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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Usually if all parties are ok with it, then there's no problem. I remember being a bit miffed at it happening for Serious Monkey Business, but I've grown personally more lax and accepting over it over time. I'm not about to deny artists the freedom to post their music.
  2. It has happened in the past, even with previous album projects. It happened for quite a few tracks for Serious Monkey Business, and even before then.
  3. You all pooled money for Larry to get a McRib didn't you
  4. Happy birthday! It better be a smooth Tuesday!
  5. Use all the extra time to cut out some fat in your mix Ectogemia!
  6. Oh right, that's the one. He can give advice on Addictive I know though - he was able to give advice to Ergosonic before (through me - Ergosonic uses Addictive), so I'm sure he could still help out.
  7. The halc, Nutritious, and WillRock combo would override that
  8. Haha wow, Square really messed up with naming schemes. Regardless, FF Adventure has some awesome music.
  9. Final Fantasy Adventure is NOT Mystic Quest. It is Seiken Densetsu.
  10. Yeah, it's not really that bad. In a way, there's a flaw with that method too, since there's no way it can capture if someone's track happens to be just that much better than everyone elses. At the end of the day, there's no perfect method for voting since each voter uses different criteria. On another note, I completed my review of the tracks so far here.
  11. The one and only Final Fantasy VI for me. I still love the story to this day.
  12. Normalization would be calculating the standard deviation and assigning a certain amount of points depending on where people fell ranking-wise...something that'd take more effort than anyone probably would want to put in, including me.
  13. Alright, so now I'm gonna review tracks just to do it! Round 1 The Squirter - as I mentioned before, a nice chip hybrid track. The song shows a little bit of getting cluttered - it loses clarity at several points in the song. The bit sound that drags a bit after some beats could use some work, it bothers me a bit. The synth lead needs to sound stronger - when it comes in at about 2:29, it comes off as weak and never really takes control. I needs to stand out more. The overall balance of the instruments shows some weakness at points but that was probably the most notable. The arrangement could be longer but what's there is pretty solid, and it's pretty well done as a whole. With those production tweaks, I think this song is a keeper. Don't Make Me Cut You - halc worked some magic on this track. Production is stellar, and arrangement keeps progressing the song to higher levels. A lot of people should take cues from what halc and co did here, there is pretty much no fat in the song. I do wish the wubs were a little stronger and WillRock's part was brought further forward, but otherwise there is little I really can fault here as this is incredible. Totally Rad Winter - I liked this track quite a bit too. It just had the unfortunate positioning right behind halc's crazy entry. My main complaint here is that it sounds a bit thin to me, although it can be said that it is just right in that respect. It is meant as a laid back track for the background and does that well. I wish it was developed further (as I do with most songs), but the foundation is pretty solid. Double Doctors - chippiness seems to be a common theme for this round. Main Finger does a solid job here, and my main complaint as usual is it needs to be longer. The middle section also feels like it drags on a bit and could be slimmed down somewhat for a stronger flow like found in halc's track. This entry probably had the best possibility of doing something crazy with how it's built compared to the field. The Knight who says ROCK! - I'm surprised it took this many entries to get to one that featured guitars. The recording sounds like it could be more crisp. The guitars (rhythm & lead) sound too distant and need to be up front with the arrangement. The playing also is a bit plain and could've been a lot tighter - I know Lidawg can do better! Flow is key! The arrangement needed more to it, it felt too short and a bit uninteresting, especially with the lack of power. This has potential, but it can also be slimmed down at places and extended elsewhere. Burn the Castle - Another guitar centric entry! Something sounds off with the guitars here too. The lead sounds like it's not crisp and also could use more frills. It can be tightened up as well - the same problems plague this track as Lidawg's, to a lesser degree, although around 1:30 the guitar sounds like it's buried & the song gets muddy. I probably should've gave this track my third place vote upon reviewing & re-listening (I did the other vote quickly due to fatigue admittedly). I don't like how the synth that takes the lead sometimes is mixed in the track. The track ends on a sort of bleh note as well, which could be due to time constraints - of course I would've liked to see it longer since this song also teases of possibilities unfulfilled. The Last of the Clan - Prophecy's stuff sure sounds a lot different than the song I most remember him for, Chekan Winter. It also reminds me a lot of Iron Maiden's song The Clansman due to the title. That aside, the song really does what it sets out to do pretty well, although I'd like to hear that choral sample more dominant when it enters the song to help create a more hallowed atmosphere. This song could also be longer as well to help impose that atmosphere of being the last & alone in a vast world - this song probably requires it some of the most due to its design. Two Minds Without a Single Thought - Well, a good effort by Zerothemaster. For usefulness, I'll detail some thoughts. Those drums need some work, most notably the snare. Perhaps play with some things like boosting the bass on them? Admittedly I'm not the best at that type of stuff so ask someone else around what can be done. They aren't too bad all things considered. More instrumentation could be used to help fill out the sound. The song is thin for the most part, so more instrumentation could help give a fuller sound and give more tools for you to take the song however you want. The synth that's used in the background for ambience sounds too rigid, as well as some of the other instrumentation. Alter the velocity & intensity that the notes are struck to humanize them, unless you want a rigid sound. I mentioned the timing of the beats before - take a listen to how it is offbeat so you can train yourself to identify this. I don't remember the other responses, but as I said, definitely use the Workshop forum - people can give you a lot more advice there. Good job for completing a rough song though! You've taken further steps than I have so I commend you for that. Just keep a positive attitude of self-improvement and don't worry about results - those will follow as you improve. Remember, even mixers like zircon started off noobish. It's the journey that counts. Dubious Brother - Chthonic (I will always