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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. So I finally heard this mix for perhaps the first time, and I like it quite a lot. It is the only mix I'm aware of where Vurez uses vocals of any kind to help set the atmosphere. It's a chill song that you can relax to with everything just sitting right. The execution is excellent in this particular mix, it is a great job by Vurez!
  2. The trailer is mostly done - Jose is just making sure everything is the way they should be. No worries, we'll probably see it posted tonight .
  3. Something about the samples don't sound quite right to me - I'm not sure what it is though, and perhaps someone else more knowledgeable here identified it & suggested a fix already. It lacks a large spatial sense you get from orchestration though, and I think if that were improved, this song would sound stronger. It also gets drowned later on when the guitars & keys really come out, so the mixing could be done better there. The ending is a bit weak too. The arrangement seems pretty solid, but the production issues detracts from it somewhat here. There is no sense of boredom from the song's progression, with it flowing quite smoothly. A good effort overall!
  4. Helloween, Gamma Ray, and Blind Guardian are amongst my favorites - I'm glad I got to see all 3 live (as well as meet Kai Hansen).
  5. And here's some more! 12/19 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829011&postcount=10 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829013&postcount=47 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829070&postcount=17 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829176&postcount=27 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829208&postcount=21 12/20 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829304&postcount=16 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829306&postcount=12 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829314&postcount=14 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829342&postcount=12 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829437&postcount=8 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829445&postcount=9 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829449&postcount=2 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829452&postcount=2 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829454&postcount=2 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829456&postcount=2 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829458&postcount=13 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=829477&postcount=2 Total mixes reviewed: 115
  6. I remember seeing someone on the OCR Facebook group post a comment that one of the best new songs on the site is this one, so I definitely have been looking forward to it. The source is one of the more notable ones from the FF13 OST, and Jordan doesn't aim small, as expected. Lots of processing effects are used throughout the song to help keep things fresh and add more of a dancing feel. The vocals are done perfectly for the trance/drum & bass style. The song doesn't rub off as a cheap beat thrown on top of a source that is tempting for others to do out of laziness either. Jordan is just phenomenal at his craft and this is just one more song out of a long lineage of only the best electronic video game mixes.
  7. What a dark & creepy mix from Flexstyle here. It certainly is not one I'd mistake for the good guys ever, which is a good thing. The source itself doesn't appear to be much from what I can gather with the mix, so it really shows off Flexstyle's touch here in taking the chiptunes and refining it into something more sinister. It builds itself up in a subtle manner, letting it creep up on you more and more as the song goes on. I think a little more silence to the end of the song might actually help bring out that ending some, to help give a sense of the silence from an aftermath of some act from a horror movie. Great job here!
  8. Alright that's cool - sorry if it appeared I was singling your post out, I wasn't trying to. I'm just trying to stop the questions about when it is coming out since they're frustrating to keep hearing ad nauseum.
  9. I'm not going to give specifics because it's disappointing when timeframes aren't met - I originally meant for this album to come out almost a year ago but part of its delay has been due to OCR staff wanting to insert albums beforehand and then lack of management when I was gone although I had set a plan, exactly everything that was needed for release, etc. I hate sitting on the music the most. So just let it go people (not a specific towards MrFX) - things didn't happen as I had intended to, and so the album didn't get released when it was supposed to. Enjoy the albums as they come, we're about to see Wild ARMS come out, so there'll be plenty of music for you all to enjoy on the site.
  10. Alright, my edits have gotten a bit ridiculous - I'll just make new posts for now on. 12/17 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828590&postcount=11 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828591&postcount=14 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828602&postcount=14 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828606&postcount=19 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828607&postcount=20 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828609&postcount=25 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828611&postcount=17 Total Reviews: 98
  11. This mix definitely oozes Jamiroquai - the overall feel is executed pretty well, and gives the song a solidly new identity from its more removed original context. I like the addition of the sax, although I feel like the rest of the song is drowned out some by it, and it makes the end sound a bit like it was a quick fade out. Otherwise, it's a nice enjoyable mix to add to the collection .
