' I talked to VHD and he said he would barely be using it at all. So it's open again!
  12. Yeah Doomsday WIP is pretty nasty, also I know when he shows us the 4 min version it's gonna be even nastier.
  13. I don't know but it's a damn good idea.. Of all the Official OCR Site Projects going on right now there are um...14 I believe. tales, SD3, FF7, xenogears, Ctc(boss battle), Pokemon, LA, dragonWarrior, RadicalDreamers, Kirby, dodgeball, TetrisAttack, megaMan4, Doom Edit: Doom2, my bad couldn't remember which doom game it was from Many of them are struggling to fill out their remix rosters. There are also other remix projects goin on elsewhere some involving OCR, some not. Also there are 2 big projects in the initial planning stages that will surface within the coming months(Phantasy Star 4, DK Country 2) Oh yeah who the hell said running a project is easy!? My 2 cents if you are serious about running this is too wait. I'm not talkin about weeks, but maybe like half a year at the least. Also read all the other project threads and be familar with how those projects are run. What makes some of them work, and what makes others fail. If you can gather up enough people to do the project now more power to you ya. But right now demand is high and supply is low. Good luck dude, and I do think this is a good idea. It's just bad timing right now in my opinion.
  14. Sweetness more housethegrate goodness. This is def one of my favorite tracks off of Project Chaos. As soon as I heard the opening riff I was like oh dude this is friggin sweet. And everything else is just an extension off of that sweetness.
  15. Wats up guys, I have a pretty big update for my song over at the private forums. I said this over there, but I'll say it again so everyone will know. Oh yeah, I though about naming the song 'My Obligation to Oblivion' wat do guys think?
  16. WOW...too bad the PC demos aren't out yet. If i did all vocal mixes all the time I would def invest $100 in this plugin as long as it does what says it can do. Good luck on the judging DA.
  17. Wow the newly EQ'ed version does sound better. I can def hear all the little things goin on a lot more. It's just more enjoyable to listen to now. The only thing I'd add, and this is personal preference is a strong melody coming in over top of everything for a section. I'd put it in the last section where the breakout is. I know of some wicked japaneese string/flute vst's that could work. Of course you could use trumpet too. The only thing I'd say now if ur wanting this to pass the judges panel would be to try varying the sounds used in the rythm section a little bit. Gets some other stuff besides the drum coming in for a breakdown, buildup, accentuation. Have them cut through the soundscape, so the listener is really like ooo ahhh, you know those moments. Def a unique soundscape, you got tons of little things coming in and out that makes the listener give this a more than one listen just to hear everything your doing.
  18. I think ur awesome... When r u releasing ur album dude? seach for blue laguna on google and you'll find a nice website with all the mp3's. If you need any midi's vgmusic has a ton, but the names don't always match up to the track list. If you need a lil more help picking out a source tune let me know. If you can give me an idea of what kind of song ur gonna make I can try to find a source tune that will fit it for you.
  19. dude wat happened to the magus mix!? haha jk Good start dude. OK big thing here, ur melodies sound awesome from I can hear. I can barely hear them. Bring them out! That main rythmic bass that starts in the very beggining and carries the whole through needs to be varied up. Put some slight LFO on it, also maybe turn down the volume on it a bit it's drowning out all the harmonies and melodies. Oh yeah try not to use the same reverse cymbal crash when changing sections. Also on the reverse cymbal crash, do some reverse reverb on it to make it even sweeter. Good stuff so far dude.
  20. wicked nice hobo, simple design yet it looks badass Great proj guys. The live instrument influence is def a nice touch and gives the proj a certain feel. Gotta say I love house's track, funky and catchy guitar. Great stuff from Kanjika as well, guess he really had to hold up the orchestral goodness for this proj. That lava reef track had me listening tons of times to see how you guys rearranged it. Def inventive and new. Overall all the songs sound very well mastered too, guess all the hard work paid off. This whole proj has a very distinct feel to it. Oh yeah sweet flash design hadyn!
  21. I know that Vampire Hunter Dan's track is def goin to be on the Humans disc. It's an orchestral extravaganza.
  22. Thanks dude, working magic is def the right way to put it. People are goin to be really surprised by how we are doin this one. There will be others joining in on the song too, just don't know who yet.
  23. You keep Sixto in a box? I mean, I know he's Mexican, but this.... Hahaha... Yeah def urself a midi keyboard/controller.
  24. You can break down the songs somewhat but it's a huge pain in the ass. You are better off spending your time learning how to manipulate and create new and original sounds using your synths. Also with the right setup you can make professional sounding music on your computer pretty easy. If you know enough about production and mastering you can really get your stuff sounding pretty damn good. Having a good sound card on your computer in my experience has made a huge difference. Go listen to bLiNd's FFX 'White Skies' or Donkey Kong Country 'Industrial Fear'. Also SGX and sephfire Mario Paint 'Intense Colour' those were all done on the 100% on the computer.
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