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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. You could post them here - any feedback would be much appreciated, it was our first time running something like that.
  2. There weren't too many asians around, you really missed Dhsu?
  3. I kinda expected more posts - we know we all loved MAGFest greatly! I'm gonna be honest - this year PMD hit me pretty hard due to a crush that manifested during MAGFest and only really hit after the goodbyes. I've started to channel it into positive motivation to get things done though. Busying the mind & body is a great way to take away from situations that just aren't feasible currently (at least that's what I believe with my case), and I know I'm not the only one in this boat from this MAGFest. It wasn't even something I went & looked for. Aside from romantic drama, I have many good things to take away from this MAGFest that I didn't mention in my more general post earlier. Here's a list of everything I enjoyed period. + Bus Boys & Poets! It was great eating there again, even though they had to split us into four groups, it was still fun jumping around socializing and in some ways even better than if they just stuck us in one gigantic table since there was room for us to go around and even sit down by some of the split groups. + Sitting around by the round tables by the escalators near the panel rooms. It was a nice chance to wind down and even do some gaming. I wish more people had 3DSs though, I would've loved to play more Mario Kart. Perhaps next year! + The massive Apples to Apples game at Stevo's on Sunday night - it was chaotic in a great way! And it also moved a lot faster than most Apples to Apples games do. I felt I lost my concentration as the game went on but it was fun when I entered. + Neo Turf Masters at SnappleMan's room. Dhsu, Christos (Snapple's brother), Sindra, Akumu, and me vs. SnappleMan, virt, and Phillippe. My team sucked the big one, but it was a first time playing for Dhsu, Sindra, and me so I say we were doing respectable all things considered. + In general, hanging around Christos, Sindra, and Akumu. Great set of people! I was a bit surprised how Akumu is in person, I still remember when he changed his sig to a gif of "OverClocked Faggots" with a flaming cowboy back when there were the content policy discussions going on + Hanging around Skummel + Chats with wildfire + Rosa Mexicano with OCR staff. Place is boss as I mentioned earlier, if a bit hellish to reserve for a party of 12. I ended up getting the number of the people in the party wrong but the restaurant worked with me just fine and didn't charge any extra fee. Great restaurant, well worth eating at again next MAGFest if anyone is up for it. zircon picked some excellent choices for the food items for our family style menu, although djpretzel was disappointed we didn't get the big flan due to Andy's desire for some churros. Seeing Jill buzzed from her margarita was pretty hilarious, and later on when she was drinking her Mike's Hard Lemonade too. + Running into virt & skilly (A_Rival) before the OCR panel and chatting it up some. + Entering the OCR panel in style with my drunken self...ok maybe not in style, but I certainly made an impression. + Elevators not being so terrible to go on! + OCR hotel room block! Next year we have to do an OCR suite in addition to the normal rooms to give us a great area for us to all chill as a group in. + Beating Taucer in the annual Tetris Attack challenge. Next year we need to get a group OCR TA session going, DarkCecil13 wanted in, and wildfire wanted to play too. Dhsu is also pretty good, and I hear Mazedude is also a beast at the game. + Breath strips that Arrow bought because Lizz was going crazy at the rest of us in the room making noises when sleeping. I think she has had to wake up all of us at least once throughout MAGFest, poor Lizz. + Kamen rider watching party in my room - that was quite fun! + Not getting sick + Saturday being warm as heck! + MtG with Vinnie, OA, Gario, and one of Vilecat's friends. I went 0-8, but I still had fun while doing it! + Seeing LuketheXDrunk go crazy, drunk or sober. + Seeing Metroid Metal, virt, part of Bit Brigade, The Minibosses, The OneUps, Year 200X, and the Earthbound Papas + Being one of 10 people or so who started the crazy mosh pit to Year 200X's cover of Battery (Metallica). We even threw around the scrawny security guards they had guarding all the FF fans who were pushing forward for dear life ! It has been years since I've been involved in a mosh pit, it is usually me guarding a group of friends at concerts in the front row from that. It also is almost the only time when you can push a girl and it be totally acceptable (she was participating in the pit) + Talking to/hanging out with norg, Snapple, Ashane, clansmaneddie and just everyone in general + Meeting chthonic! Too bad I didn't get to see more of Ben around . And Ectogemia! You've been relatively out of sight too! + Meeting DaMonz - I wish I got to hang around more, where the heck were you the whole weekend? + Meeting Demonstray. He may have been a project flake, but we're still cool. Was great seeing him and enjoying the DoD listening party in his vicinity! + The DoD listening party. It is easily one of the strongest DoD months ever, and pretty much my favorite so far. The quality across the board was stellar minus one or two tracks. Everyone put in max effort or close