know you by that name!) pulls off a nice mix here. Listening to this again, I remember why it was a tough choice for my voting. It feels a little on the short side to my liking, but otherwise very solid. Under Construction - Didn't Brandon and Doug name their song this? Also the source to this Protodome song is named Under Construction amusingly enough (thank you OCR search functions!). The song has a pretty good groove to it, and I like how it's constructed. The production is on the weak side, in some respects. That mid-low end synth needs some more bass to it. The lead synth also could use some snazz to it. The instrumentation, especially that piano, needs more humanization. Round 2 The Root of All Things - The arrangement is pretty good, and is probably my second favorite so far, a bit behind halc's. That flute/synth lead needed a bit of work I think. It needed some more humanization, with a bit more bass & forcefulness on the initial note and some more flourish. It needs to be brought out more too. The drums seem to get buried some in the song. I noticed they definitely sound good, and just need tweaking - I saw Rexy mention that they are Addictive Drums, which are the ones that Sixto uses to good effect. He is probably a good person to go to for tweaking them to your liking. The song is pretty strong overall though, and was a pretty easy first place for me since I was looking for arrangement with a good enough baseline of production. Wily's Inferno - Ahh Nutritious, of course going with the big orchestra to start. It felt a bit rigid though in its execution. I think it might be the strings that bother me here in that they are used in a fairly plain manner with the quick notes played. WillRock's portion doesn't seem to be mixed optimally IMO. It seems a bit too far in the background compared to where it needs to be, especially for a part that takes such command. The arrangement needed more in the second half to keep listeners enthused! It starts with such energy, but it doesn't seem to keep things moving at a high level is my problem here. That latter half could be trimmed quite a bit and developed further. Attracted to Power - Gario doesn't fail to deliver with the arrangement here. I definitely see improvements between this song and his GMRB entries production-wise. I do wish the song developed further, especially with how it ended. It seems like a tease for something greater. The choral sample needs to dominate more, as the song had great potential for giving me shivers with a sacred feel. It's a very nice entry that probably should've gotten my 3rd place vote to be honest - my head wasn't straight yesterday thanks to the disaster that is Illinois football. Production isn't perfect here, although I can't place my finger on the other aspects. It definitely has a lot more clarity than previous compos by Shariq though. Mr. X was Wily the WHOLE TIME - This has a nice start to it that...is kinda ruined by the entry of the guitars. They sound rough and way too far in the background & muddy. I think for this particular arrangement, the song would've benefited by foregoing the guitars and going with a waltz or something befitting ballroom dancing. The guitars make this a bit of a mess with the mixing, and weren't used in a strong enough way to really justify them. The arrangement could've used more variety from its large reliance on the Wily Stage 1 coverish section. Smooth Heat - That synth in the beginning with the Wily melody bothers me. Perhaps toss a bit of reverb and make it a bit wet? The discreteness needs tinkering with. The transition to Heat Man works nicely, but that synth certainly needed some more work. The background instrumentation is muddy - it needed some working with as well. The energy of the synth contrasts a lot with the fairly mundane background instrumentation. The arrangement could've used some more variety as well - a lot of it could have been cut and accomplished its feel in about half the time. Cut the fat! Glacial Age - This is largely a piano piece, with a bit of ambience from background instrumentation. I feel like the mixing isn't quite there to give it the cold atmosphere that Mr. L was clearly going for. I find this the most curious of the arrangements, since Wily Stage 1 isn't as prominent as how everyone else used it, and thus most interesting in that respect. This one probably should've gotten more attention from me than I originally gave it, I do think it's up there. Light Your Way - The first thing I notice is that AMT's guitar sounds a lot better in this entry. I think it would've been better served to bring the lead guitar further to the front though, it sounds a little drowned. I do wish the song is longer though - it ends when it should be taking off. Far From Home - I love AkumajoBelmont's mixes with the vocals, and this one is no exception. It also doesn't rely so heavily on Wily Stage 1 thankfully (besides he did a great mix of it already). I probably should have listened to this more, it really does feel fuller than most of the entries. Shadows of Wily - The guitars sound rough here, and needs to be mixed better. What's here is pretty damn solid arrangement-wise, it just needs to be longer. The drums seem to be saturated with bass - try dialing it back a little, and bringing the drums forward overall. whatever.jpg - Whatever! No Ticket! - The way the panning is done messes with my head. Not a fan of that shifting panning early on. The song felt like it was constantly in transition though, nothing to make it stand out with how it's arranged. Glitch in the System - There's some weird areas where how the instruments mesh doesn't sound right (one area I noticed was towards the end). The song doesn't really do much with creating something that keeps my interest, especially with those strong themes. Wasn't a huge fan to be honest. I'm pretty sure I missed spotting some things, but this should cover a lot of the issues I felt tracks had, and I hope the mixers find this useful if it applies to them! Lastly, thanks to everyone who participated for bringing the music! Sorry about sounding sour earlier. I needed to do more this weekend.
  14. What would Rambo do to get a dota 2 invite?
  15. I don't like the top 3 thing either for that same reason. It doesn't really capture a lot of people's thoughts well IMO.
  16. Alright, I was perhaps too harsh (I blame seeing my Illini lose in such a terrible fashion to Michigan in football today)...but I was quite disappointed to say the least.
  17. With the strength of the sources...the arrangement was my primary concern in my voting. Rexy's was the only one to satisfy me in that department, and with enough on the production side that I gave her's my 1st place vote. Of course Nutritious and WillRock was close, and the third place vote was a pickem as far as I was concerned. Did everyone bring their A game for the first round and then trail off for this one? What happened?
  18. That Blaze Heatnix is how I found him - he chose to do Infinity Mijinion for it though, which is cool since it's something new.
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