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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Well it is automated, but it isn't the same as any of the ones I posted, so cool. I like how this one had items involved and random shell kicking and stuff. But I feel like this one cheats by making the yellow exclamation blocks thrust you forward.
  2. "Don't look at Monobrow. Look at the man behind the curtain." ^_______________^
  3. Yeah, the dude was talking about the Nights Into Dreams soundtrack. I'm almost done with it guys. Just give me a bit longer.
  4. Mazedude designed that? Kudos to him. The first thing I thought when I accessed the site was that it's design was cool. I'm going to be submitting a variety of different things to the site, most of which are all completely unrelated projects, so I won't be CHIPP Damage or The La Li Lu Le Lo, but "Jahan Project". I know it doesn't really sound like any kind of artist name but in Japanese it looks and sounds brutal.
  5. I've got JUST the thing to add to this thread. Automated Mario levels. I think they use the slide physics a lot because in some videos Mario's feet look so dang slippery. Enjoy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Numbers 5, 7, and 8 are so amazing! It must have taken a long time to make art like this.
  6. I'm working on my translation of it now. In the mean time, this is some pretty good work from Drack. Don't feel discouraged, but you're off on various places man. The "Knights of Sound" thing is classic!
  7. Yeah. Maybe they should just take away all the forum categories because it's all just a bunch of Unmod-loving joy-seekers in the house.
  8. ALRIGHT! I'm glad to see this remix getting more reviews. This has been one of my old favorites for a very long time. I agree with what Kidd Jredd said about the current standards. I don't know if it could make it now, but either way, it's just so damn fun and it's got a lot of style and character and that goes a long way with me. It's fast too. I love the three themes that were chosen. I would have LOVED to hear some Spark Mandrill integrated into this. Oh yeah! Someday I hope to be able to make something like this with real guitars and played even faster. Edit: Wait a minute! That IS Spark Mandrill. Thanks Appiraition. What the heck did I think it was...? Hahaha.
  9. That's great Busta! You amaze me man. Keep at it and you ought to be scoring Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in no time!
  10. Hahahah. Come on man. When you think about it, how is adding extra notes any different from adding techno drum beats or a guitar solo? A really easy-to-understand example of adding extra notes to a melody is Island of Zeal by Mazedude. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00275/ It's groovy. After one time through the main melody, keeping it almost exactly the same as the original, there's a guitar solo and then when the main melody comes back it's got an additional harmony line added to it. It fits so damn nicely. Check it out.
  11. Hey, Prophet of Mephisto. Is that you singing on O Holy Night? It's sweet.
  12. Actually, I'm "from" Hilo, Hawaii but I don't live there anymore. Sorry man.
  13. That's pretty darn nice. As promised, I shall use it as my sig and put your name under it. To be honest, it's not my DREAM SIG, but it's freaking nice, so I'll use this one until I can get the one I'm imagining. Probably, the job that I requested requires a full on computer graphics artist to make letters that look all 3D texturized like that. Thanks a lot Dragon Soul. Keep in touch and don't leave the Sig Shoppe! ^____________^
  14. In my first post on the previous page there's a link to download the font that I used. It's easy to install yo. It's called Augustus.
  15. My original font would be nice. Basically exactly the same as my original but with everything looking like that rusted gold. Oh hell yes! Thanks. It doesn't need the swords.
  16. THIS is it! I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! I don't care about the piece of metal in the back ground but if you could make the text and color of the letters look like that RYGAR and combine it with the layout of my original, I'd have EXACTLY what I wanted! Oh sweet! I don't suppose it's possible for you to make something like that is it? It looks like the letters are made out of slightly rusted gold and that's PERFECT!
  17. I replied to your PM. Thanks a lot yo. I like these proto-types. I gave all my specifics in the reply to your PM. Let me see if I can find some more examples of exactly what I'd like. I've got to get it tuned finely so I'm gonna be pretty picky. Sorry. I do want the ZOLTAN part to be big and THE LEGENDARY ADVENTURES OF to be small because the name of the band will basically be just ZOLTAN. The size ratio that I had in my boring black and white thing is about how I'd like it. Also I'd like it all to fit around the words instead of having lots of space for pictures(because it's more of a band logo than a sig). Thanks again dragon soul
  18. Just remember that extra decorations are not required. But if you can make them fit and look cool, then I'm all for it. My name on AIM: Enta no Kamisama If you feel like it, send me a message. By the way, I just checked out all of your images in the old Sig Shoppe. SWEETNESS yo!
  19. You can use another one and run it by me. I do like this one, Especially for "THE LEGENDARY ADVENTURES OF" but for ZOLTAN I was imagining something similar yet a little bit different actually. But I can't put my finger on EXACTLY what that should look like. Thanks for your help Dragon Soul. U DA MAN! Hahha.
  20. I think I'm FINALLY ready to place an order for a signature in the legendary Sig_Shoppe. I hope someone will be willing to help me. In return I'll put your name as credit for the sig just below AND If I become famous, I'll send you presents from Japan. Ok, so what I'd like is a logo for my band-in-the-making that looks something like this: Basically, I it to look like this but I'd like the words to be more 3D-looking/texturized, perhaps just a LITTLE bit shiny, not black but somewhere between yellow and gold, and MAYBE (if it looks cool) include decorations like leaves or a sword or something like that. The effect I'm going for is "medieval." This band is basically straight up metal, but every song consists of one short adventures that Zoltan (that's me) and his travel companions (my bandmates) go through. Stylistically, this band is very much inspired by Dragon Quest 8's world and characters. So you can think of swords and magic when you design it. I don't know what kind of images are best for you to work with but here's the bitmap of it: http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/ZOLTANlogoBMP.bmp And here's the JPEG of it: http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/ZOLTANlogoJPEG.JPG The font I used is called Augustus. If you'd rather do it from scratch instead of using the above images, you can download this font here: http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=204&page=1&nb_ppp_old=50&text=ZOLTAN&nb_ppp=10&psize=m&classt=pop Just extract it into C:/Windows/fonts folder and make sure the properties are set to NOT "read only." I've never come to the sig shoppe before, but I hope my request isn't unorthodoxly detailed. Can anyone help me out?
  21. I couldn't agree more with that sentiment. Hahaha. Someone should bring my Valkyrie Profile remix after it gets rejected and set up a booth and play it loud since it's probably the most beardly remix EVAR! Hahaha. BGC, GO FOR THE GOLD! You've got a ways to go before you reach my unholy level of beardhood. Mwahhaahahaha. I am LOVIN' this thread! Whose idea was this? Zircon's? ^___________________________________^
  22. I don't see why people are jumping straight to PS2 games for first games to have voiced characters when it happened in multiple PS1 games. I don't know which was the first or even if a PS1 game was the first to do it, but the first one that comes to my mind is Brave Fencer Musashi.
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