to it, so I have to give kudos for giving us a great time listening to great music. In a way it was a good thing that there were maybe half as many entries as usual. My voting kinda suffered towards the end of it (sorry OA) due to wildfire dragging me away to play Euchre but I survived my 4th year in a row voting! At least it's not like the hell of being there until 7 am (from 12 am) like the M7 DoD listening party was. That was brutal, I was dying during that one. + Drinking with everyone! It doesn't really need to be said, but it was good stuff. The only negative I'd like to list...is that people were leeching off of alcohol without providing their own. I spent ~$100 on beer and didn't really get much return on it excepting Wednesday night. What's the deal people? Overall, it was exciting times. I only wish I had more time to hang out with everyone - I was pretty much a social butterfly this year, all over the place and hard to nail down. I think the Marine Corps has changed me quite a bit in making me more of an extrovert, and for those who have known me over the years, they probably could notice the change. I'm drastically different from when djp, zirc, Jill, D-Lux, Jose, and Taucer met me back on that fateful day of Dec. 30, 2005. I still have fond memories of all the times we've all hung out over the years, and OCR has changed me for the better. OCR has provided me with many lifelong friends as well. Friends who are there unconditionally when you're down, or are having emotional issues. I've always been a willing ear, and others around have always been willing to hear my own woes. If it wasn't for the strong support network here and MAGFest 8, I may still be in an uncontrollable depression that plagued me in 2009 from a failed romantic involvement that was a relationship in all but name (namely my hesitancy to commit, which turned out to be the right choice) - I had the right mindset, but I just could not control my heart despite much effort. That also was about the time when I was starting to get a little out of control with starting projects , but I think part of that was as a mechanism for coping. The community has provided me and many with many fine outlets for venting and rambling, it's hard not to be appreciative for all it has given me. I hope others around here have gotten or will get as much out of the community as I have. We're all pretty likeminded & have likeminded interests, so there's much to be said for having a pretty mature & friendly community on the internet that has blossomed into amazing real friendships and for some, lifelong relationships. Thank you everyone, your influence on my life has been great on every level! I hope this doesn't end up being a farewell message of sorts since I am Marine Corps infantry, but I felt like I needed to get it out there after 6 years of knowing a lot of you in person.
  4. Don't let it all cramp your style Luke! You didn't really do anything wrong, and plus I'm sure everyone can fend for themselves if need be.
  5. So I've been told that this post will be the 100th page in the thread, so here I am. The album is slated to come out next month. We're looking at the music being finalized this upcoming Sunday, and then the final prep on OCR's side starts.
  6. Yeah, but I was the only one called out by Dave during the panel for being drunk.
  7. Also Luke is as legendary as we all expected.
  8. Alright I decided to bring over the +'s and -'s like Nario so loves from theshizz + It's great seeing everyone again and meeting new faces! I hope Lizz, Amphibious, DaMonz, ShinnyMetal, Global Trance, Gario, Sindra, and Luke are psyched for next year, because what they witnessed will only get crazier and better! + Elegant Night. What a great way for Shizzies and OCRers to mingle together and meet people who they may have not gotten to meet otherwise. It really made a great MAGFest into an amazing one for me! + OCR staff dinner at Rosa Mexicano. Dave picked an absolutely amazing spot for our Thursday night dinner and the four course meal was worth every penny. Pretty much every item was excellent and we all left with filled stomachs after 2 hours, and the feasting commenced as soon as we sat down. If anyone ever decides to plan a similar dinner in the future, they'd be well advised to check out how this fancy dinner option. It would've been nice if we all were able to dress up for it but everything turned out great after spending several hours planning & coordinating the reservation + Kizyr's food guide to the National Harbor. It helped identify good places with decent prices. + Going to the OCR panel drunk. I had a cider, Sangria from Sindra, 3 Miller Lites, a Dogfish Head 60 min IPA, and a Smithwicks beforehand, and I came in clearly blazed, as even noted by Dave during the panel. You all must've got a kick out of that, although I wasn't as boisterous as I've been before at the panel strangely enough. + Beating Jeremy 3-1 in our annual Tetris Attack challenge. Our challenge record is now tied at 2-2, and will only tilt further in my balance come next MAGFest. Suck it! + Elevators not sucking like in the Hilton Mark Center. Waiting 30+ min for an elevator is not the way I rather spend my con time. Even the long walks from one room to another beat waiting for an elevator any day. + Playing Neo Turf Masters in SnappleMan's room with a good group of friends + OCR hotel block. What an amazing idea it was to group our rooms into one hotel block, it