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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. The only thing hard about it was the fact that they didn't feed you Yoshi's at a decent rate.
  2. It's like the internet breeds an inability to see sarcasm, or something.
  3. Last time I showed interest in one of your projects I could never get a hold of you to show you my progress and ended up not ever finishing my track because of this .
  4. No, no, that's all wrong. <Stand>Pain</Stand> Especially if you're Monobrow.
  5. Grah, I'm up against Sir Nuts again? I'll have something done within an hour.
  6. You would never believe that he was behind that evil corporate head in Full Throttle.
  7. I have to say, I enjoyed your previous album a bit more. Then again, that one has had time to grow on me. Love the instrumentals, though.
  8. This is very good. I recommend this to all of you thread viewers who are on the fence about downloading it. I'm really looking forward to an updated "So Angry".
  9. What's better about them? They got their range and knockback nerfed, your side b isn't as viable as a save anymore, more things can go through a double ice barrier and their aerials seem to have less priority. They only noticeable improvement is the Belay/Nanapult.
  10. The music really is just as infectious as the gameplay. The character art is definitely the weak point of the series. All in all its relatively difficult, but not painfully so. It's a pretty good game overall.
  11. There goes my streak . Sorry Mr. Nuts. Anyways, voterated.
  12. I think only the Eek The Cat week had only a single entry after extension. It was the wrong song on the SPC too .
  13. http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0119/
  14. Erm, your last one was pretty successful. I'll try and make time for a mix. No promise though.
  15. Game and watch's bucket works wonders against Din's fire. Air dodging a fair amount is also a good guard. Try not to let her multiple hit stuff break your shield and you should be fine. Her smashes are slow and easy to punish if she misses. Try to let aerials be as much of a non-factor as possible. Her grabs can be quite brutal at high damage, so be on the lookout once you hit 70% or so.
  16. These things are really fun. I highly encourage anyone who's not at work to at least try them.
  17. Might want to cut back on the drums during the first bass solo. They totally overpower the melodic material. I think you use the original too much in succession. You have plenty of arrangement ideas, you just need to place them a little differently so we don't get so much 'original groove' verbatim. I'm having a bit of trouble describing this . It's a pretty good start though. No major gripes here.
  18. 6. Eventually develop personal style Also make music that you would listen to if you hadn't created it. I find that pieces that I'm satisfied with would go on to my playlists regardless of who created them. Too much personal attachment to a piece can be a very bad thing.
  19. Only 26 minutes to scrap together another entry, but plenty of time to listen and vote.
  20. It seems very short... Are you sure it didn't get cut off when you uploaded it? I only get 9 seconds of the song when I try to download it.
  21. Oh hey, I entered and stuff. Keeping that streak alive!
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