  12. So Neblix tells me this mix sucks . It can't be too bad though...or can it? I think some kudos is deserved for getting a Prelude song on OCR - the source is done to death if you think about how simplistic the source is as a whole. It definitely forces you to delve deeper for some creativity, and I feel Nabeel does so here. It is a bit reminiscent in feel to Trenthian's mix in VotL to start albeit with a different set of instrumentation, but Nabeel branches out and expands upon his take to make it fuller. As noted in the judges comments, I don't like the transition closer to the end where the song ends and then picks up again, but otherwise the song ends up alright.
  13. Sweet, some metal in the house ! I felt the drums could use some more bass to help give them some more oomph, but there's still a good deal of power from those heavy guitars. I would love to see some more of your mixes on the site though!
  14. Daft Punk is sure getting some love from the community in the mixes this year, and it shows pretty strongly in this mix, probably more than most. I find it hard to recognize the source on first listen until about 3/4 of the way through (maybe a little before? I'm not Larry Liontamer when it comes to stopwatching ). Solid mix overall, although I feel it's more of a tribute to Daft Punk than Under Her Control.
  15. Kenogu brings out the darkness in Crystal World without relying as heavily on the electronic effect to start out. The touch of Wild ARMS usage towards the end adds to it by giving it some more richness in the soundscape. I have to wonder how the mix would sound with an actual guitar instead of this synth one though - not a knock on the synth, just a point of curiousity as it could change the texture in a bad way. Regardless, the mix's progression from its dark eerie atmosphere to one that's more hopeful with the synth piercing through is a nice contrast and provides a nice uplifting thought to mind .
  16. This is pretty much an insta-fave from the Heroes vs. Villains album - WillRock blows this out of the water. It's snazzy in a way that oozes of confidence and an attitude of can't handle this. This mix manages to maintain that high octane impression and never lets go throughout, and even the one brief pause leads to an even bigger build up. Definitely one of the best mixes on the site for 2011!
  17. This does have a dancey & house groove going on here as ambient mentioned in his submission comments. It's a fun mix, light and meant for dancing. I do wish the melody was a little more prominent early on though - it takes a tad longer to get into the meat of it than I'd like personally. The arrangement seems to be built pretty well regardless though, so it's hard to complain too much.
  18. So it has been a little while since you guys got to hear of anything going on really - we do have a release period in mind, although the date we were planning for originally ended up getting pushed back due to staff considerations on album order to release. I do have a nice goodie for you all to eat up though! Behold, the album cover!
  19. This is a pretty awesome take on the Fear Factory source! I feel like Nicole & starla did a better job on the Hot Head Bop source, but I could be biased . Anyhow, this is a pretty creative twist on the original, as the original was more dark & gritty, so you'd think industrial or metal when you think of it. I've said it before, but Nicole shows that she is excellent at building songs around vocals, and this song is no exception! Great job to the duo here!
  20. I've reviewed quite a few songs on the site - I may have reviewed a little less than 1000 songs at this point, although it's hard for me to tell. When I started for December, I had somewhere over 500 songs reviewed (the Search function wouldn't tell me anything more than that ).
  21. I'm kinda surprised this isn't a Burn mix, since it seems most people who want to tackle FF Legend II loves to do that one. The design of this song is interesting as Dave pointed out, as it doesn't go wholly for the high quality samples typically employed by Ziwtra, but instead goes for a low-fi sound and melds it with a nice cello is it? Somehow this combination works to good effect as an electronic orchestral track that has a rising sound to it. It's always nice to hear more Ziwtra, he has that quirky style that somehow works whenever he's not doing orchestral.
  22. I don't think I would grieve too much if this was the last Schala mix to ever happen. Sadly, I'm sure it's not. This mix is a pretty peaceful yet sad take on the Schala source, which is a big difference in itself from most others. The acoustic guitar adds a nice touch in carrying across the mood. Drew's chippy stuff takes a backseat here, which isn't a bad thing, and makes sense here. Not a bad job by the Drew & Brandon show!
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