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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. It seems as if you're trying to fuse the exact feel of the original leads over an upgraded background. What it really does is lead to somewhat of an incongruous blend. You should work on making the background gel with the foreground, if you intend to go retro with it. It's an alright start and I look forward to further arrangement ideas.
  2. I am fine with my source track. I'll try to get remix it well. Might want to mix in a couple of other KSS stuff as well.
  3. If I'm correct, Rexy hasn't added the voting bonus to these people. When that does get added, we have 2 winners, rather than 3. And we all know what happens when it's merely a tie for 1st.
  4. The funniest thing about that is the comment from somebody saying that it was very well written.
  5. It's fair game to put other sources in the mix. It's your mix. Besides, lots of artists put in fleeting references to other sources in the game.
  6. Good turnout this time. All that advertising has paid us well.
  7. Everyone else decided to keep that nice happy fast tempo, so I tried to do something different. I see now why most people kept that clip.
  8. I'd be fine with this. Most of my stuff can be found at thasauce in prc comps: http://compo.thasauce.net/compos/view/PRC
  9. I'll definitely be entering again, just probably not in the next competition. Lots of papers and research to be done. We'll get that collab worked out someday. As for this source... I don't think I'll make the deadline with anything decent.
  10. Game: Shantae Song: Harbor Town Link to source: http://virt.vgmix.com/music/handheld/jake_kaufman_-_shantae_-_harbor_town.mp3 As far as I know, there is no midi for this.
  11. Blagh... I cannot seem to access DDRKirby's entry somehow? I'm hoping this is just me.
  12. Pez: Those are very basic synths, the texture is not exactly the most professional. A lot of parts sound too bare, whilst others sound too cluttered. Though the arrangement isn't too bad, it's not awesome enough to excuse the lack of dynamic contrast and weak drums. Big sticking part is the repetition in the bassline. Sadly, these are all the same issues I have when mixing.
  13. Don't worry... The idea of another birthday is conceptually sound...
  14. We're also going to always be here. Freshly Baked is a once a year thing. Also, Gendisc. Isn't the duration for FB also longer. It's incredibly hard for a lot of people to do a remix in <1 week. Nevertheless, PrC takes precedence for me.
  15. Last second entry for the competition, as usual. My piano arrangement will come later.
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