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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Really exquisite piano playing going on, but that's nothing short of what I've come to expect from Dhsu. The mood is fitting for the castle theme and overall I like what's been done to make the original sound even creepier. The real highlight for me, though, was the organ that came in later in the mix - I was NOT expecting that! You don't hear that often in remixes, but it COMPLETELY works here! Also, I'm pretty astonished at the seamless transition between themes, I honestly didn't even notice that you ever deviated from Super Mario World. Brilliant work, this comes highly recommended for anyone looking for something downright creepy!
  2. I don't think the mix title could feel anymore appropriate. The strings mixed with the perfect piano sound feels perfectly suited for a dance in the moonlight Beautiful piano, and expertly chosen additional instruments only highlight and accentuate the mood. One of my favorite Wingless peices (and trust me, I love just about every one of them, so that's a high honor!) It's just plain beautiful, I can never grow tired of it
  3. This is the kind of remix I love to hear when I'm sifting through pre-OCR01000 mixes Creative, utterly emotive, and the samples, while not perfect, are hardly enough to deter me from listening to the song over and over again. Guitar tone is perfect for the dark, forlorn mood. One of the best classic songs on the site, and I think its popularity will continue for a long time to come.
  4. Your birthday is so cool dude, I wish mine was awesome enough to be on December 15th :-(

  5. I pretty much whore out OCR to everyone I know who might even be remotely interested in it. I've got 2 friends to register forum accounts (and between the two they've got a grand total of one post ) and I'm pretty sure I've converted a few listeners. Apparently on my forum account it says I have one referral, sooo...
  6. Really sick beats you've got going on here, it makes the sax sound so much better when there's some sort of padding for it to sit on, as opposed to the solo version which sounded pretty weird to me. 42's comment about the "haziness" of the soundscape is dead-on, everything feels like it's floating around in the air for a few seconds after the initial notes hit like a cloud of smoke... Really ambient, really engrossing. Wonderful collab guys!
  7. Just hit 100! Halfway there! (For my own reference, Confronto Finale was my 100th review.) (just counted again, 167th review was Hy bound's "somewhere to hide. will remove when this reference marker is no longer relevant.)
  8. This one definitely feels appropriate given the source tune. For something that was churned out as fast as you guys make it sound, I think the finished product is pretty astounding! Nice original lyrics, quality vocals from and a downright-haunting instrumental track... this was a perfect lead-in to the epic finale on Echoes. Nice work you two!
  9. I haven't really listened to this much just because it doesn't really fit with the flow of Thieves of Fate, but as a standalone track it's quite nice. Definitely has that boss music feel to it. Sorry this one's been so underreviewed, I think it deserves better than that!
  10. The novelty factor of this mix is quite high, considering it's one of the few composer-submitted remixes, but even the Fat Man's admitted it's not as good as it could have been, and I'm inclined to agree. The groove that is here is pretty high quality and enjoyable, but it falls flat as a full-blown song. No offense meant to the remixer though, who obviously has more street cred than just about anyone on this site This one just doesn't do it for me.
  11. The incredibly strong beats and glitching effects of varying degrees of subtlety really craft an enjoyable piece of music. The distorted piano works well, though some of the skipped notes felt a little awkward. The pulsating noise at the end was a really cool touch, but I wish it was a bit shorter or incorporated while the rest of the song was still breaking down - having that many seconds of almost-silence puts a definite gap in the album that I'm not really a fan of Overall, though, it's a definite highlight off of the Gears disc, it really captures the essence of dark electronic music
  12. You should really send this to The Damned and see if he'll let you finish it up for the Pokemon remix project. It's good However, the whole song feels very rigid, especially the piano, which could definitely use some humanization. Other than that, I think you're pretty good - the samples are great, the arrangement is great... just work on making it feel more like a human played it and you'll probably be set!
  13. Well, with a name like "Mega Dance Mix" being remixed by a guy named MIDIMan, how can you possibly go wrong? This sounds like a recipe for MIDI-rip generi-trance disaster Honestly though, lack of source connections aside, it's pretty good. Nothing super-special, but the voice clips were good and the whole thing wasn't as boom-tiss as I expected. Nice pads, too. Nice work, I guess It makes for great background music.
