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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. This is some really interesting stuff. I just read an article in the newspaper about a week ago that REALLY reminded me of Xenogears. I'll sum it up for you. In Jerusalem, scientists have created the world's new smallest bible. Using nanotechnology the inscribed the entire Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible on a silicon surface of less than 0.5 square millimeters by blasting a particle beam at it and causing the gold atoms to bounce off. So it actually is etched in just like with a hammer and chisel. In the future they'd like to use this technology to "store vast amounts of data on biomolecules and DNA. So why did it remind me of Xenogears? 3 reasons: 1. It relates to nanotechnology and the Jewish Bible and so does Xenogears. 2. They want to use this technology to store data in DNA. It was just one little conversation in the game but I remember there being talk of storing information or memories in one's "introns" so that their children can inherit it. Crazy. 3. I saved the best for last. The name of the dude in charge of the project is called Ohad Zohar! Is that not the coolest thing you've ever heard?! My question about this technology is: What kind of effect will there be in inscribing stuff onto DNA? It's cool that they can do it on the molecular level, but in the end it's just like carving letters into a tree. So I wonder what the effect will be. It's pretty exciting to me. What do you think about all this?
  2. Man, I'm getting so tired of all the birthdays that I'm just not gonna....Nah! Just kidding. Happy Birthyday!!!! ^____^
  3. LOL. Dude, I don't know the name of the song, so I can't search for it unless I listen to all of the Breath of Fire 2 songs yo.
  4. Isn't the founding member/guitarist that Sekito guy who made the Brave Fencer Musashi soundtrack? If the Black Mages wanna impress me, they'll death metalize Eyes On Me from FF8. MWAAAAAHAHAHAAAAA! Edit: Tsuyoshi Sekito is not the founding member, but he and the keyboard player were the start of the thing when they arranged some of the FF pieces and brought it to Uematsu to listen to. I KNEW the that Brave Fencer Musashi guy had something special in him! Hahaha.
  5. Guitar solo this. I mean, I think that you should put a guitar solo in this in future updates. It would fit perfectly and add more to the interpretation element, since the piece is not such a far reach from the original. A fast one.
  6. I agree entirely with Tensei on the good and the bad. I like all the different instruments and everything is pretty and sparkly sounding and the multiple interpretations of the source is cool. Putting the ocarina (?) in the ending again was a good idea to show that this is actually just one song. Hahaha. But other than that little move, I'd say that it sort of sounds like one of those medley-itis remixes, except this one's problem is not melodies, but instruments. Maybe in each segment you should think about including some of the instruments from the surrounding segments and maybe bringing back some ocarina solos once in the middle as well as the ending. the tempo changes didn't seem to harsh for me, nor did the sitar tuning. Yeah, this will definitely be some good stuff if you can make it feel more cohesive. Even if you want to keep the whole "lots of different sounding variations" structure going, I think it's possible to make it sound like they all belong together more than they do now. Like BGC says, "GO FOR THE GOLD!"
  7. This is groovy. It's got a Rhodes solo. I like that. Hahaha. It feels like the bass drum hardly exists. It's just way too quiet in my opinion. Do you have a link to the source track? I forgot the name of the piece you're remixing. It's cool to me. Sorry, I can't give you sweet production tips.
  8. Link me to the source track and I could probably make some comments for you. By the way, you wanted a rap done for this song back when it sounded completely different and had some odd time changes and stuff. Well, I got it for you, but since you changed up the entire format of the song you're definitely gonna have to do some slicing and dicing and time stretching to make it fit your new version. I tried my best to make lyrics about a game I have never played. I hope it's not too cheesy. Oh, who am I kidding? It's freaking cheesy. Hahaha.
  9. I have comments for you my friend. I hope you find them useful. 1. You GOTTA ditch your current structure. Intro,A,B,A,B,A,Bridge? this is just way too repetitive. I know that I'm one of the ugliest judges when it comes to repetition but at the very least you don't need that final A. And these are basically copied and pasted, meaning they're all exactly the same. You ought to add to or take away from the texture, mess with the tempo, key change, something to make it not be the same thing as the last time. Especially since each verse and hook both consist of one thing being repeated four times. It's just way too much. 2. I don't feel like there's enough melodic action going on here. There's that bassy synthy thingy that's being melodic during the verse part but like I said before, it's too repetitive and it's down low with all the rest of the piece so it doesn't really feel like that's the melody of the song. You ought to think about putting a different and melodic sounding part up high. Were you planning to add vocals to this? If that's the case, then the melodic aspect might not be a problem. Even the hook part could use something new in my opinion. 3. I'm not very learned in the ways of production but I feel like could use a louder and more clear sounding bass drum. That's all I have to say about the production. It sounds ok to me but someone who knows more about it might have otherwise to say about it. So to sum it all up into a single sentence: Vary it up more and add some melodic bits. Good luck man. I know all about the struggle of pole vaulting over the OCR bar.
