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Everything posted by RedFusion

  1. 66 RedFusion 5522 49 yey I'm ranked #66. Add meh to list?
  2. Just a random question out there: Is there anyone who owns C&C3 (and possibly the expansion) able to mention the state of online? Does it exist? Or does it fail horribly like EA. Not that I'm interested in it, but I'm just curious as to how loyal fans are to EA games, and how far EA actually 'supports' their games.
  3. OMG TYRIAN!!! Highly nostalgic, but not the most. For the most nostalgic, that would go to (oh big suprirse); FF6. Simply because of Terra's theme. And Celes's theme. Oh and Narshe. Oh man, ALL OF IT! But esp. Terra's theme.
  4. The very fact that most new retail games come with SecuROM is enough to deter me from buying them - which is why I'm looking at Sins of a Solar Empire for my next purchase. (And possibly Demigod after that - which is also published by the same DRM-less company). RA3 does look at least entertaining, but the fact that it's EA, and that I'm not that hardcore of a fan means that putting up with SecuROM is no where near worth it. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see how people find the game I guess.
  5. It's funny that of all the great tracks chosen from Hybridism, Hamatan and Samurai Discotheque were chosen. There are certainly stronger tracks IMO (which feature Anthony Lofton's very sexy sax), so, anyone who diggs this just can't go without listening to the rest of the album. Top stuff!
  6. Man when I my eyes glazed over the title I thought you meant StarCraft MMO. Nearly gave me a heart attack. Don't know if it was a good heart attack or a bad one.
  7. Yes! Yes! Yes!!! Another WIP (and active WIP'er) getting posted on the site! And, I must say, it sounds oh so many times more awesome than the version I last heard in the WIP boards. And whilst it may have been a hard road to finally get accepted, I must say, the journey was all for the better, at least, for the fans, haha. Congratulations nonetheless.
  8. Oh wow someone actually mentioned Quake Wars outside of the small Quake Wars community that actually exists. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside... Underrated game IMO.
  9. Technically they didn't release so that they wouldn't let anyone down.
  10. Woot, just recieved it in the mail, and the CD survived its trip all the way down here to Australia, without any defects whatsoever. Cheers for the awesome packaging, and the physical. Hope to hear from Protagonist Records again soon!
  11. Awww, I was thinking that there was another update. Yah, it's great. Only funny thing is when people post 'spoilers' as white text, it comes out quite obvious, hehhhhhh. But yeah, that's nothing major, it's still pretty easy to avoid, as the white stands out heaps. (Ironic isn't it). And yeah, blacks much more pleasing on the eye. Oh and, err, wb atma?
  12. It's uhh, Hollywood Ball Z? I myself have never had interest in Dragon Ball, so, the trailer just looks like lols.
  13. Sweet stuff! Their pharmacology notes read like textbooks, but that sure as hell beats my notes with all their unexplained dot points. Useful as a reference and stuff. Oh and, lol, at first I thought this thread was referring to free pens and envirobags from some MIT open day.. or something.
  14. Oh man, now that's customer support that EA would die for. Hm, my eCheque should be clearing today apparently, hopefully it does, so I don't have to worry about listening to the album without Protag. Records even receiving a cent from me, lols. =] Oh and, I love the second half of the album even more than the first. And it included my favourite "Battery Life" as well, which is available for free here from PR's website itself!
  15. Oooh, <3 Protagonist records, I can listen to my downloads already. I've only listened to half the album so far, but I must say, this is the FUNNEST thing I've heard in a while. Just. Pure. Fun. And that's a damn well great reason to listen to music, in my opinion. If someone wants to listen to a normal person's opinion, feel free to ignore mine. =]
  16. Purchased! So that makes only ... 17 of these sexy albums left? Haven't listened to the album yet, as my eCheque hasn't gotten through yet, but I'll sure be looking forward to it.
  17. I really liked the bit with the Mario 64 shortcuts. Haha. And the track itself of course.
  18. Wewt. Excited and looking forward to it. !!!
  19. I srsly LOVE the hard-hitting beats in this. With only one remix on this website, you're already a definite a favourite of mine, alongside SGX, BGC and Audix. Also, on another side note, your original music is BRILLIANT: namely Bed of Knives. I'm pleased to admit that your compositional skills are just as strong as your arrangement ideas, if not stronger. Sometimes it feels like some artists in this community aren't as great as creating original melodies as they are at arranging, but you sir, I believe, are the real deal. Keep up the awesome work. I'll be very eagerly awaiting any album releases in the future. Fingers crossed. =]
  20. Wow. Respect for the Amazon.com community for voicing their opinion of DRM (an issue generally only discussed in gaming circles) quite profoundly on a website that primarily caters towards non-gamers. But then again, I've always known to check Amazon.com for their generally good reviews of music.
  21. Wut? With you being a judge, a member of the community for over 5 years, with over 9000 posts, and a successful remix album of one of the most loved Final Fantasies under your belt with you at its helm, hmmm. Nah, not important enough. You'd have to be at least DJP himself, or Chuck Norris. o_O Anywho: I guess the thing with compilation, and/or free albums, is that consistency may vary across the board quite a bit. With compilation albums, you can't be sure if the genres will be similar, or if if turns out to be a rag-tag collection of songs from a handful of talented musicians plus some others. Thankfully, after listening to Wardriver over the past few days, I must say that I'm still happily listening to it on my playlist. The album's got a very chill feel to it, and whilst not being close to common 'chillout' tracks out there, it's still great music to have in the background, without falling into the 'ambient' or 'loungeroom music' category. Pleasant to listen to, and rewarding to pay attention to. Personal favourites include Beaten Bishop's Treedom, and Suzu's Park City. The rest of the tracks complement each other nicely, and overall, Wardriver 002's sum of its parts make for an appealing and appreciated free release from the fellows at ThaSauce. PS: Bumppitybump.
  22. I just wish they were offering RA2 for free as well (and not for free only if you pre-order RA3). I'm missing the Soviet disk ever since I leant it to a friend. Oh well. I'm probably more excited about playing the original RA, than RA3 itself. Probably because I was just disgusted at EA for announcing that they were releasing yet ANOTHER RTS pretty much right after Kane's Wrath was released. I'll stick to my Starcraft 2 thanks.
  23. Happy nice birthday! Quick, everyone buy One Day Millenium to uhhh help him celebrate it!
  24. I don't have the sheet music in front of me, but I'm sure that the latter movements feature more sophisticated writing and harmony on top of the original. I think when I first downloaded this track my version cut off at 2 minutes, and I was seriously wondering what craziness was going on (With derako being all proud of the piece). Then I downloaded it again after, and listened to the whole thing. Wasn't entirely a fan of the first movement (or Variation as Sil calls it), as it sounds quite minimalist and almost coverish. But the implementation of other Final Fantasy VIII motifs later in the piece really save the piece and turn it into another orchestral blockbuster by the duo that we've all heard from before. Great work guys, I do hope it passes, so a wider public can enjoy this piece, but otherwise, I'm just very happy with the 320kbps copy I already have on my playlist. =]
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