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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This mix is a fun & a bit of a quirky mix coming from E-Bison - you don't really see it coming from this angle. There's some great execution here, although I think the ending is sort of weak when given how the rest of the song goes. The song doesn't manage to get old due to how many things are going on here, which is a good thing for people to take note of - the source itself isn't that complicated, so it's pretty much an example of how to have fun with a source and twist it in all sorts of ways while retaining its recognizable melody. Good job by the bison here!
  2. Good lord 17 rooms...sadly, I don't think the OCR staff room is going to be located near our block of 17 . I can't wait though, this is in like 2 weeks!
  3. Bumping this up - there's still some good tracks left!
  4. People generally review what they want, which is alright. Personally, I have been on a long term quest to eventually review every song on OCR so I'll get to them while going backwards through the songs. 12/21 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829687&postcount=3 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829689&postcount=18 Total reviewed: 117
  5. I had no clue Poolside was on the album - sweet!
  6. This is a pretty unique mix - it uses the guitar to help achieve the spacey distant feel in the song, but uses it in a less prominent way. The vocals are used to great effect here, and the soundscape really provides an understated role. The beats dropping into the song about a third of the way through morphs the song into a progressive electronic song that goes wild. It's a great return of Stephen Kennedy, and it's surprising how much he has progressed from those KFSS days. A great job by him here and special one at that!
  7. A bit offtopic here, but there's also two mixes named 'Blue Skies' on OCR, one Chrono Trigger one by DarkeSword and one FFXIII mix by bLiNd.
  8. Congrats go to Jade, Jordan, and all of the mixers/artists involved in getting this album out there - it really has been a long & arduous journey, and an excellent final product in the end. I think this may be my new favorite album on OCR but time will tell. Perhaps I'll post again in a few months and give more thoughts, but for now I think people will find it hard to disagree that this is a large high quality album .
  9. This is a pretty nifty mix, I'm liking the overall sound quite a lot. It has a sort of industrial or old sound to it in the background, while the synth guitars add some flavor & direction to it. Its rolling feel is quite fitting and engrossing here. A solid mix all around!
  10. Theophany and audio fidelity, what an interesting combo here! There is definitely a great spacey feel going on with this track that is indeed reminiscent of post-rock. I think this is more interesting than a lot of other music in that genre though, as it maintains a strong melody throughout and keeps a feel of progression throughout the song. The build and soundscape here is excellent, somehow finding ways to build even further and keep things varied enough where the arrangement itself doesn't feel basic. Excellent job you two, you both certainly helped come up with something grand with a high level of execution here!
  11. This mix is absolutely incredible - Diggi Dis has been on fire lately, and this mix (as well as some other project mixes he has done that are yet to come out in the next few months) just showcases some special stuff. I admittedly didn't get as into it on my first listen due to that contrasting synth that pops up during the song, but after a few listens it really clicked with me, and I can't get enough of the music. It's smooth as butter and the soft instrumentation used here really shines like no other along with a great arrangement. Frank, your music has definitely gotten a lot better in the past few years - what's your secret?
  12. Jordan does a great job here, giving this song a jungle-ish feel to it. It is one of his more striking electronic works with the different approach he took here with its arrangement, showing of some of the great versatility he has musically. The progression he put into the song clearly illustrates that he has grown greatly as a musician over the years and has become something else entirely, and I mean that in a great way . Stellar job by Jordan on his Wild ARMS tracks, and they really make you take notice of him as a songwriter/composer on a high level.
  13. This track is absolutely gorgeous - it really carries a vast solitude in a desert image that you get from Wild ARMS. I remember telling Jade that I shed a minitear when I heard the track for the first time about 2 years ago. Stevo did an amazing job here in nailing the atmosphere and having an emotive feel in this song, and this really goes down as one of the best mixes this year IMO. I love Stevo's work here, I think it's amongst his best if not his best work so far. Hopefully he can top it in the future .
  14. Weird, I could've swore I reviewed this mix before. This mix starts off on a weird note, and then suddenly shifts to a melodic part. I think that beginning could be pared down a lot here and it would be more interesting. Production is rough here, but the basic ideas aren't that bad for the most part. Not bad for back in 2001 in all honesty.
  15. I could've swore I posted in this thread - I guess I didn't. I remember this mix from DoD early this year, and it was a pretty solid entry from what I remember. I think this version is a more polished up version of the original entry (going off of memory here, so bear with me - it could be off since a lot of things happened this year for me), which is a great thing to hear. Everything sounds pretty crisp - the notes played on the guitar aren't always sharp, but the overall performance is pretty good. I do wish the song is a little longer, like a return to the guitar after the keyboard synth part at the end. I dig the song for the most part though, a good job by ScaredSim & Wild Cat here .
  16. Ah right I forgot about the Blood on the Asphalt version of New Mexican Thunderbird, which I still think is absolutely gorgeous .
  17. I forgot to mention - kudos to Dominic Ninmark (NitroFlash) for the great artwork for MR. It's just about what any Mega Man fan could hope for I feel and fits greatly with the album .
  18. Alright just posting that two people said in a PM they shipped their items out but they won't come in until after Christmas so keep your eyes peeled!
  19. Bumping this up - let's go, more reviews! ...Plus today you'll be able to review the Wild ARMS flood mixposts so review some tracks to get excited .
  20. This is a pretty fun take, it'd be nice to see more artists use this style. The production quality is pretty rough with the garageband-like recordings and a bit of overcompression possibly? It's a bit on the short side, but I'm not sure how much more would be good for this approach so I can live with that. Otherwise, not a bad first mix, and I'd love to hear more!
  21. Some sweet stuff from WillRock that I missed while at the brutal manning up know as boot camp. It's a short fun high energy track that moves along quite nicely with the WillRock synth action. I feel like I've run out of things to say about WillRock tracks though since he cranks so many out at a pretty good level - PROVE ME WRONG WILL!
  22. The ethereal nature of the source is brought out in a greater way somehow in this song, partly due to the vocals, It really remains interesting with how it's built throughout - it similarly intrigues me that Jordan keeps pumping these songs out at a high level. I think there's even room for this to become bigger with how it goes on near the end, which is just amazing - it almost feels too short! It's easily a top notch track from the FF4 album, and you really gotta be happy that Jordan did 3 tracks for it .
  23. I find it amusing that those baby cries in the beginning sound similar to monkeys calling out. I always welcome more Yoshi's Island love though - the Ben & Drew duo does a solid job here, although I think some of their latest work trumps this. It's a fun short listen though, and I love the judicious use of the sound effects from the game. I think it would've been really nice if the Kamek & then the miniboss themes were done afterwards, it would make for a sweet medley!
  24. Jewbei hits us with his bread and butter trance here, - I like that he went progressive with this, it gives more variance and keeps it from becoming too formulaic. The track does a pretty good job overall - I would've loved it more I feel if it had a more gentle & powerful sound towards the end of the song. Otherwise, love the Jewb's music as always!
  25. I think everyone gets some sort of 25, 33, or 50% off coupon for free for Valve games to start out in that great gift thingy.
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