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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Yeah, I love those too. I wonder if anyone remembers the time that I said that all Americans are dishonest. Hahaha! That was a shining moment. Hahaha. Of course it's ok if I say that because I am American. It's like how only black people are allowed to call each other nigger. Although, after meeting Liontamer, I'm inclined to believe that sentiment is fading away now. Hahaha.
  2. Hhahaha! Dude, after reading the names of all the bands you like, it's obvious that metal is just not for you. The type of person who genuinely likes metal AND those bands that you mentioned has got to be extrememly rare. Hahaha.
  3. To be concise, I disagree. He shouldn't have been fired for being honest. I don't know how the whole prior investment thing worked, but unless the deal said something like, "we give you money and you say good things about our games," He did the right thing. I find that GameFAQs fan reviews are the best for me in the long run. There are many of them, so you can hear multiple types of people's opinions and their is no money involved, so they're honest. You just gotta watch out for the biased ones. So why is everyone upset about Zelda Twilight Princess getting 8.8. Everybody here thinks that game sucks?
  4. Amazing. How do you be such a genius, Coop? HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!
  5. I only knew his name and was unfamiliar with his stunt work. Never-the-less, I hope he had a fulfilling life. Does anyone know until what age he kept doing such work?
  6. I think this song flows very nicely. It sounds REALLY complete with that string ending in my opinion. However complete it sounds, it could indeed use some more variation. You don't have to change as much as just add decorations. I definitely agree with my man Legion that orchestral volume swells could only do this piece good. If it were me, I would try to make each repeat just noticably different by adding different kinds of decorations each time. One of the parts being orchestra swells and then if you made those strings at the end swell in the same way. . . ! Oh yeah! Another idea for a decoration for this would be a distant sound wind instrument playing a counter melody. Go for the gold!
  7. I can't imagine how anyone could EVER beat the boss at the end of the Seraphic Gate in Valkyrie Profile without using the cheesy auto-item/union plumes technique. Is it really possible to live through her attacks? If it weren't for that auto-item nonsense, I'd vote for her as the hardest. Although, Freya from Star Ocean 3 REALLY kicks my ass a lot too.
  8. No no no. That battle is easy once you know how. It's hard to figure out the right tactics but once you do, it's cake my friend. So that can't be the hardest.
  9. I don't know man. Listening Alanis Morissette's Ironic makes me want to punch her in the face. Hahaha. It seems like anyone who likes rock ought to have at least a couple metal bands that they can like. Perhaps the death vocal type metal bands are just not for you. Have you ever listened to Blind Guardian? You might like something like Nightfall by them. I recommend that. One of the things that's supposed to be an appeal of Heavy Metal is the speed and technique of the guitars and drums. So lots of guitarists like metal. Rock has a lot of fast solos too, but then during the vocals the guitars usually back off and play chords. In metal the guitars sometimes continue to be the "main" part even when vocals are present. Arch Enemy songs are sometimes so.
  10. MY man! James George! Back from the dead! I missed you. I'm listening to this for the second time and all I feel is useless. Not the song, but me. I just don't even hear the low end mush that you mentioned. Anyway, if you ask me the transitions are ok. The changes are noticable, but coming from the ears of a person who doesn't know the themes being used, it all sounds like it's a single song and not a medley to me. If you think of the more abrupt changes as another "movement" then it seems like regular old orchestra work. So yeah, I don't think the transitions are bad. Although, I think the horns around 3:30 sound kinda funny. and the horns that come in around 1:47 and 6:00 seem to come in too strongly. The ones at 6:00 kinda sound like the attack part of the audio file got cut off and the sound is being played from the middle. Does that make sense. But hey, these are both tiny things that possibly only I agree with.
  11. YES!!!! "Just go there and stay there. LIAR!" OH OH OH OH HELL YES! It doesn't get any better than THIS! "The winds of change and the warlords are coming!" BABY!
  12. DUDE! What the heck is this, Tensei?! This is the coolest thing EVER!!! Holy Crap!
  13. Thanks for everything Sixto. I really enjoyed your participation while it lasted. And sorry that I rejected your keyboard.
  14. If this is an occurrence that has only recently developed, then I know EXACTLY why it's happening. People are abusing the lack of queue. Just as the thread title suggests, they figure that the best advice they can get is from the actual vote of the judges themselves and since there is no queue they feel that they can submit as often as they want. Tensei san and I have actually joked about this before, but it looks like it's really happening. Time to re-realize our morals yo!
