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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I don't check Twitter really - the only way people are gonna get in touch with me is either by calling me and getting lucky or just running into me...which is why I said for people to PM me if they want my #.
  2. Well, we now know what to expect at Larry's wedding .
  3. Reason I ask is so if anyone wants to hang out earlier I'm game. I might get there in the morning to spend time with the early arrivers.
  4. So how early are people arriving at the hotel on Thursday?
  5. This is an introspective to a hesitant mind . Don't worry about it all, you never can be a part of the forums if you don't post, right? As long as you have an open mind & good heart it's all fine .
  6. So I was looking at restaurants too, and noticed this tidbit about Fiorella Pizzeria: "Beware of the sharing pizza tax. If you split a 18" pizza with your mate, expect to pay an additional $12 just to share the pizza. You are better off buying two 12" pizza's." Not sure if it's true as the menu does say 18" to share but it's worth keeping in the back of your head. There's also a Ben & Jerry's right near the Potbelly & apparently a Godiva. The hotel also has a steakhouse but boy does it look expensive.
  7. What are good breakfast options Kaiser? Also wow there's a place called Cakelove.
  8. Someone needs to tackle World Revolution from Chrono Trigger!
  9. A quick search on Google Maps brought up a place called Potomac Gourmet - that work for you?
  10. Pretty short album - I wish it were a lot longer . What's there is nice though! Love the punk style you got going, I would love to see more of it around the community.
  11. I have no clue who unbanned him.

  12. I guarantee I'm more educated than you - if you can't check that condescending attitude out the door, I'm going to warn you to refrain from posting or face a ban. I have had a run in with the RIAA myself 6-8 years ago. The RIAA constantly complained about an organization I worked for in Congress. The reason? We didn't do enough to their liking about cracking down on copyright infringers, despite it not being our place to. I understand full and well the crap the RIAA would lobby for such as the Save Mickey Mouse Act. I've been around the issue far longer than you have, so don't act like you know everything when you clearly have shown how little you know with your lackluster application of logic. What you've been saying is tantamount to saying "[insert phenomena] happened, so God must exist!" Not to say that believing in a faith necessarily is a bad thing, but at least know what type of argument you're making before you make it.
  13. You've told us nothing. Just because something happens does not mean it validates your claims. Leave that condescending attitude at the door, it's not needed here.
  14. I should also mention that I keep the albums in a different folder, G:\VGM\OverClocked ReMix Albums, so that it's easier to access.
  15. This has a really somber/blues feel to it, and the combination is quite interesting. The piano really sets the somber stage, but the acoustic shows some blues styled playing and you wait for the song to possibly break open from that. The slowdown at the end of the song really is a nice way to end the song with its unexpectedness. It's a well-crafted song and I found it surprisingly enjoyable. I'd love to hear more!
  16. So if anyone plans on calling people, it would be a good idea to grab phone numbers. If anyone wants mine, PM me!
  17. I organize it via the filesystem - I have my OCR stuff in G:\VGM\OverClocked ReMix\ and then I have a folder for each game so all Chrono Trigger mixes would be in G:\VGM\OverClocked ReMix\Chrono Trigger\.
  18. I recommend staying away from it - it looks like a terrible port job.
  19. I have high hopes for this album after hearing those short clips .
  20. Actually, I'm pretty happy with the panel time change - this slot that they changed it to works a lot better. I just know like half of us would've gotten brutalized by the DoD listening party and then OCR panel a few hours later with how it was previously scheduled, which would've been poor.
  21. I really hope that schedule changes drastically - that's just completely brutal.
  22. Whoa, that's a lot of sources packed in 4:42. The song starts off nice & minimalistic, although that changes once the guitars enter in. It turns darker as it goes on, enhanced by the vocal grunts. I like how the artist mentions that he focused on thinking when arranging this - I like that approach to music the most, as it shows that the artist is consciously thinking about a goal and trying to execute as best as he/she can towards that goal. This flows well and just is a great listen overall. I think it's a great job and I hope to hear more .
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