Man I can't wait until the end of October so I can hear the 100% final product (I'm stuck out by Camp Lejeune for infantry training - been sleeping out in the field for the past week while doing fun stuff like firing an M16A4 at night, throwing hand grenades, and firing a rocket & grenade launcher).
I'm happy with the final priduct though - we got a kickass album on our hands that is sure to rock your world! There is a lot of great work done by everyone, so much thanks to all for bearing with me & Emunator, who also deserves much credit, as well as my greatest appreciation, for being able to pick up with what I have not been in the position to do. Like zyko, I'm going to make the bold claim that it is one of the strongest albums to come from the community yet, but I'll let you all be the judge of that when it hits .