  14. Yo, what's the status on your Ecco the Dolphin mix? Are you planning on working on that one anymore? It's real good :-)

  15. Wait... a slap-bass that doesn't make me want to kill myself? What's this world coming to!? Seriously, this is crazy as hell. It reminds me of The Vagrance's mix off of Humans + Gears in the way that it doesn't feel much like a conventional song but you're so engrossed by the beat and the groove that it doesn't even matter. The quieter section toward the end right before the "final push" was really great, I almost forgot I was listening to the same mix!
  16. I can't lie, the really fake strings did bother me a bit Once you got into the thick of the mix and they were a bit more covered up it felt okay, but even if you weren't going for realism that part of the song didn't jive with me. That said, the rest of this is classic Ziwtra just like I've come to love. The flute and the electric piano chords especially sound good! I've been listening to Ziwtra's music so much lately, it's perfect for long, contemplative car rides and this one will fit right into that rotation. Awesome stuff!
  17. Yeah, I really want to come up with a decent new username just so I don't have to correct people whenever they mispronounce it Plus it's a really stupid name anyway, lol
  18. Nobody I've ever met on the Internet can pronounce my name right, I feel gypped out of that award! It's E-moo-nator. Like, the bird Nice job guys, I'll totally keep tuning in if you actually end up doing it live every week. You all are hilarious.
  19. Only 4 pages of reviews? Are you kidding me? This is a really beautiful, monumental piece that I think deserves better than that. No offense to the other two artists that have remixed the theme, but I feel that this conveys so much more emotion, personality, and sadness than the others do. I really fell in love with this one from the first moment I heard it... great source, perfect interpretation... this one deserves more recognition than it's gotten.
  20. Great treatment of an absolutely wonderful, underrated source tune. It sticks pretty close to the original, but McVaffe made it his own in some subtle ways. I love the articulation on the piano, which really gives it the same epic, flighty quality that the original hand. Lovely, this is an oldie that still resonates with me because of the awesome song it's based off of!
  21. Yeah, I'd have to agree with this. It's one of my favorite lounge jazz remixes on the site. Honestly I had no idea Tweek had this in him, but it's ended up being one of my favorite mixes of his. The drums are a particular high point for me, they're very exciting for such a laid back track. You can bet I'll be listening to this one a lot in the coming weeks!
  22. I love the way the lead synths mesh with the organ, it really sets up for the epic arrangement that's to come. None of the instruments feel out of place; in fact, it's so cohesive that sometimes when I listen to this in my head I can only imagine it with 2 or 3 different instruments. Of course, the main draw here is the arrangement, I think, and it completely delivers on that aspect. This is how you do a medley! I would have barely been able to tell it wasn't one long song if I wasn't familiar with the original soundtrack. One of the most seamless medleys I've heard on the site, and the production and instrument choice is great to boot. Highly recommended!
  23. This definitely takes the style bLiNd usually works in and cranks it up to a new level. The story behind this mix and how it was eventually included in Jordan's own Get Well Soon album is really touching. You can tell he poured his heart into this just from the length and depth of content. I don't really have much to say about the mix itself, but I do want to comment on what I feel is some of the most fitting and appropriate use of sound effects in any remix, ever. That part was so cool that I almost didn't believe what I was hearing when I first listened to it. Yay!
  24. Yeah, I don't think I'd feel right trying to critique this. This single mix has pretty much solidified you in the annals of OCR history, it's that amazing. It's one of the only vocal mixes I can actually use to zone out and fall asleep to, or as study music, because it's so cohesive and mellow. I love natural, organic songs like this more than just about anything else and you took that style and ran like crazy with it!
  25. I can see this one rubbing a lot of people the wrong way, and truth be told I don't think I'll be downloading it for repeat listens just because it's so weird, but I really thought this was a fun trip that felt so much like Earthbound that I couldn't help but smile as I was being assaulted with crazy drums and (what sounded like) detuned synths. Really clever interpretation, even if I don't really find it listenable alongside the other music I've got on my playlist. I miss your music!
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