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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. http://www.powertabs.net/tablature.php?id=15663 Also, this should have gone in the requests forum. If you don't have powertab, get it. It's a very awesome program.
  2. http://www.vectormediasoftware.com/atmlitehome.htm Atmosphere lite; fantastic ambience sounds.
  3. Honestly? It sounds like a MIDI rip with some drum loops over it. There's no re-arrangement of the theme that I can hear of, and everything except the drums is so filtered that you can't hear it very well. Its cool that you're getting into game music remixing, but this sounds like the exact opposite of what the site is looking for. Read the submission guidelines through and you'll understand why this will get rejected.
  4. I'd like to switch from faraway promise to Steel Giant for my second track if thats alrite.
  5. Theres a guy who tried it and wrote a blog about it somewhere. The most luck I've had so far is using 1 fighter, and just killing the other three off. You get one unstoppable maniac, but if they get paralysed or whatever, instant death. It got me much further then I thought it would.
  6. Nah, FF12 wasn't as bad. I completed 12 without a guide without *too* much grinding, but FF1... At least FF12 had some kind of plot to break up the grinding into managable chunks, FF1 was just non-stop.
  7. Without a guide, it is a ridiculous game. I'm talking about the original NES version, as the playstation one has probably been made much easier. (easy mode, lol) You HAVE to level grind, or at the very least spend ages trying to earn money for the stuff you need to just survive. If it weren't for those 3 squares with the hard battles to the east, it would have bored the crap out of me.
  8. That game is sickeningly hard.
  9. There wouldn't be nearly enough phat beatz in the world if it weren't for zircon. Have a good one.
  10. Well me and Jill have been planing to do a Freezepop style song of Lost Woods for quite some time, and I had already started it before this project came along, so I was just trying to argue for that style. I wasn't suggesting its impossible to make it into something un-silly, as you've just proven, it isn't. Also, lost woods is pretty much a ripoff of Jupitar by Holst, and thats a serious piece (even though its called bringer of Jovity).
  11. Hrm... Good mixing/seperation shouldn't be replacable by over compression. Reading about this has made me realise why I find popular music so dull and unexciting (as well as a lot of dnb). I'd rather have punch and snap with minimal compression then a wall of sound, I need to rethink how I approach a mixdown. EDIT: http://www.cutestudio.net/doku.php?id=hi-fi:cd:shame The 5th worst is a re-mastered album, lol.
  12. Also, go to zircon's website and listen to ROMance and if thats not the sort of "love song" type thing you're going for then thats cool, cause we were gonna remix this anyway. Also, this is the lost woods theme... its like... the silliest theme on the planet, so I don't see how else it could work to be honest.
  14. Note the plural of opponents. I think anyone who gets hit by the triforce gets stuck in it, so if he hits all 3 people with it, then they all get mauled.
  15. Just to let you guys know, you should be hearing it pretty soon. I'm not gonna tell you what it is, but you're gonna love this shit.
  16. Well bumping it with a sarcrastic comment like "well this works" sounds like giving up to me. Sorry for rubbing it in but I was just illustrating the fact that its more likely then not that requests don't get answered. There are inherently more people who say "remix this, remix that" then there are people willing to remix them. Chicken's idea is probably your best option. You just have to find someone willing to turn your MIDI into a song, which wouldn't be SO hard. In fact I'm currently doing the same thing with someone else because I don't have any skills with orchestral production. I'm just sending them a MIDI and they fix it up.
  17. You waited 3 days before giving up? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2 Read point 5. It might be quicker for you to actually learn to remix then it would be to wait for someone to fulfill a request. It might spark off some inspiration in someone, or point them to a song they didn't know before, but it might not. The operative word is might. It's not a case of wether or not this forum "works", and complaining about a request not being fulfilled instantly is, if anything, damamging your chances.
  18. I got my album a few days ago, and I think its awesome. Overall, I prefer it to Octavarium, but I liked certaint songs on Oct. better, like Octavarium and Sacrificed sons (prophet knows where its at). My favourites were: Constant Motion: Yes it is Metallica inspired, but that was only the verse, this is far better imo. The bits at 4.04 and 2:48 have intoxicated me, and the chorus is great fun. The Dark Eternal Night: Crazy shit, I can't wait to attempt to learn this song when I have a decent tab to work with. I'm not the hugest fan of La Brie's vocals so I thought the verse was pretty cool. It wouldn't have worked without the distortion. I love the ridiculous intrumental parts to these songs, very impressive to listen to. The coolest bits for me were the fusiony bit at 4:01 and the Vai-style solo at 6:10. I thought some of the songs were a bit weak, and a lot of the influences were really easy to spot, like Prophets of War has got Muse written all over it. 1:35 is basically Knights of Cydonia with random Queen vocals. Repentance, though it is a Pink Floyd cover in places, it was a very enjoyable song for me. I got the feeling it would be a much better song if Portnoy sung it based on the intro. Also the guitar solo in it is fantastic. A lot of DT fans prefer the classic album, but aside from Scenes from a memory, I never really enjoyed them. SfaM kicked ass if you pretend the ending didn't exist. I'm really liking this and Octavarium. I definately wasn't dissapointed by this album. If you haven't got it yet, get the special edition with the DVD, its pretty damn funny is places. The highlight was La Brie singing prophets of war in a perfect indian accent.
  19. My gf found some vids of the balloon bit, and its awesome. Just look at the size of the crowd.
  20. Don't read if you're going tomorrow, spoilers: I can't have been the only one there. First sell out gig at the 90,000 (not counting the pitch) capacity stadium. That was one of the greatest shows ever. After their first encore, they got some giant balloons filled with helium and hung gymnasts from them and flew them over the crowd, in an open top venue. Crazy shit. They flew right over my head, and I got a punch on one of the confetti balloons aswell. Who else was there?
  21. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3480 Thats all there is available.
  22. Yeah I realised I wouldn't be able to see the changes, but hearing them is good enough for me. I'll put a little something together for the second or third round or something? You want it to be just a nice simple original for people to work up into something more substantial?
  23. This is more then enough awesome, I assure you . I like.
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