  10. You don't mean piracy? What the heck is piration? Sorry. I don't who makes those things. I didn't know there was music related to that kind of thing, actually.
  11. I too have had multiple different handles which I chose depending on what I liked at the time, but those were all much simpler than my OCR handle. Here's the story: When I lived in Okinawa, Guilty Gear XX had JUST come out for the PS2 in Japan. My best friend and I picked it up and played it together a lot. My best friend was explaining to a 3rd person in the room that when you block special moves and still take that tiny little bit of damage, it's called "chip damage." I don't know if anyone else calls it that though. Hahaha. Then when we were playing against each other, I was using the character Chipp, and when I attacked my friend and he DIDN'T block it, that 3rd person in the room commented, "Are you doing Chipp damage now, too?" Hahaha! I thought it was kind of genius. And the reason I write CHIPP in all capital letters is because in the game, when you choose your character, that's how his name is written. Later, we decided that it would be a cool name for a video game metal band and used that name for my Guilty Gear music cover band. That was good fun. Try playing the harpsichord solos from Millia's theme on guitar. Freaking hard!
  12. Here it comes, Another Soundscape. Are you ready for this? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  13. That sounds like a pretty beautiful strategy, but I'm pretty sure that I've tried to kill him solely with physical attacks and he still killed me. Assuming my memory is correct, then why didn't the golem just stick with that 1/2 HP attack on me?
  14. As DS said that ROM hacks have been around forever. I think ROM hacks are just too insignificant for Square Enix to care about. The scale and advertising and all that is just so much smaller than a real fan-remake. When you think about it, doing ANY kind of remake is not illegal if you don't advertise it and it's just for yourself. I wonder what would have happened if those 3D Chrono Trigger project guys had just kept it in the dark until it was completely finished and then, instead of making a big website about it, just spread it around from friend to friend.
  15. I worked on a live theatre production of this show as well. Haven't seen the movie yet, but since I don't do well with blood, I think I'll pass. Also, I was such a hardcore Jack Sparrow fan that I feel like I don't really need to see another Johnny Depp movie.
  16. I couldn't tell that you were joking, Broken. Either way, I ain't mad atcha. I'm extremely interested in this rom hack and can't wait to play it when I get back from where I gotta go. It looks like it's gonna be really high-quality.
  17. Yeah, but it doesn't really seem fair to compare remixes to originals in that way. Even if you do disregard sound quality, the fact that the remix cannot exist without the original should automatically put it on a lower echelon (is that the right word?) than the original. I personally like Calamitous Judgment a lot more than the original (forgot the name), but taking a song that already exists and making it better is something totally different from making it from scratch. And really, the whole superior/inferior thing is subjective anyway. Now have a smiley. ^______^
  18. WAAAAHAHAHAAAA! Thank you. Just wait till you hear what I'm working on now. You'll be so disgusted! Actually, I've got an unlikely one. OCR has helped me improve my Japanese . . . I think. Since becoming the site translator I've had to look up all kinds of crazy kanji and useless vocabulary words. It's all thanks to DJP's "content policy" nonsense. Hahaha.
  19. By showing me the cruel art of aggressive sarcasm.
  20. I've never played Soul Calibur 3 so I don't know how fan-servicey it got, but could it really have been that bad? Soul Calibur 1 and 2 were excellent. I totally disagree with this whole Star Wars thing though. Soul Calibur is all about battling with ancient weapons not futuristic ones. Those two don't fit the setting at all. . . . And nobody's gonna play Yoda while Vader is a choice. Hahaha. They should have made it somebody cooler like Han Solo.
