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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I remember Navy Pier being interesting - basically an amusement park but there are vodka snowcone stands! Isn't there a Chinatown too? I always wanted to try the original Unos there, although I hear it's always packed. Ginos East is also supposedly really good. I've mostly been around Chicago for concerts at the House of Blues so I couldn't tell you much about it myself. I do know that Michigan Ave. is like Chicago's analog of NYC's Fifth Avenue though.
  2. Listening party was great, although it felt short as I commented there .
  3. Chicago or somewhere near is the ideal point for a midwest meetup but strangely there was never enough interest expressed in a meetup there .
  4. Why couldn't these things happen while I was still in the midwest?
  5. In the upper right with the green shirt - Moguta Right below Moguta and slightly to the right - D-Lux (Steven King) Slightly below D-Lux and slightly to the right - I want to say that's Alexis, can someone confirm? To her left - Jose the Bronx Rican (Jose Felix) To his left and slightly above with the OCR hoodie - q-pa (Jon Heiman) Between q-pa and me, and slightly to the left - Abadoss (Kenneth Keyn) Just to the upper left of Abadoss - Theory of Nonexistence (that might not be his exact forum handle here currently, it might be Theory of N) (Dustin Lagaly) Above ToN - Cerrax (Charles Koch) Above Cerrax - chthonic, aka Ben Briggs To the left of Cerrax - newt, BardicKnowledge's brother (Tom Thompson) Left of newt - Skummel Maske (Thomas Bullock) Above Skummel - SnappleMan (Andreas Kotsamanidis) Below Skummel - BardicKnowledge (Ryan Thompson) Left of Skummel - LuketheXJesse (Christopher Luke Keever) Left of Luke - Lizz Below and between Luke & Lizz - Scrobble (Robert Steele) Left of BardicKnowledge - Vimk (Mike Beezley) Left of Vimk - Murmeli Walan (Alan Bish) Bottom left - Protricity (Ari Asulin) Right of Prot - Audio Fidelity (Jay Yaskin) Right of Audio Fidelity - bustatunez (Wilbert Roget II) Slightly right and above bustatunez - TheShaggyFreak (William Chrapcynski) Right of bustatunez - DrumUltimA (Doug Perry) Bottom right - prophetik (Brad Burr) To the left of me - wildfire (Beth) Between Brandon Strader and Jose - Andy Goth (he seldom posts) Who else am I missing (besides wildfire's friend Sam who is above q-pa)? If I didn't put a full name for the person, it's because it's not listed in their profile and I don't want to compromise their identity - that's not my place.
  6. So my Last.fm shows my most played song from OCR is not actually a posted mix. It is from the Radical Dreamers album on OCR! In particular, the song Days of Summer V2 - I love this song quite a lot, it's relaxing, features nice vocals, and has a sense of movement.
  7. Not necessarily - I can see that backfiring on their businesses. I think them being up serves a good purpose actually, since it leaves it up to friends to educate each other about the issue, and that is often more influential.
  8. If I could +1 Larry's post I would. Amusingly, DaMonz's picture would be enough to cause copyright holders to abuse SOPA/PIPA.
  9. But your original idea was a list thread, which is also not allowed. At the least I tried to interject some mini reviews with mine to help try to spur discussion.
  10. You don't have to apologize for a bump!
  11. There's no mention about Wind Waker, Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword?
  12. Part 2 is Lover Reef mixed with some random fun - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01465/
  13. It's an old mix, but I still love it today every now and then. The drums could use some work overall I feel, but otherwise, this is a song that stands out on its own. The arrangement has a touching feel to it that just glides through smoothly. I'd love to hear more if Faze is still making music!
  14. I was sort of lukewarm on the schedule myself, but it is what it is. I didn't let it bother my enjoyment one bit and still came out with an amazing experience. Scheduling is not going to be made any easier with MAGFest getting so large, so I'm resigned to whatever happens anyway.
  15. I like doing it with all items, even if some of them can make you rage shortly. It helps you take the game less seriously when you lose to something silly.
  16. Hey Nekofrog this thread has your calling
  17. Oh man, my most played ones? Forever, Young Rachel A New Place The Shredder The Rose General Nuclear Flash Dreaming Still Are some of them. I've probably missed quite a few, but these were the ones that came to mind first. I've been listening to The Shredder for quite a while before the BadAss album came out, it's just that great - Sixto showed it to me maybe about a year or more before that even & I knew it was a kickass track back then. Once his Maverick Rising track comes out though I think people will find this one topped, although it's still currently my favorite posted Sixto track . Forever, Young Rachel just astounds me & clicks even if it's not the most polished mix production-wise. Something about how the duet is framed just resonates with me greatly. A New Place is probably my most listened to song from the DKC 2 album I helped run. I have a hard time getting myself to listen to the rest of the album since having listened to the tracks so much to ensure their quality, I've gotten sick of a lot of them (no fault of the artists though). Not that way with A New Place though, I still absolutely love what Nicole did with the song. I didn't expect my suggestion of a duet to be taken in such a gorgeous and entrancing direction, you really get to see what inspiration can do to someone's music. The Rose General was a pleasant surprise when it was posted - it is organic, and quite emotive. The delicate nature of the instruments featured really gave a human touch to the singer's role of Beatrix. The style itself is also pretty unique, and makes good use of these elements to give an enriching song. Nuclear Flash is just some fun wankery provided by zircon and Sixto. zircon does a pretty solid job of emulating styles, but this one is easily his best attempt yet, while still retaining some character that is his own. Just a fun mix all around. Dreaming Still is another one of those not completely polished songs, but it still captures my imagination with a good soundscape surrounding the Radical Dreamers melody, and Jill does a good job providing dreamy vocals.
  18. Here's a random treat of a mix I was pointed to earlier:
  19. Nah, don't do that - get some private forums and have mixers post the WIPs there or something. Don't post them publicly though, they spoil the songs and the mixers probably rather have finished products public not WIPs.
  20. Andy & Jill - is this true? I guess that failed, but I had fun! And the best part? No hangover!
  21. You can always take WIPs - you don't have to update the thread with the WIP status. That's what I do here.
  22. I also remember that game of Ultimate we played during the VGL DC weekend & that BBQ we had at Burke Lake Park. Those were some good old days. But yeah, a lot of us are still around! So you committing to MAGFest 11?
  23. I never got to meet him - no wonder why .
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