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Everything posted by SenPi

  1. max97230: what did you mean by chords? Which chords? Also I Can figure out the melody easy, its just that guitar at the beginning that is confusing me a bit. To others: This is like the first time Ive ever asked somebody this... not sure why people are making a big deal out of it.
  2. I know how to do it, but like I said Im bad at it (i.e. it takes me a long time to do it/I'm also very busy these days). I dont see how somebody helping me transcribe a song will give me a better chance of getting it "posted" as well, its just the same as using a midi for a base.
  3. lol.. right.. whatever, slip up. I dont see whats so bad about asking for a bit of help, if nobody wants to do it, then I'll have to do it myself. Im just looking to find somebody who is better at it that might have some free time. No need to be an Ass. Thanks. Note: Could a mod change the name of the title to transcribe instead of transpose. Thanks. Also yes that is the song.
  4. I need a midi of Café K.K. (From Animal Crossing) for certain reasons, but I cant find it on the internet, and im having a hard time transposing it myself. Would anybody be interested in making a midi of this song for me? And then we can collab.. yea... ... :S... but seriously, yea, if somebody could do this for me I would very much appreciate it.
  5. hahaha.. oh man.. there totally needs to be a Reason-chan... :3
  6. Haha.. I was just going to say the same thing... also.... *drools*... awww yea... I mean.. yea... Ive always had a thing for her..
  7. I found a program called "Acronis True Image Home". You can make an exact copy of your current harddrive (assuming you have somewhere to temporarity store it). Then you can take that drive out, put in the new one, and use the acronis boot disk to copy the drive you stored directly on to the new drive. Doing this should just work. I did it once, worked fine.
  8. so.. I found some crazy program that got all my data back for me :S lol. Thanks for the help
  9. Now.. are you talking physical size, or disk space or price? Cause that one you linked to was like $260.. I got mine for $150 (boxing day sale). Also, the linked one is probably just 1 Drive (if you are talking about physical size) Also, I think the biggest ive seen is a 2 TB external (if you are talking about disk space). So either way... im not sure what you mean.
  10. Well. ive been using this program named R-Studio that created a virtual raid stripe. But yea, Ive been trying with different parameters (block size, rows,etc). I havent been able to successfully get my data back yet. Crappy thing is, is that every scan takes about 2.5 hours, and there are alot of combinations for the options . When some are done, I can see the structure of the drive, but when I "recover" the files themselves, none of the ones I have done so far work. If you can, let me know what your friend would charge or whatnot. I might end up needing those services. On another note, I have a friend with the exact same drives/enclosure as me, but I have a feeling he wont want to break warantee. I havent been able to get a hold of him, but if he doesnt want me to open his up, then I might need them services. Edit: Also, here are some pictures for reference. Controller: Fried Board:
  11. Alright so heres the story. Im not sure if there will be a solution, but you guys know more than I. So I had bought a 1TB external hard drive (Comstar 1000GB External HD).. so the other day the circuit board that controls the power etc started on fire (yay for crappy products ). Inside there are 2 500GB WD hard drives (pretty decent). From my understanding, they were setup with RAID 0 so the computer reads it as one drive. Now that I can not read my data from the enclosure since its fried, I took out the drives and stuck them both on my system. Basically I'm wondering if there is someway that I can set up a software RAID 0 for these 2 drives so that I can get access to my data. Ive tried dmraid but it cant seem to find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  12. So, let me see if I understand this correctly. You want somebody to take a midi or whatever of your song, and basically remake it in Reason or FL or something? with some sweet mastering and such, and then it will be a collab between you and this production person? sounds good to me (if thats the case). I really love this source tune as well. I'll take a listen to your remix when I am not so busy, and I'll see what I Can do .
  13. yea. the midi out is on that box. All the drum pads connect to the box (not via midi cables), so yea.
  14. Well, I can either plug the output sound from the drums to the line in on my computer to record the sound that actually comes with the kit, or Drum Set -> Midi Out -> UX16 Midi to USB -> USB Slot on computer The set cost me like ~$1950.00, DTSXPIV I think that was the model. DTS Extreme 4 I think it is called. Yamaha btw. When I connect it via line in there is some lag for some reason , so I usually connect a splitter to the line out from the drums, on one I connect my headphones to listen, and on 2 I connect to my computer. The drum control box also has line in so I can hear whats coming in and play drums over that. When I connect via midi, there is barely any lag (just slightly noticable), and I usually connect it to reason and play it like that.
  15. I... need to start mine .. GAH real life sucks
  16. wtf.. how are you finished already? lol. Well im super busy so I wont get much playtime in the next week . haha oh man, so did anybody else get headshotted. I died at full health by getting shot once. Im assuming getting shot in the head is a one hit kill now haha. Its awesome.
  17. FACT: This game is freaking AWESOME!
  18. haha lol I like how you mentioned me . Well, I cant really complain, because im usually too busy to comment on other ppls work (Im so bad for this ) but one thing ive noticed is the huge gap in post to view ratio. I see tons and tons of threads with like 300+ views, but like 1 post. Just something ive noticed.
  19. yea... I was thinking about that. Im trying to figure out the best way to transition from a beginning, to the dance/remix part.
  20. Hmm well I understand what you mean. Here I'll show you what my original idea was for the intro http://www.djsbx.com/projects/mm2introv1.mp3 also I love swinging things
  21. It was awesome lol. I probably should have started this thread beforehand cause then I might have been able to meet a few of you from here. Anyways, who went? What did you think? Also, I saw a guy that kind of looked like Zircon lol, but im about 100% certain it wasnt him .
  22. fAlright so there is a little story here. At ai-kon here in winnipeg this year, my friend is djing, so I was like "oh man I'll make a bunch of video game remixes for you to play". So that was the plan. This megaman 2 intro is gonna be the opener. I first made a sweet ass piano intro, but decided to just sample the original for the first 10 seconds or whatever (before the speed up), then break in to the dance. I though I should sample so it would get more people on the dancefloor since they would probably recognize the actual original alot better. Anyways here is my wip. I have all my ideas there, now I have to work on mastering/transitions. As for if I will submit this.. I dont think there is enough of my own stuff in there. I dont really rearange anything. But let me know what you guys think. Note: Also a little bit of Megaman 2 Boss fight music in there . http://www.djsbx.com/projects/mm2introfv1.mp3 SUPER UPDATE!!!! Alright, I redid it from scratch. I went as far as to finish it before posting the new version. I think I am calling this, FINISHED unless there are quite a bit of problems that other people see. Let me know guys I think this one is a keeper . http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoof320.mp3 - Rave On The Roof! (320 kbps) EDIT: Fixed 2 small things http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoof2320.mp3 - Rave On The Roof 2 (320 kbps) EDIT 3: Alright, so I finally did one last remaster/check/etc. and this is the final version that I am going to submit. Let me know what you think . http://www.djsbx.com/projects/RaveOnTheRoofFinal.mp3 - DJ SymBiotiX - Rave On The Roof! (Megaman 2 Intro)
  23. just for the record, I was being sarcastic. I was surprized that somebody thought a daw could prevent clipping. Get the volume high enough, it will clip anywhere . I should try my hand at FL again one of these days. I remember using it way back in the day.
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