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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Im still trying to get an answer from my wife as to if shes going or not, but when i prereg Ill be doing the super supporter as well. But I'm driving from east tn so either way theres not really anyone on the way for me to hook up with.
  2. Fastlane and badlands have grown on me. But follower is still just not my thing.
  3. Seriously? Seriously? What is this, 3rd grade? I hope you get banned for being such an idiot.
  4. Stop being a whiny crybaby bodyshot cryfag. God, you people are stupid.
  5. He really needs to take a break from this. I think he spread himself too thin trying to do this weekly and its killing his funny.
  6. I say go for it. I never hear anything positive about his playing, and most people always mute him. Of course I tried to be nice and tell him he's being annoying, but he was a dick about it. So he's had a lot of chances.
  7. Everyone needs to download Death Aboard and play it. Best campaign ever.
  8. Haha, about time someone did a little something about spectre. Seems like he has Tiddlywinkitis, as in he loves to hear his own voice.
  9. There are a lot of american cartoons that do have really horrible animation and backgrounds going on still, very true. But I don't see how comparing old cartoons to new ones now just on animation really does it justice in terms of this debate. This is about flat out quality of the show all around, but a huge part of that is originality and subject matter. And all this crap that cartoon network is shoving down our throat now has neither. Its rehashed america's funniest home videos/ghost hunters/survivor/etc. And since they cancelled off or are cancelling most of the great shows theyve had in the past and present, the only animation they will show will be up to the quality that they show on nick now, like that shitty speed racer one.
  10. Say what you want about the reality channel, known as TruTV, but some of that shit is funny. Especially The Smoking Gun's Worlds Dumbest ______ and Operation Repo. Thing is, thats a reality tv station, thats what they do. Im just saying that there are some good reality tv shows on that station. Now all the stuff they are showing on cartoon network? Complete ass. That little black kid from Role Models getting his own show pisses me off the most. I just want to punch him 99 times in the face then kick him in his maybe-or-soon-to-bed-dropped balls.
  11. I swear to fucking christ if they cancel chowder and flapjack for this shit, I'll kill someone. That is bullcrap in the highest form, and no one is gonna watch this kiddie ripoff network shows like mini survivor and ghosthunters.
  12. I love Steam holiday deals. I already have the stuff I want out of that from other deals, but still, if you haven't bought any of them, go for it. Well worth it.
  13. I did some surf maps there for a few days like, monthes ago. Its a fun concept for a few hours, but beyond that, not that great.
  14. Still no stats for me, neither on screen or if i check for ranks. Borked?
  15. for some reason halfway through the match on goldrush my stats stopped working, like it wasn't showing any stats on my end, and I couldn't pull up ranks or anything. Anyone else had this problem?
  16. I'm not a fan of junction at all. Mainly cause I just feel its a poorly designed map that allows the first two points to be taken pretty quickly, but stalemate at the 3rd. But others might love it. Feels a lot like hydro to me though.
  17. Tiddlywink wise, I use to like him. He was funny and played a good game. But after he started mapping, it seemed like he got worse and worse. Then after a day of testing Downtown, he freaked out. But it was seriously that bad of a map. Half of the map wasnt completed, the doors got you stuck, etc. Any time anyone tried to tell him something was wrong, he'd get pissed and yell at them. After that, he did it all the time on the server. The other night when spectre was micspamming, I told spectre that people were complaining about it, and that it was an issue. Tiddly was on too, and started telling me that I was an idiot and to stay out of it. I told tiddy to fuck off, then he went off on a rant on the mic about me. I muted him at that point, but still. He has anger issues and doesn't need a mic.
  18. No, I mean like two engies on the same team doing it. The two doing it tonight were in the same clan, but had sentry guns set up on dustbowl level 3 point 1 up in the doorway. Basically they had a tele entrance and exit right next to each other, and bouncing back and forth. Someone on red complained about it, since they didn't have one of the entrances set up for when point A got taken, and one of them doing it said "well, we don't see a reason to do it cause we don't need it right now" and kept doing it. Of course at the end of the round those two were MVPs.
  19. Well, one of two things. First, micspam. Spectreshot's especially. Most of the time when he's playing stuff, I can't even hear anyone else. I had to mute him tonight. Just wondering if anyone else felt the same way about him being an annoying ass. Second, a very minor one, but I've noticed lately a lot of engies pairing up and using each others teleports right next to each other near a sentry gun, just to get more points. Kinda counterproductive, and doesn't do anything for the team.
  20. I finally figured out whats been wrong with Brushfire lately. Seems like hes been kinda uptight.... Yeah..... And this is not a good close up.
  21. I don't have too much problem with sudden death, except on hydro. But that just goes to show that hydro is sudden death central But melee sudden death, come oooooooooooooooooon.
  22. Welcome to 10+ years ago. That's how long that pictures been around.
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