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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Digg and Slashdot both supposedly don't count.
  2. Well, we would need widespread coverage of the albums themselves - maybe the Final Fantasy 7 project can achieve that, but that would only justify that particular project having a page. I think the music standards are laughably bad on Wikipedia though. Some of the arguments of the so-called regulars on there are just as bad (btw, did anyone catch zeality's LOL comment in that link Hetcenus posted?)
  3. ZX is awful what? I think something got mistranslated here though - it seems like he's talking about how games should be marketed.
  4. All music has structure period. Because of that, you can discuss whether the particular choice is done well, or whether it's just throwing stuff together haphazardly without regards to any proper coherency. It's not about notions of enthusiasts or any such. Anyone with half a brain can do this if they really cared to - that's what differentiates those who view music as an artform and those who just listen to music because it engages their senses.
  5. Depends on what viewpoint of "greatest" you look at. If you're talking about how well the music does what it aims at, then no, this is the most ridiculous viewpoint ever - it is demeaning to composers, serious musicians, or anyone who cares about structure.
  6. Frankly, I think how things are run at OCR are just fine - just about everything that is raised that is a minor/major issue DOES irk me and I notice that stuff too. It's not music elitism, it's just about how well music accomplishes what it goes for. Actual music elitism and snobbishness is bad - my father is the perfect example of that, listening to only contemporary music, largely from the classic & romance eras.
  7. So...anyone looking for another Wiimote? I'm willing to sell an extra for $40 shipped anywhere in the US...I don't want any extra remotes.
  8. Personally, I try to distinguish each instrument used, what purpose does each instrument serve, and how well the purpose is accomplished by the arrangement.
  9. Bump - what do you all think about the PSP2: http://www.gametab.com/news/840378/ Sounds like they're getting ready to fix all the hardware quirks with it, excepting the shitty analog nub.
  10. I'd doubt MP8 is going to be overly different from the previous MP games...but Super Paper Mario sounds sweet, definitely getting that at release.
  11. Bump for all the Baltimore peeps. I so envy you people Edit: You may see me in the area more next year though - my brother is almost completely set to go to JHU for grad school, so I'll be visiting .
  12. Yeah, like I need to level up a lot still for better equipment, a few almost 10k gil spells, and a lot of techs still...this game is starting to get as ridiculous as FF3 DS. It's the opposite of fun.
  13. Personally, I think both suck, but I've heard varying things about both services (some people for XM, some for Sirius).
  14. So I've been playiing this game for the past week/week and a half...why do they force you to level up still . Even after exploring all sorts of areas of maps, I still find I'm generally underleveled and underequipped. I'm currently up to Ahriman, and that boss pisses me off.
  15. Well, maybe Nintendo's view is that parents will be out for church, and so the kids will probably pester them to stop by a store that sells pokemon while they're outside.
  16. Gah, those are the two missing pieces of the tal rasha's set I needed! Yeah I want them...
  17. Well, there is a long way to do the problem too I think, but it's more trouble than it's worth (by making use of (cos x)^2 = 1 - (sin x)^2 )
  18. So, (cos A)^4 + 2 * (cos A * sin A)^2 + (sin A)^4 = ( (cos A)^2 + (sin A)^2 )^2 = 1 ^ 2 = 1
  19. Whoa big thread merge. So nobody has thoughts on Playstation Home?
  20. Yes. And anyone see that footage of Super Paper Mario? Looks like a game I'd buy in a heartbeat.
  21. Well, I guess either would work, but I was thinking of just putting the staff on the secondary so I just switch it out on the fly when I'm not casting anything. We have a second mule btw, there're a lot of items people are dumping onto the mules.
  22. Bump So I got my Tal rune, I just need a 4 socket staff, any will do. Also, I found a Thul rune & unique war gauntlets for anyone to use.
  23. Oh then that makes sense. So, (tan x)^2 * (sin x)^2 = (tan x)^2 + (cos x)^2 - 1 is equivalent to (tan x)^2 * (sin x)^2 = (tan x)^2 - (sin x)^2 (using (sin x)^2 + (cos x)^2 = 1) (sin x)^2 + (tan x)^2 * (sin x)^2 = (sin x)^2 * (1 + (tan x)^2 ) = (tan x)^2 (sin x)^2 * (sec x)^2 = (sin x)^2 / (cos x)^2 = (tan x)^2, which is certainly true (Note: I used (tan x)^2 + 1 = (sec x)^2 here)
  24. Skills on the staff doesn't matter, it's not my buff staff.
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