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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Funny thing you should mention that, because SnappleMan is having me be part of a panel on projects that he's putting together this MAGFest!
  2. OCR isn't a charity - it's a non-profit organization.
  3. How about someone play me in Tetris Attack for some sort of prize .
  4. I think some have said they liked No More Heroes. I've heard good things about Okami (got it for $15 off of Amazon around Black Friday, haven't tried it yet). Fire Emblem is a tough game I remember, at least towards the end, if you like SRPGs. Other than that, I'm clueless I think. Also, Nintendo games don't go on sale very often.
  5. Here's a few: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/zircon3 http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JillianGoldin http://www.flickerfall.com/
  6. Salluz, Newt, Halt, DrumUltima, and me.
  7. I already preordered this when he announced in on TheShizz - can't wait of course!
  8. Can't say I'm familiar with the source, but this is pretty awesome for an old song. I'm not really sure why I find this alluring - there seems to be a sort of atmosphere of uncertainty but a driving effort depicted...perhaps I'm just trying to envision something here for what is a pretty cool sounding piece.
  9. Quite an interesting Mazedude mix - it has a sort of industrial/egyptian flair to it, but about halfway through it changes up to a more upbeat segment, as if something started become more pressing (like being chased), and then ends in a mysterious note. Well executed, and impressive for such an early song in the life of the site.
  10. I'll play if it's next week - today I'm busy.
  11. Wha, they decided they had the $ to come after all?
  12. "Take that motherfucker!" Wtf? This is a kinda odd mix to me - part of it might be not being familiar with the source, but the synth that sounds like a drawn out Flame Mammoth cry combined with that beat really makes for an eerie atmosphere. Production is a downer though . samples could use some upgrading to make it more current, but not bad ideas going on here.
  13. I always did like this song - not something I normally expect from EgM or Kaijin, but damn it's hot. The somewhat repetitiveness works perfectly for the way the song is arranged - I think I would find another way to end it than just a fadeout though, that's kinda cheesy. Otherwise, love it even today, which is great for such an old mix.
  14. This sounds like the original source with strings & a beat layered on top...yeah I'll pass.
  15. Definitely love this CotMM song - easily my favorite of his because it really embeds a dark but exotic feel to this beautiful source while going in an ambient direction.
  16. Interesting song - I find the production a huge problem here, and that the song doesn't do much to develop the source until towards the end, but then the song just ends. He has better songs .
  17. This song really has a crazy amount of medleyitis, but it's certainly more creative than most medleys you see in its jampackedness. I don't think I have terribly much say here other than that - it doesn't stay cohesive enough for me to really enjoy it as anything more than say an impromptu jam-type of song.
  18. This is quite an interesting orchestral take, and seems longer than it actually is. I thought how the song started out was fairly odd, as it starts off boisterous, and then subdues as it goes through "Under Martial Law". The Serpent Trench bit has more of an attack than you might expect as well. I think I would've preferred a little more development in each of the segments, but otherwise not bad.
  19. I kinda like this - it maintains an air of mystery like in the original track. Arrangement-wise, I feel it's fairly straightforward in comparison to the original, although it does dramatize it a little more with its subdued start and buildup with the focus on the strings. It fulfills its role pretty well, and I can't say I have much to complain about here. Good job!
  20. I honestly don't know how many I've reviewed so far this month - I just review what I can pretty much. Edit: I've done 18 so far this month.
  21. As has been said, this song is pretty repetitive. Production is rough as well here. It doesn't really have something that really grabs you, and just rambles on. Never really been a fan of this for all of these factors...I wonder if any of it has to do with just having drank some hard cider though?
  22. I linked a Kamelot song! My view is to link a few good songs from various bands, and let him explore the rest if he liked them.
  23. Gonna put this simply: this sucks. Almost a midirip with instruments changed, never liked it at all.
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