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The Legendary Zoltan

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Everything posted by The Legendary Zoltan

  1. Oh, my god! People saying The Adventures of Lolo are geniuses! Thanks, everyone for the suggestions. They're all great. Don't worry. I will be playing physical games with my daughter a lot as well. But sooner or later will come the day when she needs to pick up Chrono Trigger and have her mind BLOWN! Hahaha.
  2. Goblins? Not what I expected to hear. I guess I was thinking of Tomb Raider Definitive Edition or something. I just remember that there was a Tomb Raider game recently for which the trailer shows Lara getting brutally beaten. At least that's what podcast hosts were saying. I didn't watch it myself. Sounds much better now. Thank you for the recommendation.
  3. Indeed, guys. Mario and Zelda are definitely good ways to go. I still need to buy a Wii U. When she turns 13, I'll let my daughter play Zone of the Enders. Hahaha!
  4. I hope you don't take offense at my saying that those 6-year-olds must have horrible freaking parents. . . Because I just said it. . . Sorry. Wait a minute. I haven't played Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light so please tell me if I am wrong. But I thought that game was full of very realistic violence. It doesn't sound like something kids should play. Am I incorrect? I'll take your Ratchet and Clank and Fire Emblem suggestions though.
  5. Not little tiny children. I'm not thinking about my 7-month-old daughter. I'm thinking of elementary school kids around the ages of 10 and 12. What do you think? I would suggest Chrono Trigger since it's great, it's not convoluted, and it's on the DS which lots of kids get, especially in Japan.
  6. I'm in love with a few YouTube artists such as Smooth McGroove and those guys were all there! How awesome it would be to go there and meet people. I can't find where it says what SGC stands for on the otherwise aptly labelled "What is SGC?" section of the website. Does it stand for Screw Attack Gaming Convention?
  7. Great job, Legendary Frog. I watched the pilot. It was good.
  8. I do a YouTube show called Your RPG Playin' Ass (here's a video from it: ) that I plan to continue working on for the foreseeable future. But it takes a very long time for me to make the episodes, especially now that I have a child, and it is an unfortunate reality that quantity is very important in getting visibility on YouTube. So I would like to get more people who are making good content to release on my channel.What do I get by becoming your partner? -Of course any ad revenue made from your video will be paid to you in full. (I am not trying to take a cut of your money.) -You will be my PARTNER which means we can talk with each other and plan what's best for the channel. -The possibility of quitting your day job and becoming a full-time YouTuber if you so desire. Becoming a full-time YouTuber is my goal and I will obtain with or without anyone else but it would be a hell of a lot easier WITH someone else whom I can coordinate a strategy. Nothing would please me greater than to work together and have TWO aspiring YouTube artists make it big instead of just one. What kind of people are you looking for? -Kind people -People who WANT to put out YouTube videos whether it is profitable or not -People who care about the quality of the video (originality is good) -People who are not interested in giving up. What kind of videos are you looking for? -Anything as long as it's game-related. Variety is a good thing as long as the quality is there. If you've got ideas, we can talk about them. The most important thing to me is that we always think about the quality of the experience BEFORE thinking of how to quickly increase the number of subscribers. It's easy to let greed cloud anyone's eyes and I don't want my channel to ever fall into that trap. Thank you. You can reply here or PM me. Now let's take over YouTube!
  9. Same problem as me dude. No audience. Your Kickstarter was funny yo!

    Album is still good and baby is still cute. Haha. Thanks. ^_^

  10. Brandon, that is simultaneously hilarious and genius. I love it!
  11. Thanks, guys. djp, are you going to show pictures of your baby? I'd like to see them if they exist.
  12. Hey guys. This is Zoltan. I haven't been around lately because I've been working hard on non-musical things. One of those non-musical things is raising my BABYYYYYY! So here's how we look together at 0.5 years old. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/Aika%20in%20the%20Air.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/Aika%20on%20Jahan.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/Aika%20on%20the%20Sofa%20with%20Mei.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/Aika%20with%20a%20Blanket.jpg https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/81603940/Aika%20with%20Jahan%20and%20Kaori.jpg
  13. Fun thread! I'm a total completionist type so I've at least beaten nearly every game I've bought. Now with the crappy trophy system, I can't stop until I get 100% on the trophy menu. It's a problem. Anyway, I have one that still pings on my heart and that's Persona 3. I just can't figure out how to beat this one boss that casts Megidola!
  14. Yeah. I totally did. How about you, Chernabogue. What did you do?
  15. I wish them the best of luck but I fear it is a lost cause. But if you are interested in this, the link below will take you to the petition. https://www.change.org/petitions/bandai-namco-games-inc-re-release-tales-of-vesperia-for-ps3-all-around-the-world Here's a Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Localize-Tales-of-Vesperia-for-PS3/1490616231152861
  16. Oh, how sweet. Thank you! Happy birthday, Chernabogue! My wife bought me Assassin's Creed 4 and a pizza for my birthday. The pizza has already been destroyed. The game is about 75% destroyed. I freaking LOVE sailing around and blowing up ships in that game! I want to be honest, though. I haven't translated any documents for the site, literally, in years. I did help the Seiken Densetsu 3 project get in touch with the original composer. I feel good about doing that. Anyway, THANK YOU!
  17. I played the school area and then decided not to pick the game up again. I yelled a lot when playing it. Don't give up Necrox.
  18. I don't even play PC games but I like watching some of Total Biscuit's reviews and news shows. He's definitely a model YouTuber. All that aside, though, I hope he fully recovers with no pain at all.
  19. Happy birthday! Now stop being a hobo! Hahaha. ^_~
  20. What's the business model? Can I pay for the game and get the whole game or do I have to pay per song?
  21. Not a gem of an artist as much as a gem of a single song. This is from Venezuelan band Candy66. I don't even know how or when I came across this but I first saw it a long time ago and thought it was such a fun song. I learned several Spanish words from this song! It's about a real problem they had or are having in Venezuela. I'm not familiar with the situation but the song and the sprite video are cool. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/183385
  22. Damn. You're right, Malaki. My sentence didn't make sense. I agree with all of your points. I guess what I wanted to say is that despite people's intentions to pay just for the MGS2 demo and despite Gamestop selling the demos, what Konami did back then wasn't wrong because they weren't just slapping a price-tag on a demo. They wanted it to be an incentive to buy a brand new IP. That just seems like good business to me. In my case, I totally wanted Zone of the Enders and considered the demo a bonus. But I think this is different. I don't think it's just because we're adults now. ZOE was not a rip-off. This likely is. (I say likely because I haven't played it.) I don't want to do the wrong thing. I totally want it and since I am a completionist who loves simply roaming around open worlds, I am certain that it would be worth my money. On the other hand, I don't want to encourage Kojima to make more of these miniature games. ARRGH!
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