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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Creed. Incredibly boring generic rock with christian overtones so heavy they beat you over the head like a ton of bricks as you listen to it. Then Stapp is such a hypocrite as his life goes into a downward spiral when him and his wife divorce that he stumbles around on stage at shows drunk and passing out. Yeah, great role model and band leader. Don't even get me started on fred durst.
  2. My wife played this. And she is a huge fan of the weird/creepy/disturbing games like this. But after playing it an hour, she deleted it and said it was a waste of time and money.
  3. For my lunch at work I buy the hell out of those cans of great value brand pasta at walmart. A can of ravioli is anywhere from 50 to 64 cents depending on sales, compared to over 1 dollar for other stuff. Anyway, enough derailing from me
  4. Kroger's is awesome for a lot of stuff, but I think walmart wins hands down for cheapest store brand stuff thats not horrible.
  5. Already changed my motto, and downloaded the demo, so I'm ready to go
  6. After 3:30 is cool by me. I'm off all weekends usually, so if you wanna just meet up after work thats fine. Meet you at your place of employment or Books a million.
  7. Im in, TenTonHammer23 is my XBL name. Also my capcom-unity name as well.
  8. Yeah, sweetwater. What a waste of time. I'm glad I'm out of that town. Only reason I ever go back is just to see my parents. Rent, if youre up for it maybe this weekend or next, I'll take you around oak ridge and we can do some pics of some of the things around there. I went around a month ago or so and did pics of all the graveyards and memorials for slaves and nuclear sites. Pretty fun stuff.
  9. Again, you missed the point of my post of "why are people waiting to get home to check the disc" but ok.
  10. Cause most of the time gamestop is packed around here. You go stand in line with 10 people and they throw stuff in the box and hand it to you. Besides, it doesn't make a difference if its the wrong game or scratched if you check in store, and go back to the counter. I was saying that I don't see how people get all the way home and realized they got fucked.
  11. Thats why you check discs as soon as you head out the door like I do. I always look for scratched up discs and to make sure they put the right disc in the case.
  12. I got rid of the cat not too long after that, and got another one. But it works out, as that router was shitty anyway, got a way better deal.
  13. I bought a router at walmart one night cause mine died. In the course of the first night, the cat decided that the antenna was yummy, and chewed them up, plus the power cord. So I took it back to walmart the next day and told them it wasnt the right kind, and I needed to get another one, the next step up in the brand. So they refunded it without even looking at it, and I bought the next higher version. Way to go walmart
  14. I only wish someday to be as cool as my black manlove hero Bleck. One of these days.....
  15. So this thread is a basic troll thread on gamefaqs essentially right? The basic "NERDS STOP PLAYING ______ AND DO THE REAL THING!". Way to go.
  16. 32 is just too much to me anyway. Seems like it ends up being like the quake 2 64 player maps, retardly lucky soldier rocket shots killing random people.
  17. Point being, a large majority of people on OCR either have, or do play at least one MMO, and I know at least some of the people so up at arms about DLC in this thread have at least played one for a while. So yeah, I just see that as hypocritical.
  18. How many of you people bitching about DLC play MMOs? Cause I don't see how any of you can justify paying 15 bucks a month just to play the game, and bitch about DLC in general.
  19. http://www.nearlydeaf.com/files/arena_dust2.bsp we need this. NOW!
  20. Personal opinion. I have over 200 songs for rock band 2, either from RB1 or DLC, and enjoy most of them. So I and just about anyone with any kind of DLC for RB would think its awesome. And seriously, if you dont like the DLC, don't buy it. Whats the big deal of it?
  21. Anyone that says DLC for rock band is a rip off is crazy and needs to be shot.
  22. Yeah, deal weekends, especially a deal like this, bogs down the server as well.
  23. There is absolutely no reason at all whatsoever not to buy this game for this price. I don't care if you are on dial up, only able to play it 1 hour a week, have no hands, whatever! BUY IT NOW!
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