  15. Indeed a more unique OCR interview than most. It would have been funny if DJP started dropping tons of names when he was asked what game soundtracks are bad. Hahaha.
  16. Are you SURE Beyond Good and Evil is underrated? You're not the first person to say so, but I've played it and loved it, many of my friends have played it and loved and even my MOM played it and loved and threw the controller at it because it was too hard for her. I don't think it's that unheard of nor that unpopular. Or maybe the people around me are just especially cool.
  17. Hey, SomeCrazyGuy, it's been a while since I've seen you. To say that what you're thinking has never crossed my mind would be a lie, but I agree with what the other people said. No need to regurgitate it. It's already been said in 3 different ways. I too have never met the guy but I went ahead a payed my respects as well as I could. If we only mention his music, it doesn't necessarily mean that we only liked him for that. But Like Zircon said first, that's how everybody knew him. So of course, when we're trying to think of how we can pay our respects, or how we can say something good about this guy whom most of us don't know, naturally his music is gonna come up. If anything, the fact that all these people who haven't met him are trying to say something nice about him ought to be thought of as a very good thing. Brings optimism to the world.
  18. I guess it's time to announce the official winner. By default: Fray! Congratulations, Fray. You now have the honor of being rejected with me. Thank you, everyone who participated. I hope you had fun, at least in the beginning. And I hope you didn't run away because of. . . because of something really bad. I don't know what I wanted to say there. A big fat thanks to Legion for hosting the files for everyone to use! Well, Fray, when you say it's ready for submission, I'll believe you. Just one thing though. Can you pan the two harmonizing guitar solos to the left and right instead of both on one side, and the final solo to the center, please?
  19. Yeah, that's right. I went there. Hahaha. Of course there isn't any room for talking about arrangement, so I'd like to hear what people think of production work on some game soundtracks. Of course we must keep in mind that the composers did have system limitations to deal with. The one I'd like to bring up first is the Brave Fencer Musashi soundtrack. I'm curious what the veterans at production think about this game's sound engineering (Is that the right term?). I listen to it fairly often and even with my n00by ears, I can tell that the insane harp runs that are in like every song sound freaking fake, the guitars and basses sound freaking fake, and that crazy ultra-vibrato solo female singing voice that's in like EVERY song sounds FREAKING fake. Hahaha. The funny thing is that despite all that, I think it sounds freaking cool! Despite how obviously orchestral my Guilty Gear remix is, way back when I first submitted it, I was hoping that it would get similar treatment. "Well it's obviously got fake-ass sounding samples, but it still sounds cool so, YES." Hahaha. I guess that was overly optimistic thinking though. To sum this up in the form of a question; Could the Brave Fencer Musashi soundtrack be executed in a way that makes it notably better and still run on the PS1? This thread is for: talking about the production values of various game soundtracks.
  20. Your achievements were great Reuben. I'm terribly sorry that it had to end like this. I hope that the grief of all the people who have been touched by your existence can be overcame as quickly as possible. Thanks for everything, Reuben. We'll miss you.
  21. You should get a black lady friend yo! They can rock your world. HAHAHAAAAAA!
  22. TENSEI SAN! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME?! NEVAAAAR! AAAAARRRRRGGGHH! Hahaha. I agree whole-heartedly with everyone who said Arch Enemy. Melodic, fast, heavy and highly technical to boot. I'm glad you checked it out. And I can't BELIEVE sotSS knew about Shadow! Amazing. But I've got one that NOBODY's ever heard of. Their from Okinawa and they're called Tai'a. It means "Great Raven" (or "Big Crow" if you will) and it's got a great vocalist named Seika who writes all of her songs after her own experiences in love, of which she has MANY. It's all Japanese right now, but get this, they're working on an English Demo CD yo! I'll give you just one guess as to who's translating their songs. It's metal, but it's got a lot of keyboard action going on as well which gives it a pop-like feel. There are lots of songs that I'd like to suggest, but for now you can check out a few at Youtube. I really like Praise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2vmSpAcRFA&feature=related And here's a sample of the song Prayer which is a favorite of mine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7vX-j4fVlQ&feature=related And if you've got a myspace account you can check them out here: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=1000388632
  23. OK, but even if it wasn't hard at all, it was still a good idea that you thought of before anyone else did.
  24. Now that is just SO cute. Awwwwwww. Hahaha. I've never heard of this movie but it sounds like fun. I'll check it out with my lady when it comes to video. It sounds cheap when I say that, but in Japan, for 2 people to go out to a movie in a theater is about 30 bucks on the CHEAP night for ladies!
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