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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Very mellow in a unique way. It's been a long time since I've gotten a new DKC mix on my playlist, so I'm extra-happy to see this on OCR This is the kind of mix that will only grow on me as time passes. The only thing that bugs me is the animal noises at 3:36, but that's just a personal preference issue. Overall, this was a great first submission on your part and I think I'm going to be listening to this one a lot in the future!
  2. I don't post here often, but this kind of thing just saddens me and I had to stop in and offer my prayers and best wishes. BliNd was the first real experience I had with trance music, and he was one of the first artists I actually checked out on this site. I've never spoken with him personally, from the sounds of things, his personality was just as great as his music. Best of wishes, hopefully he'll be back to doing what he does best in no time
  3. Lol, yeah, I'm having such a darn hard time navigating this site I just realized it eventually. I think I understand it now *feeling very stupid* Thanks for the clarification
  4. Looks like both Audix tracks and Jill's got 1st in their respective categories. Congratulations to the two of you
  5. As soon as I figure out how to work this site (I don't think it's loading properly) I'll cast some votes for both Audix and Jill Both of you are amazing musicians and it'd be a pleasure to help you both out!
  6. Great work Rize!! It's good to see a familiar face showing up on OCR finally :] Awesome arrangement, and congrats on your big return!
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