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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I don't give a crap if the battle system was good. It incorporated a fucking dress-up system. And the 'girl-power' shit isn't the issue. The issue is that they took one of the few FF games with a finite and concluded (albeit sad) ending, and ruined it with a totally unnecessary sequel that shat all over the entire lore of the first game.
  2. Intro is pretty weak. Sequencing is very mechanical, coupled with a very dry and slightly dodgy set of samples make the quality level here very distracting from the arrangement. It has it's moments (brass bits aren't too bad) but you definitely need to work on bringing out the emotion of the piece through your samples. Just put youself in the seat of each performer and ask yourself what nuance you would add if you were playing each line, and try and match what you hear in your head. All I'm getting right now are solid notes of uniform length aren't really speaking to me. Humanization through automation, you can does. NO Also lol ff7 twist. I heard it. Nice.
  3. Nice work here. the only reason anyone is complaining about a not-perfect guitar sample is 'cause there's frig all else to fault here. Does what it does pretty successfully, and what it does is groove on through. YES
  4. 1982 called, they want their piano back. Yeah this a generally well conceived mix, just missing the polish. I would disagree that the problem is overcompression though . The problem is there isn't really a gel holding the elements together. Everything sounds a little seperated, nothing really complementing another layer properly. Pretty much every synth sounds like it's not quite sitting in the mix well. They sound like unrelated presets that haven't been tweaked to work together. Sorry if it's a little difficult to give a meaningful solution to this problem. Hot damn, transition before the half way mark went on way longer then I expected in a good way. That's a place where you've definitely gotten things right. Sounds like you have the potential to bring this up a few more notches into the zone. Looking forward to hearing from you again. NO, plz resub
  5. Oh sorry, I figured the money came from the user not the site. I don't know enough about the distribution costs to say if it's worth doing, but there are torrent alternatives for more or less everything we've released so far, in addition to third party uploads of big zip folders to megadownload etc. If people want it they can get it 99% of the time.
  6. That list is remixes that have been submitted and YES'd. The date listed there is actually the date they were submitted to the panel. It may have taken a long time to come to a decision on those mixes but I must agree that is a fairly long time. Actually I just noticed, all but one of those '09 tracks are from either the FFV project or the Pokemon project. They were probably completed early in the projects, which have only just come out recently. Those tracks must not have been in the initial flood and djp is spreading them out. No idea about the Lemmings one.
  7. We are not going to use any medium that requires listeners to pay. Pretty much end of discussion on that one. Not about the money. I know our official arrange albums always have direct download options for each song with multiple mirrors. The only ones I can find without it are original OSTs.
  8. This could so easily be them trying to save face. It could also could be that both were a very clever joek. I honestly couldn't care, this shit is hilarious either way.
  9. Please. You just need to write lyrics with real depth that people can relate to, right Rebecca?
  10. Jaka <3 Ol' Archangel here understands mood better then most, and I always enjoy his orchestrations. Always playful but respectful of the originals. Nice enough samples, pretty good sequencing. Like what you've done with a fairly minimal source. Well expanded, if a little conservative in feel. Yerp.
  11. Nothing much to add to the above. I agree that there could be a bit more bass presence so we'll see what comes of Vinnie's email, but it's not a big problem. Pretty sweet stuff from Will here. Very nice drum/synth work in general. YES
  12. Jesus that kick is slammin'. I like the way you've included the more ambient section that ebbs and builds properly. Not quite as cookie cut as Deia implied to me, I think this has it's own touch f'sho. Not without it's fault mind; the snare sound is super dry with a couple of not quite there snare rolls, and there's a bit of a weird high frequency thing going on in the first little lull section there. These are minor faults though, and don't really detract for my enjoyment. Also, I heard you like sidechain. YES
  13. And when it's Friday, yesterday will be Thursday!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 Beautiful.
  15. I have a specific track/job for you. PM me when you have some free time.
  16. Oh dang, FFian strikes again. Jester's is filled with a substantial wip already. And sorry Kate. It was a bit unavoidable due to the other projects going on at the moment.
  17. Well, lots but these are the 3 i'm most proud of. No FAQs either. Shadow of the Colossus - mental challenge more then anything FFXII - same as above Super Meat Boy - the light world anyway
  18. I tried quad tracking on an FFIX track last week, pretty satisfied with the results. The trick was using two completely different amps/sounds (in GRig). It sounded like crap when I tried all 4 using the same one.
  19. Solid state/digital amps have a lot of trouble with low/mid-gain overdrive. Their early break up is always a bit iffy and uneven. On a good tube amp (with a good dynamic guitar), you can have a crunch sound will your volume knob on 10 and a crystal clean sound with it on 2, and they will be more or less the same volume. This kind of dynamic response and flexibility is the strength of the tube amp. That said I use Guitar Rig on almost everything for budget reasons. You can achieve good results with all 3, but if you spend enough money and know what you're doing - the tubular response wins. It is worth noting that a large proportion of tube amps are noisy broken pieces of shite and should be destroyed.
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