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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. I'm butchering the source with my newly revived computer. I might just go for a minimalistically modified midi if I don't do something good within the next day.
  2. He did say he was scrapping it and starting over. No reason to leave the link up in that case.
  3. TOMAPELLA!!! I loved the Bionicle Heroes soundtrack that he did. I sincerely hope that my drives are recovered before this ends so I can get an entry.
  4. Well, you have a pretty cluttered soundscape at the end of the preview. I'd work on balancing that part out a little more emphasizing what you want. Can't tell about any panning issues since I'm listening on a recovering laptop, but check to make sure that the pan values aren't the reason for the cluttered sound. You need a bit more interpretation of the main melody (which I'm sure is coming), but this is a solid start.
  5. Bunde, you would be a good choice for the job. You've voted in pretty much every round and have showed interest in the continuation of this competition.
  6. Hurrah! I was able to make it in time to vote. It's looking like I might be able to participate in next round.
  7. Bad news people, I now have no computer on which to mix for next PRC. I also cannot listen to the entries added after mine, at the moment. I hope that all goes well during the voting stage.
  8. Well, no recording time for my nifty idea, but I managed to sneak in enough time to enter.
  9. Hmmm... I'll see if I can get an audition for 'Oh I'm a Flamelet' together. No promises of course. I'm not good enough to be on the project anyway.
  10. If I can find a time when my house is quiet enough to record, I have an idea for this.
  11. I'm not feeling this at all, sorry. Might get something done, but probably not.
  12. I use Garageband mostly, with the assistance of Anvil Studios occasionally. It's not a popular setup, but it's completely free.
  13. First remix: Floating in the Forest Breeze I was quite proud of it then. I should really revisit it and polish it up. With a bit of work it could be Thasauce worthy.
  14. Lately this compo has been the world vs. Chickenwarlord in bi-weekly installments. And I keep on losing .
  15. Well, stomach flu made me miss the original due date, but I suppose I have an entry now.
  16. And I'm saying that I don't think that the source had a lot to do with the fact that the competition didn't have a lot of entries. I think it had more to do with its timing. This being prime break time for most people, I think we're going to see more entries, regardless of source. Oh well, I suppose I'll try and get something done for this one.
  17. If you like the Star Fox series music, then pick something from the Star Fox Series (should you win).
  18. To all who were trying to figure out the 'structure' of my piece: avante garde jazz prides itself on a lack of structure.
  19. It is indeed from Actraiser. Both Djpretzel and McVaffe have remixed this source tune before. That's not the original instrumentation though, is it?
  20. A little before my time, indeed. Would you be interested in collabing sometime this month on a PRC?
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