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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. That'd be Monobrow! She really came through with Cavern Caprice, delivering something extremely ethereal, ambient, and VERY expansive. It's gonna be a really nice counterpoint to Anosou's already-posted remix of the same theme. Ultimately this is one of my favorite project mixes to throw on and just lose myself in, Katie did a friggin awesome job here We're down to 7 mixes left, folks. This is getting really, really close. Think we can wrap up by the end of April? I think it's doable... I hope! That way, when Flexstyle and I both get out of school we'll have ample time to work on mastering and final production aspects and get a final release package ready to go for evaluation. We'll see how it plays out!
  2. This is fucking beautiful. No two ways about it. I gotta say though, your piano sound is really overbearing in the high frequencies, it has a rather thin sound that doesn't really match up well with the rich, full instrument sounds you're using in the rest of the arrangement. Try some EQing to bring out a bit more tone in the piano, or hit me up and I can bounce some out using my Emotional Piano samples that I think will fit a lot better here. Lemme know if you wanna take me up on that Also, Yoshi avatar uprising in this thread XD
  3. Well, don't get me wrong, this isn't impossible to fix. But in order to do so, I think you'd probably have to spend quite a bit of time learning the many facets of humanization that you could probably learn more easily by just making more music in the meantime. I think your time would be better spent coming back to this later, but that's 100% my opinion. I do have to change something though, since I've used EDIROL Orchestral and the samples are actually quite nice. I'm not sure why they're sounding so stiff and unrealistic in this song, maybe it's just an illusion caused by the unrealistic sequencing, as well as the attack and decay values like Stevo is saying. I know for a fact that you can get great sounds out of the VST you're using, actually. I realize my last post was kind of discouraging, but I hope you don't take it to mean that it's impossible to get this up to workable standards. I was just giving my personal advice on how I feel is the best way to improve your craft, based on what I've seen from other people burning out when they dwell on a song for too long. Your mileage may vary.
  4. Hey bro, I noticed the responses on your most recent judges decision thread. If you need piano samples, hit me up :-) I've got some good ones. PM me.

  5. In all seriousness, I've suggested this before. I would love to see the ensuing shitstorm that would happen when you guys inevitably trolled the fuck out of anyone who submitted anything XD
  6. Yeah, Mod Review is generally intended for completed songs, not 20 second loops. Expand this if you ever feel like it, and then we'll talk about mod review
  7. You totally nailed the Daft Punk sound choices here, but your production isn't really packing the same punch. I can't tell if it's the volume problems (I've got my system volume maxed out and it still seems kinda quiet) or if you're just not mixing your instruments right, but something's off about this. I think you get a little too ridiculous with the glitching and sidechaining on the melodies. That kind of stuff works better when used sparingly, it just doesn't have the same impact when it's this prominent. The biggest problem with this arrangement, though, is DEFINITELY the repetition. It pretty much feels like it's just composed of several 1-bar sections repeated 4+ times in sequence, and put over a beat. The end result has a cool sound, but it gets boring to listen to without enough variation going on. That should give you some directions to work on if you want to improve this. The sound choices are actually REALLY cool and totally work well for Ice Cap Zone, so I'd recommend working on your production/mastering as well as adding some more dynamics to the arrangement itself, cause this has lots of potential. Good luck dude
  8. Alright man, thanks for your patience. I've been listening to the track on and off to try and get a feel for it. I used to play Runescape a lot so I'm much more familiar with this source tune than I'd really care to admit x_x Anyway, I'll start with the good. You seem to have a pretty good ear for balancing your instruments and overall, the production on this actually isn't too bad. I'd say your snare is a little too piercing and could lose a bit in the high frequencies. The way you wrote the song also leads to a lot of crowding in the mids, mostly due to the strings clashing with each other. Overall the arrangement is pretty good as well, quite interpretive and a nice time signature transition/genre adaptation. Shows a lot of creative talent, which I appreciate and recognize. However, there's a few serious problems here that I'm afraid will take time to iron out. First off, the sequencing is very unrealistic, and I'm not really sure there's a quick fix for this. A lot of it is just that