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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I don't think you want to wish venereal diseases!
  2. Hey, so Xarnax42 is back in the states this weekend from this one country with deployed troops that starts with the letter A - who would be up for a get together around the area?
  3. Bonus points for those who knows what that arcade's name is referring to!
  4. There isn't because it's a list thread if it doesn't spur discussion. I'm going to leave this thread open a little longer to see if discussion can happen.
  5. So I've been wondering - can we try figuring out what's the root of the server lag we've been seeing? I got some pretty nasty lag spikes the last two times I've been playing, and it has happened before too. Some people wonder if it's a configuration issue. Could we try doing something like disabling the replays?
  6. Actually if you look carefully, you should see that X is still blue in the original - the hue of red is from the flames. I can see what you mean though, but I think it fits nicely despite that although I guess that's a point people can have legitimately differing opinions on. I think perfect cover art is incredibly difficult and this one nails almost everything.
  7. That blue recoloring looks cool, although I still prefer the original art because the red gives a sinister background to it. Not a fan of the chibi art though.
  8. What Mokram said - going to lock the thread now, the procedures have changed since this project was shelved.
  9. Rereading the OP...I misunderstood the root of the questioning it would appear (I answered from my cellphone so my focus wasn't at its best). Palpable and Flexstyle probably offered the best responses to your question. I'm afraid I don't really have something substantial to answer your question.
  10. My advice - make the song you want to make. Don't let the question of "is it a game remix?" bother you. If you just want to know the answer to satisfy an intellectual curiosity though, different people have different views. Some people just want it to retain the general feel of a song. OCR has its own standard of 50% source - everyone knows about Larry's stopwatching. It's hard to say.
  11. I guess this isn't so bad but...I still don't like the fat Mega Man idea .
  12. It is the final logo - you know, I was a bit iffy at first with the logo, but I like it a lot. I think it works pretty well, gives off an edgy, futuristic feel to it that exudes some grit. This is the next album folks! We have a tentative date we're shooting for next month for release. The assets are in, and the music is finalized, although we may have a late entry . Get excited!
  13. Nah, I'm good. I should be reviewing more to be honest to make my goal of reviewing every track on OCR...and I'm also part of staff.
  14. I personally choose to ignore labels or platform and enjoy whatever game I play for what it is, casual or otherwise. I don't particularly care about labels when it comes to enjoyment. They may help facilitate discussion about certain topics, but other than that I don't care. I have already reached that point. I'm sure eventually there will be lots of other gamers who have too (and I'm sure there are some others who are likeminded as me here), but I'm not even interested in when it happens. What others do doesn't concern me.
  15. You know that you guys don't have to have just one meetup - you can have more than one in different locations!
  16. Looks like there are a fair number of Indy OCR people as well. halc, chthonic, ectogemia, AP, VashtheStampede at the least. Since the midwest is so big, it's probably a good idea to compile a list of where everyone is at and to try to see where people are willing to meet up at.
  17. Call it networking! It's not a waste of time if you're out meeting new people.
  18. Tell them you're just hanging out with friends who go to U of M or something like that.
  19. Being at a meetup isn't contingent on post count or anything like that. Also I noticed from some posters - it seems there's a fair number of you that could have a Twin Cities meetup of your own or even hang out regularly. BardicKnowledge and MaxFrost lives there, and OA lives close enough to there too.
  20. I've stopped caring about what music is popular - why do I need to worry about what music everyone else is listening to? It doesn't change my enjoyment of a song. Also, people listen to music for their own reasons. I know someone who listens to popular music purely to get laid
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