  21. Here's my translation of that document. What I've got is all correct, but I'm having a heck of a time with this guy's choice of words (especially the ones he made up) and haven't quite finished yet. Almost done though. I'll edit this post when I finally finish it. Actually, if anyone can help me figure out what the hell シビレレまくり (shibire makuri) means, I'd be eternally grateful. Overclocked Remix is a famous foreign game music remix site. From pros to amateurs, people of all kinds are remixing. Going to the site for the first time in a long while, I see that lots of new contributions have been added. So in all my exitement over Sonic, I'd like to introduce my personal favorites to you. I like the music in Sonic so much, that it's more than 50% of the reason I play Sonic games. "If it weren't for the groovy music, it wouldn't even be worth playing Sonic." At that time, even though I would always get excited when I heard Uematsu or Mitsuda, when I heard the music in Nights I was like, "Oh my god, this was made just for ME!" Since then I've been scavenging all over for Sega music CDs. Masato Nakamura's music for Sonic 1 and 2 was good, but Sonic CD, Sonic 3, and Sonic and Knuckles are by far my favorites. Naofumi Hataya: The man who in recent years became famous with "Lovey!!" His vocal tracks in Burning Ranger and Space Channel 5 were wonderful but I'd rather listen to the melodic, club-like sound of Sonic CD. A long time ago I was a big fan of Yasunori Mitsuda, but the one that never loses its flavor is Naofumi Hataya. When people listen to a remixed song, it becomes the common language of the world. Most of these are by amateurs and I don't think they'll be all that great to you if you haven't heard the source tracks. I recommend listening to these remixes with headphones. ------------------------------------------ Sonic the Hedgehog Green Lane Avenue/AeroZ, Tepid Green Hill Zone (Euroclub '95 Mix)/Rayza These are remixes of the Green Hill Zone music. When it comes to Sonic 1, Green Hill and Spring Yard are my favorites. The first one is a kind of slow fusion a fresh direction for Sonic music. The second is like a Trance mix from WAY back in the day. It sounds more like Sonic R or Sonic Riders music than rock music. LightningStar/JAXX A Star Light Zone remix. I like the way it's full on Ska/Punk and sounds so "irresponsible." Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Project Aquatic/Sadorf An Aquatic Ruin Zone remix. Personally, my favorite from Sonic 2 is Chemical Plant Zone, but unfortunately there are no good remixes of that one on OCR. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CD Saturday Night Speedway/Gecko Yamori Collision Chaos Old School/Gecko Yamori Satardust Beat/Gecko Yamori The tone of these are just like the originals. The source tracks are by Naofumi Hataya and Mr. Ogata. (Ogata has done the music for Death Crimson 2 and a variety of hentai games among others, The only ones I know are EVE: The Lost One and REZ, for which he was a staff member. I sort of felt like the difficulty of this game was high but the most admirable aspect of this game is the music. I can totally feel the era when I listen to this now, but back in the 1993, the glorious age of SFCs, I could hear these songs when I was young and was totally speechless. The medium is CD-ROM so try playing it in your CD player. By the way, if you try to access the CD with your computer, it will make a bunch of whirring sounds and then a website will pop up. Man, foreign countries have EVERYTHING! Quartz Quadrant "P"mix and Stardust Speedway "G"Mix are the greatest pieces of game music of my life! Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Walk on Water/housethegrate A Hydrocity Zone remix. I like ACT1 but ACT2の疾走感がそれに輪をかけて大好きなステージ曲。 このステージかっこよくてやるたびに脳内シビレレまくり。This a guitar remix that stays true to the feeling of the original. Breaking the Ice/DigiE An arrangement of ICECAP ZONE, the level which starts off featuring Sonic on a snowboard. God damn! This the DREAM Trance remix! This is from ACT2 and I love the pumping beat. Launchface/Jivemaster Elevator Music/Gecko Yamori (You can download it from the media page.) Originally the LAUNCH BASE ZONE music. Everything fits perfectly in this song. If you listen to these song before the originals you'd never know that they are arrangements of two different tunes. Especially with Elevator Music, I couldn't tell what it was a remix of at first. But if you listen carefully, the groove will stick with you and you'll think, "This can't be the work of an amateur!" Launchface is a lot more like its original. Sonic & Knuckles Dead Batteries/SnappleMan (You can download it from the media page.) Catapult/Beatdrop FLYING BATTERY ZONE is the song that anyone whose played Sonic & Knuckles 原曲はACT2の出だしがシビレまくり。 The upper remix stays true to the atmosphere of the original HiddenPalace(MasterEmerald)/LeeBro A HIDDEN PALACE ZONE Remix. This isn't the kind of song you listen to just once. Sonic Adventure 2 Knuckles' Unknown from M.C./Jos・the Bronx Rican The source track is Dive Into The Mellow from the Aquatic Mine stage. ちなみにナッコーのステージはラップがステージのヒントとリンクしてたりで面白い作りになってたりします。But it's all in English so I don't understand it. *sweats* [Deeper ...for Death Chamber]、[space Trip Steps ...for Meteor Herd]の2stepぶりも好きです。 ------------------------------------------ Thanks a lot to the remixers who gave us these wonderful songs.
  22. Looks like I was too late. I totally recognized that melody as soon as I heard it. Of course the fact that I've listened to the Star Ocean 3 soundtrack like a million times helps.
  23. Pshaaahaahaa. I'm gonna talk Bustatunez into submitting the following soundfile to the Dragon Army. http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/Music/another_soundscape.mp3 ^^Clickit CLICKIT!
  24. Off Topic: Friendly Hunter has the greatest signature I've EVER seen! That is GENIUS!
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