your writing sounds blocky - everything's playing at very fixed intervals and there's not a lot of variation in the patterns. In addition, it sounds like your note velocities are all pretty much the same. These two problems generally give an amateurish sound to a song, and unfortunately it's showing through here pretty strongly. I doubt the song would be able to pass the panel for that reason alone. In addition, your sample quality is... not the best. I'm not sure how much more you can get out of the samples you've currently got (what DAW are you using?) but I really don't feel like the ones you have are really cutting it, unfortunately. I know it's not impossible to make good sounding music at OCR quality with free samples (ProtoDome and Ziwtra have done it and routinely outperform those with high-end samples in terms of overall quality) but in order to do that you probably need to spend more time writing music and paying special attention to humanization (i.e. note velocities, quantization, and laying out notes in a way that sound like they're actually performed by a real instrument.) Ultimately I think you've got the chops to write good music, but in order to make it on OCR you need to really work on your sequencing and how you utilize your samples. I would honestly suggest just continuing to write music and get feedback here instead of dwelling on this track, you'll gradually tend to get better as you work on new songs. Maybe someday down the road you can revisit this with some more experience... I don't mean to be discouraging, but the problems with this mix I don't think are really going to be "quick fixes" per se. Good luck man Hope this was helpful.
  9. As your friend, I have to point out that you are making a terrible mistake
  10. @Flexstyle: Yeah, I'm the same. This one (and PR's work in general) is a HUGE crowd-pleaser for all of my non-OCR-savvy friends and Mr. Raptor has actually developed quite a cult following within my social circle, who all happens to really really like hard electronic music This is my "intro to dubsetep" track for anyone who's looking for a creative song to jump into the genre with. Never failed yet
  11. You know, I think I've harassed Drew enough about this, so I'll just come out and say congrats I'm out of hateful things to say. Good luck you guys!
  12. Also, given the proxmity of the remaining 8 songs to completion, I've decided to just hold off on the final preview until we've got every song in. Hopefully that'll help motivate everyone to push to completion speedily!
  13. you gay, bro

  14. We're now in the single digits as far as total remaining WAVs go! OA and DragonAvenger have finally wrapped up their aptly-named "Party's Over There!" remix. Should be quite the treat, this one's got lots of live performances and some solid energy going into it. Great job you guys
  15. YoureNotUsingOptimalCompressionMethodsForStandardWebImagesPleaseTryAMoreAppropriateFiletyleAlsoWheresMyGoddamnWav.psd
  16. And you don't afraid of my wrath cause you NOT FINNISH UR REMIXZ >_< you should afraid of that
  17. Here's some good new! Zyko's finally finished off his two remaining tracks, putting a very solid spin on Nuts n' Bolts and Rockface Rumble. I'm particularly proud of the latter one, which ended up being a collab with Diggi Dis and Diotrans, and captures the unadulterated nostalgia of one of my favorite DKC source tunes of all time. Fantastic work man, Waleed's definitely put out something that's right on par with, if not even greater than his contributions to the last album!
  18. Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/xufj Source: Metal Gear Solid 1 spoilers ahead, fair warning. Here's sort of an old one, I was sitting at the piano, late at night in somewhat of a melancholy state, when I suddenly was stricken with memories of (in my opinion) one of the most heartwrenching moments in video game history - the death of Sniper Wolf at the hands of Snake, and Otakon's grief-stricken reaction immediately after as he watches the love of his life die in front of him. "I want to ask you. Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield? " This line was my inspiration for this piece. I started playing and this came out. This improv was a pretty emotional one for me, I ended up using a lot of powerful chords and ended with a more cinematic style that's pretty out of character for someone who usually performs ambient, easy-listening material. I guess I just got caught up in the moment As usual, I just recorded this in one straight take without much/any planning and with no editing afterward. Raw and dirty with performance mistakes left intact. It's not very technically proficient (I've only been playing piano for a few years) but I hope you can appreciate the performance and the significance of the inspiration nonetheless. I think I still have the project file, so if enough people think it's worth my time and can give me some specific critiques, I might be able to polish this one up. I doubt it's OCR quality but I'd love to get other opinions on if they'd like to see this kind of thing submitted. Cheers!
