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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I remember hearing this track back when it was up on DoD - what a great rendition of Cyan's theme! And for those of you looking for more PoD on OCR - he has a great track on the DKC 2 project (based on tough source material too!). If you want more of him in general, check out his YouTube videos or his DoD stuff.
  2. You know, the Xenogears project is actually coming out before this one as well - the way we have things planned out, we're hoping for a November/December release.
  3. I have it ordered for the 360, but only because I expected more people to have a 360.
  4. There's a mention in this mix writeup, but here's his mixes and here's his FF4 project thread (to be released next month).
  5. I won't be able to make any listening party then - in Baltimore chilling then .
  6. I'm not really surprised by this pick for some reason. But regardless, congrats OA! You are now a shtyjdgfgt!
  7. As has already been said, people look for different things in music, and different things click with different people. OCR isn't trying to make a statement on which song is better than another song, but to honor the original compositions.
  8. Oh crap you're right...I thought it was understood that we were going to hang out on Friday. Bah...major mistake on my part. On the flipside, I'm probably planning on having a BBQ in Champaign, IL in early/mid August - I'm thinking August 15th atm (should be a Saturday) if people are interested.
  9. The thread title always had the (June 27 - 28) in it...but oh well.
  10. Nope...apparently people didn't pay attention to the thread that much? In any case, Bardic, his wife, Newt, and I hung out over the weekend in the area.
  11. Jeez, I can't even hang out without internet for the better part of the weekend without arguing about TF2 related stuff going on . Perhaps I'll make a post on the crap tomorrow when I'm thinking straight.
  12. Bumping this up - heading down to St. Louis soon, hope you people show up!
  13. Kinda funny, I found TF2 kinda hard to get into originally as well, but mainly because of how slow the pacing felt compared to more traditional deathmatch FPSs like UT2k4. I stuck with it though because regulars from #ocremix were playing it. And then soon after I started the server because there was interest expressed in #ocremix in getting a server for the community, yet nobody was acting on it. Never did I imagine it exploding the way it did with so many regulars though, or the server evolving the way it did. Originally I couldn't fathom the thought of a viable server for the community with alltalk on or even a hint of micspam accepted, and yet it happened and gameplay hasn't suffered too much for it I feel. Better yet, people enjoy being able to talk to everyone and it has fostered much interaction that you won't see on many other servers. The server has been moving away from my vision for it and more towards the community's vision, and in a way I'm relieved that it has done so. I'm perhaps too rigid of a person in some ways to implement policies of my devising that is amenable to most of the OCR TF2 community. Also, Brushfire has been added to admins again!
  14. Sweet deal, although I already got it. I know a few people in the community play it regularly, like Bardic Knowledge, Newt, and zircon.
  15. So, when Newt & I went to Buffalo Wild Wings earlier in the night, we heard Thriller played over the speakers fittingly enough. For those who haven't heard it, here's a nice Thriller chiptune virt did: http://www.biglionmusic.com/content/virt_-_thriller_vrc6.mp3 This sucks big time, but it hasn't really hit me as much because of a possible nuclear war in Korea looming has much of my concern atm due to all of my relatives on my father's side living in North & South Korea (at least, we hope the ones stuck in NK are still alive).
  16. Yeah...there's quite a bit of lag.
  17. Is there a particular area of Union Station we should meet at?
  18. So...looks like my motherboard probably fried after just opening up the desktop & blowing away dust . I won't be able to do any changes to the server until I get new parts in. Edit: Fixed my problem - apparently a loose CPU fan can cause much pain.
  19. So some of us talked this over - how does Union Station at 1 pm sound? Newt & I might be a little late just as an advance warning, but Bardic has both of our numbers anyway. The only set-in-stone plan we were thinking was seeing Transformers 2 at an 8:15 showing - I think they know the theater.
  20. So I updated the server to ctf_1fort_a5, and added this map Trianine pointed out to me: http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/99615 I'll add the updated version of yukon too soon.
  21. So just out of curiosity, how far along is the project? If you want to use PMs, that's fine too - I'm just interested because we have a few other projects nearing completion, and it's a good idea to give the staff a heads up so that release dates can be coordinated.
  22. Wait what? ...There were no sexual connotations in there .
  23. Happy birthday Andy! I hope you have a nice day alone with Jill over there!
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