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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. What an interesting way to start the month. I look forward to great things coming from this thread.
  2. My speakers are notoriously bad at catching bass, so I'll assume that the problem is on my end, not yours. With regards to the bitcrush I'm talking about the part near the end where the sample rate reduction is kicked up to the next level. I feel as if you need something else there to fill it out. The whole melody over the top thing is more of a personal preference. The one you have now doesn't feel as if it connects to itself. Edit: Got onto a station with better speakers and gave it a listen there. The bass issues were pretty much all resolved. The melody came out better as well. My only criticism is the empty feeling at the end when you're going down the scale with that heavily sample-reduced lead. I feel that ending texture could be much better with a little more fleshing out. Sorry for my terrible laptop speakers confusing the hell out you with my previous crits.
  3. I know this source is sparse, but this sounds a little bit too empty. Maybe put in some more low pads to fill out the soundscape. There is no real low presence that I can hear on these speakers. Some melody over the original rift would probably be a step in the right step arrangement wise. The last fifth of the song is remarkably exposed. That bitcrushed lead would sound much better if it were moving along with other things.
  4. Urgh, that intro is very plodding. This gets very crowded about 1/5 in. The drums are massively overpowering even the loud rhythm guitars. What this mix really needs is emphasis. What line do you want to be most prominent? More than half of the time I'm not sure on what to focus. Drums: Not my cup of tea, probably tone down the velocities/volume Rhythm guitar: once again, a little loud Synth: No real criticisms here. I'd probably either reimagine the intro or add something more to what you already have, but it seems to be working for other people. Probably just a personal preference.
  5. I know I'm just sounding like an echo, but that guitar is really bringing what you have so far down. Right now it sounds less like fusion and more like 'I can't make up my mind where I want to go with this.' You need to spend more time balancing it or deciding what this is going be.
  6. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson is marvelous.
  7. Did you intend it to be a veiled insult to OCR?
  8. 30, 50 and 15000 Hz all had no effect on my speakers .
  9. The Da Vinci code is a terrible book. You took about the right pace with it. I would recommend reading the Belgariad series by David Eddings and Interface by Neal Stephenson.
  10. The upper one is obviously Mario.
  11. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC109 That has two versions of the Himalayas. http://olremix.org/remixes/408 Features the Himalayas theme.
  12. I'd warn you to stay away from Captain Novolin, but you already have it in your memory. Have you even started that Blubberman mix?
  13. Great... My work is now scheduled to begin when this compo does . I won't be entering anytime soon.
  14. Seeing how the compo coordinator posted a WIP of his, I'd say not hush-hush at all.
  15. Well, he was always a fierce character in my mind. Midgames+lucky Judgement = Awesome.
  16. http://www.freewebs.com/mucbro/gamesheetmusic.htm
  17. As a G+W main, this makes me happy. Is his dodge roll still terrible?
  18. That could be fantastic. But yeah, no one is really going to top the original.
  19. I find it ironic that I have purchased and played every game you showed in the 'good storylines' group (except Indigo Prophecy).
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