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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I scalped 3 myself - I wish I tried harder to get a few more to put up on ebay, but oh well. Do you live near a Circuit City or Target suzu? Keep track of the Sunday ads, and camp out the night before the Sunday the ad is for (assuming that the ad lists the Wii as in stock for that day) in front of the store if you want to be safe (this applies more for Circuit City than Target).
  2. How ironic, my internet has been pretty crappy too the past 2 weeks thanks to the great people at Comcast.
  3. I didn't listen to the OCR version too carefully since I prefer 192+ kbps, but from a cursory listen, I didn't notice anything at a normal volume level on my stereo system. I'm pretty anal usually, but those clips only prove my point - on a casual listen, the artifacts are hardly noticeable.
  4. I thought Ghost Opera was a little bland, especially compared to The Black Halo, but I guess it's hard to match such a good album. I've always missed Kamelot due to poor tour dates for me to catch a show . If only the midwest didn't fail hard at transportation...
  5. Crap...there's no way I'm going to be able to finish, much less start my track - I've been too busy lately.
  6. Now Larry is gonna kill you. Happy birthday!
  7. You had 10 days since the thread was first posted here to send in a short 30 second wip or so for us to quality check if you wanted a track...and the days keep increasing. We aim on our next deadline to be in early August, so at this point there's really little excuse for anyone complaining about time - I probably have less of it than most people, yet I'm here helping with managing the project among other daily activities.
  8. Ah, alright, just making sure because of our policy of not allowing links to illegal content on OCR and more often than naught someone doesn't know this. In that case, time for me to get downloading.
  9. I think it is generally accepted amongst gamers that Fox News isn't exactly the most responsible "news" organization.
  10. To be fair, it was in Offtop originally, but I moved it.
  11. I got 9 out of 18 with guesses. I haven't played most of those games .
  12. Is the soundtrack legally free through downloads?
  13. Yeah, try not to think about it, when you're actually performing or otherwise. I know you probably cared a lot, but your mindset should be that the world will go on whether you screw up or not, so you shouldn't be nervous over such a triviality (in the grand scheme of things).
  14. No, people are right when they say FLAC is preferred by a niche audience. I have more music than probably anyone else on this site (could be wrong, but I've yet to come upon a single person with more music than me on a hard drive), and yet I have no need for FLAC - it still takes up an incredibly excessive amount of space, and it generally is a pain to work with compared to mp3s with that additional step of converting the file format if you want to use the music with other devices. In addition, 192 kbps mp3s sound just fine - I even have a hard time at times differentiating with mp3s encoded at lower bit rates compared to their higher quality counterparts (e.g. the FF7 project mix 'Valse Aeris'), and my hearing has always been excellent in terms of attentiveness to details. Probably the biggest blow, most people still don't even know what FLAC is, or if they do, they still tend to not care. In fact, of all the communities related to music I've been around, over here is the only place I've seen interest for FLAC, and even here it's in the minority. Logistically, FLAC is unreasonable for a website like OCR since as zircon mentioned, bandwidth is still a limiting issue - quite frankly, our broadband here in the US blows. Also as zircon mentioned, it is fairly uncommon that a song that would pass the standards would break the file size limit with all the alterations. Just to use the Valse Aeris example again, the OCR version takes up only 5.4 MB and at 90-something kbps (92? I forget) - the project version takes up 10.1 MB at 192 kbps. Excepting the bit rate difference, they are identical songs. I've yet to see any argument for FLAC with more pros than cons. Maybe once larger hard drives (including larger portable storage drives as well) & far improved internet become ubiquitous, then a format like FLAC would make complete sense. Currently however, it's just too much inconvenience for a small amount of benefit.
  15. Also, black metal is rooted largely in its minimalism (as far as metal goes), with intentional bad timing in the riffs. Most tend to focus on Satan, anti-Christianity in general, and dark fantasy, but there's a more vicious character in the music (especially in the vocals) than the more atmospheric goth metal. Think of bands like Emperor, Behemoth, and Bathory for example.
  16. Goth is a reference to the style of music associated with the Medieval Ages, typically of the dark, brooding, and atmospheric nature. Epica definitely shows these qualities, as well as a few other traditional qualities of goth metal bands, such as the interplay between the female & male vocals in duets. Their music shows some more modern influences as well, and is not wholly goth metal, as they show some qualities of power metal at times as well (not unexpected for a band named after Kamelot's Epica album).
  17. Epica is not symphonic black metal - they're symphonic goth metal. Whatever gave you the idea that they were remotely black metal?
  18. I got it shipped to me but I don't mind - I'm still busy with Lost Odyssey, but very close to finishing all of the achievements. I almost forgot that I preordered it a while ago if it wasn't for an email saying that it was being shipped to me 2 days ago.
  19. Bumping it up, just letting you all know that the number of available tracks are decreasing, so if you want one of the ones left, better whip up a wip soon (pun unintended).
  20. I thought the same thing...I was like wtf?
  21. Haha new In Flames...it's almost like they pulled a Metallica, except that they had more talent. Some videos! Angra - Nova Era Ayreon - The New Migrator http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2UjU6wdX8U Gamma Ray - Land of the Free http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iOeA06_vOs Helloween - The Dark Ride (video itself is crappy, but the song!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKMZvTD78F4 Kamelot - When the Lights are Down Nightwish - Wishmaster Iron Maiden - Wasted Years I don't know Kalmah too well (although I have listened to their stuff before). Speaking of bands similar to Children of Bodom, Norther is very similar to Bodom, except a little more keyboard driven.
  22. I've had my eye on this one for a few months: http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LNT4061F-1080p-LCD-HDTV/dp/B000N4Z42C/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1205079333&sr=1-12 If you buy from Amazon though, be sure to buy it through the OCR store - http://www.ocremix.org/amazon/
  23. Desert Rain was one of the few that caught me when I listened to all their stuff before. Burnt Offerings is another one (one of my friends thinks it's their best song). I'll take a listen to the others tomorrow...Dante's Inferno is a long damn song.
  24. Oh believe me, I noticed with your DKC 2 wip. I remember you mentioning Iced Earth around here a few years ago, and your riffing definitely stuck out. For some reason though, I've never really fell in love with their stuff, although there were a few tracks I've liked - got any recommendations on tracks that best represent them?
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