definitely was a lot nicer. - The hotel messing up our block. wildfire & her friends got particularly screwed by that from the hotel's mistake. Having random people on the other side or right by our block is also not the best of worlds either. - No convenient liquor store - Booze prices were obscene - Missing being able to properly see people off - Creepers following around the women of the community. Monobrow has the biggest story around, but a few other women had similar happenings too. All these creepers miss the deeper level of interaction and quite frankly it reeks of desperation, which is never attractive. But more on point, it creates underlying awkwardness if someone wants to hang out with any of them and doesn't want to deal with those types around, like D-Lux having to deal with those sororistutes & the creepers following them wanting a piece of scantily clad women who were looking for drinks, Mario Kart, and enjoying chiptune concerts. Just know that if anyone needs an out in those situations, I'm always glad to save anyone from it . - I wish there was more interaction between OCRers and Shizzies. We're one big community, and while it does take a bit of an alpha male personality to approach people when there's preexisting tension between the communities, it's really the best way to go since the tension between the two websites is pretty stupid to be honest. I've turned into quite a people person since finishing initial active duty training with the Marine Corps and I've been interacting greatly since. It's like I'm turning into Larry now! Overall, it has been great. I am definitely feeling PMD because of some of the amazing people at MAGFest - I'm feeling pretty emotionally connected despite not having spent enough time with many with just how the online drama doesn't color our actual interactions in person, and how much we all think on the same wavelength. It really is amazing what a great time we have at MAGFest, and I don't think I've ever experienced hanging out with friends being anywhere near this level except at previous MAGFests/meetups. This MAGFest was particularly special to my heart because of the meeting with new people and deepening ties. When you go out to meet lots of people, it becomes no surprise why the first MAGFest for newcomers ends up being so amazing for them. Damn, I wish I knew, I would've made the effort to see you guys on Stage 2. I was too busy flying all over the place and I missed so many people & even concerts despite my efforts to maximize my quality time with everyone & everything . If you guys are playing next year, I'll definitely see you guys!
  9. Post'em Nario! Nothing wrong with that.
  10. Hey skewered, who did you perform as?
  11. Holy crap, RealFolkBlues sighting! Have any other moments of subconsciously saying "Thank you bitch" to another waitress ? A lot of us aren't around to respond because we're all at MAGFest this year - there's over 60 from OCR here this year, which is nuts. Every year there is more and more that go to MAGFest. You need to go again, you'll definitely have a blast! Other than that, lots of albums have released on OCR - we've released 31 albums so far, including soundtracks to several games. Lots of songs have been posted, and lots of more minor cosmetic/policy changes have happened. You should check the music out, lots of quality stuff has been posted in the past few years! I hope you're back for good though, it would be great to see you here again, and hopefully at future MAGFests .
  12. So I was asleep but Gario's phone going off woke me up .
  13. Currently here with Arrow & Gario. Hung out with norg, wildfire, scrobble, Obtuse, Abadoss, Skummel, newt, q-pa, and various friends of wildfire, q-pa, and Shizzies. Ran into Dom and Nick the Newbie as well. If you're not here, you're missing out!
  14. To be fair BONKERS has been around for a year or two - he did two tracks for the Maverick Rising project, one of which he did a pretty stellar job with.
  15. I got a text from Dustin (ToN) saying guess what?
  16. I should mention that there's a CVS right within 2 blocks or so of the hotel!
  17. WillRock is around - he always is on IRC.
  18. Man, talk about a blast from the past. I love my Terra, and this mix provides a unique take on the source material, if dated. This mix really makes me wonder how it would sound if updated though. The arrangement itself isn't bad. It still has its enjoyability even now due to its unique nature and bounciness with the synth usage.
  19. My 2012 resolution - same as my 2011 one. Do 20+ pull ups, over 100 crunches in 2 minutes, and run faster than a 18 minute three mile. I probably won't accomplish it but hopefully I get close.
  20. Happy new year everyone! Welcome to the year of MMXII, or Mega Man X2!
  21. Added my info! Wednesday nighters we all should grab a bite to eat together or something!
  22. This mix is a little dated, but I still pretty much listen to it every New Years Eve - it helps usher in the new year, and it's an excuse to play this solid song. It's a little dated, but the arrangement keeps interesting. I feel it could have been longer like a lot, but it sets out to do much of what you expect. it sets off a bang with the sudden build up into the electronic portion after the slow beginning. It's supposed to be a fun and does the job. On a side note, I think it's hilarious that Dave called this an obscure piece .
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