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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. My problem with review sites are that they're not honest about problems with games, or try to hide the most notable ones. That's why I'm in the process of starting one .
  2. Yeah, the FFV Advance translation is gold.
  3. Yeah, the Wii is looking a little dry until the fall, but that's why I bought a 360.
  4. Well yesterday and today there's a special deal at Meijer (a chain store in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky) 20% off all general merchandise, for use with only one item although they don't seem to care too much. Also, there's a 15% off which is stackable if you use the Meijer credit card, and I got an extra 10% off stacked because it was my first purchase with the credit card, which gave me 38.8% off for $263 with tax. My own XBox 360 I took advantage of a Christmas Toys 'R Us sale for the 360 premium where you get a $100 gift card with the purchase of one, and I had a special stackable 25% off total purchase at Toys 'R Us coupon courtesy of an American Express annual holiday promotion.
  5. So I finally got around to playing Rayman since having it from launch...and it's kinda boring . I just want single player to end already.
  6. So I just got another XBox 360 Premium for $263 (not as good as my first deal $300 with $100 gift card, but oh well), but this is going to a friend. Also looks like there's heavy rumormongering amongst retail that there'll be a new XBox 360 with a 120 GB hard drive and an HDMI port for $479. Looks like we may have a Premium price drop.
  7. Those last few are a bitch - you just gotta get used to tapping faster than ever. Once you beat it though every song suddenly feels pretty easy though.
  8. I don't mind boss battles like that but...if they erase 2+ hours of gaming with no possible way to save in between that's some bullshit
  9. Yeah, we really have it nice today, with stuff like Facebook, AIM, cellphones...the works.
  10. I view facebook more of a "it's there" type of thing if you're interested - I don't log on often, and just message a few select friends sometimes (people who tend to not pick up/use their cellphone much). It's only as good as how you use it.
  11. For those of you clamoring for Mother 3
  12. Do you have a way to test whether there is a faulty hardware part? Simply swapping things in and out won't let you detect whether something is faulty, such as if it is a faulty motherboard. If it happened before you reinstalled XP, I'm guessing it is highly likely that it is something faulty with an essential hardware component.
  13. I thought the logo was revealed before? Or do you mean first screens? *sigh* another Mega Man game I'll be buying.
  14. Nah, I'm one of those noobs who don't read console/handheld instruction manuals.
  15. Tell me about it - I was outside for ~30 min in -5 degree weather today .
  16. Oh wow I didn't realize that it had the resyncing feature that the XBox 360 has, sweet!
  17. Time to revive the PSP thread! I got another PSP now and played a little Mega Man Powered Up, that game is pretty good from what I played so far. I can't wait to downgrade my firmware as soon as my USB cable comes it
  18. Bahamut wins vs. Grayfox & amazgr8
  19. So, looks like Ikaruga is coming out for the 360 on the XBLA - http://www.gametab.com/news/815964/
  20. Well, I got so sick of the shitty leveling up I decided to go into the final dungeon at level 52-3 or so...and was around level 54 when I fought the final boss (with a Devout, Sage, Knight, and Ninja), and I was one attack away from game over. I would've been so pissed if I died there since that's a good 2 hours without having saved. And yes, I sidequested and bought spells like Flare and Meteor, as well as all the best weapons in the final sidequest.
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