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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Yeah that is an odd snare sound choice. Not awful, just odd. Otherwise tight stuff from pork-features. EDIT: Oh wow, he plays capirson guitars - didn't even notice. Those things are hilarious.
  2. It's not updated. Everyone whos quitting because of the deadline please wait up. It's probably not necessary given the project queue at the moment. I'm not removing any one from tracks until I've spoken to everyone, and I can't do that (or update the first post ) until next week.
  3. My General Mixy advice: It's almost entirely pointless to mix anything with the other tracks turned off. Drum reverb is especially hilarious as you get it perfect, turn everything else back on and suddenly they are totally dry again. Your very precise EQ cuts etc. tend to become inaudible in the mix also. I tend to start with EQ cuts first. I use the narrow band +12dB 'try and offend my ears' method of EQ'ing. You move the band around and listen for nastiness/resonances and cut them accordingly. this also helps you find the stuff you want to boost by a lot more then you might suspect. Doesn't work the other way around. I will also usually start with drums, then bass, guitar, voice, then other things. Note that every time I add an element I go back over every previously added instrument to get them working together. If there is a voice, that takes priority for every decision you make. Also as you said, don't always insist on fighting bleed. It can be useful sometimes.
  4. It's on like donkey kong. EDIT: Ok Here's my 2 hour quick mix: http://fishy.escariot.net/public/LuizastankFish.mp3 I didn't replace or re-amp anything other then the lead guitar.
  5. I think someone claimed that, need to double check. The front page is a bit out of date, will sort it out when I get time to talk to everyone. I'll let you know if it's open.
  6. I haven't really had time to be making sure stuff is being done arecently. I'm the only person working at the studio right now, and it's been a brutal month for me in terms of work hours . Finals are due as soon as people can get them to me, whenever that is. As soon as I get home next weekend I will be on everyone's case properly . You have been warned.
  7. I did get your email. Moving country again next week, really bad timing on this deadline, urg. I'll reply later, at work right now.
  8. Actually most 'pro' (shudder) gamers that I know run on low graphical settings anyway. You can actually see small movements better with shitty textures and lighting, and camouflage doesn't really work at all. Plus it runs faster. Wide resolution and awful graphics settings helps a lot.
  9. Congratumalations! Now vote on all the stuff I haven't yet, cause you're new and cool.
  10. "She can has long ears" is correct. You're grammer rules is not interest me.
  11. They come with a note saying don't bend them, they will snap . I would just say mine is the little jazzer plus, plus meaning it's a lot pointier then normal. It's pretty much a lead pick only. I'm gonna get some more different shapes soon for different styles. They do more or less every shape you can think of, but they don't come thinner then 1mm.
  12. So people spend thousands on guitars and amps and all sorts of stuff trying to get a better tone, and almost uniformly spent 50c on a cruddy piece of plastic which is the actual thing exciting the string. This, imo, is stupid. I did a bunch of research on the options and came across Red Bear. These guys use proteins to culture a turtle shell substitute which is pretty much the perfect pick material. I cannot describe how easily these things glide across strings. I feel like I'm putting in absolutely no effort and I'm playing substantially faster and with more control then ever before. Anything that can make me super excited about just playing anything on my guitar after like 8 years of playing has gotta be special. I used to use a Jazz III, which is about 1.4mm, pretty awesome lead pick. This is a picture of it next to my Red Bear lil' Jazzer pick. It's about 1.6mm, super pointy, and with a really nice feeling edge to it. The holes are there to make it easier to grip. I should probably mention they cost $20 a crack ($25 with your name on it) but they last for ages. Here's guthrie govan if you need any more proof these are epic and that you should buy one: I know of a bunch of other manufacturers of more 'premium' picks. What do you guys use? And if you just use boring brand X picks, I urge you to experiment with materials as well as with shapes and sizes.
  13. I knew what that link would be just based on that description. Sweet cover.
  14. Ibanez, fo sho. Best metal bang for yo buck in that price range. Be vary wary of second hand floating tremolos. If you don't know what they are go to jemsite and look them up.
  15. I'm just finishing a silly little Eternal Harvest cover video just for fun. I'll post the link when it's been processed :3. EDIT There we go:
  16. I've always used two, panned 100% L/R. If you play them tight enough there's no need for more. I can see the benefit of doing 4 for super heavy metal, but for anything else I spend the time getting two tracks perfect.
  17. This is the news. Assault o Dragons is almost done, and it is fucking intense. Jester's is also in final stages and pretty sweet. I think Black Mages and Fairy battle are both now claimed, must confirm a few things. Evil mist's rebirth just got claimed by newcomer Blumoon, looking forward to this from what I've heard so far. Progression, we has it.
  18. Oh alright. These are the ones I have regular access to at work. Not the exact ones but same models: They're lovely and all, but you can definitely learn new things about a mix listening on shitty speakers too.
  19. As someone who regularly mixes on speakers that cost more then most cars, I can assure you: Listening on a variety of shitty systems can be extremely important to finding problems in your mix. You will however suffer to hear wtf is going on below 60Hz (accurately) though without big 'ol expensive speakers.
  20. You mean... like the Black plague?
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