  19. Bro, hit me up on AIM. Gotta talk to you.

  20. Dude, where are you? :\ I can't talk to you on Facebook for some reason, is something wrong?

  21. I guarantee that once the project is out (it should be very soon, no later than the end of 2011 at the very latest) you'll hear the songs from the artists who still haven't finished and think "Damn, that was worth the wait!" We've got some VERY good stuff that's still in the works and the project would suffer immensely if we pushed forward without those people.
  22. This is not true, I love everyone on this project regardless of if they're finished or not
  23. Ok, I've read things over and I've got a few words to say. As much as I may seem like a stickler over deadlines, at the end of the day it's just a project and we're all doing this for the fun of it. I really would have liked to get things done by the deadline or shortly after. It pains me too that we've had to drag things out and, trust me, I feel for all of you who have to sit on your finished tracks because others are not finished. I really wanted to avoid that lag phase and I've gone so far as to promise a release date so certain artists wouldn't have to hold onto their finished songs for months/years. Depending on the situation, those promises might have been broken on my part, and I feel terrible about that. So, before I get into anything, I'm sorry to those of you who are having to wait. However, I've always, always said that real life comes first when it comes to these projects. I know each and every one of you (even Brandon :3) are real people with jobs, lives, significant others, commitments, and any number of extenuating circumstances. I realize that you're all taking a lot of time out of your lives to do something for me, and it's really my honor to have any of you here in the first place. If any of you had to go through personal hell to finish your songs, you should have, and still can, talked to me about it. I would have been understanding and made appropriate arrangements to accommodate you. As of such, it's really on me to be understanding of the situations that you're all experiencing. I'm not a hardass for deadlines because if I was, we'd have to settle for a lot of remixes that would be rushed, uninspired, and sloppy in comparison to what the artists who've missed deadlines has in mind. Fun fact: Dave Wise didn't even make the final deadline. Should I have cut him? I don't think so. I've gotta balance promptness of project release with the fact that, if I was completely compliant with cutting people who missed deadlines, we wouldn't have such FUCKING AWESOME REMIXES like Dave's, Monobrow's, zyko's, ilp0's, Theophany's, OA's, Will's, Proto's, and so many other remixes that were finished after the deadline. Trust me, when you guys hear these remixes, I think you will agree that the extra months we spent on the project was absolutely worth it. Those remixers are one-of-a-kind and they brought something to the project that nobody else could have. As such, I'll take what I can get I want to make it clear though, me, Cody, and Flexstyle are doing absolutely EVERYTHING in our power to get things done. I've actually spent the night at his place recently so we can spend time mastering the project and making sure everything flows right. I've put in countless hours trying to track down unfinished remixers/remixes and hooking up collabs and basically doing what a director ought to. We've listened to the whole project (in its current form) dozens and dozens of times to make sure the tracklist flows as well as possible. tl;dr - we're working our asses off behind the scenes to make sure everything is as good as it can be. Ultimately, I'm taking this project VERY seriously because the last two DKC remix projects that've come before were extremely high quality and we're trying to outdo that. I understand the current frustrations and I empathize with them... the missed deadlines get me really disheartened too but at the end of the day, it's going to be worth the wait so that every artist currently on the project can finish to their own satisfaction. tl;dr I love you all and appreciate your contributions, whether you made the deadline or not. I consider all of you friends by now and I don't want any feelings to be hurt over this. I want things to be finished but I'm putting my trust in the rest of you to get things finished in a timely manner. I'll do the best I can to make this happen. Let's all get along PS I'm super medicated right now so I probably sound like a goddamn hippie lol PPS This project was started in November 2009. It's only been a year and a half since we started. And we have almost 60 finished tracks when you count in the bonus tracks with 10-15 more to go. The first two DKC3 remix projects have 57 tracks combined. Those projects took 2-3 years to complete, EACH. In a quarter of the time, we've gotten more remixes than those two projects combined and average song quality is just as high, if not better. We should all be proud of that. Some food for thought (disclaimer: I am not a math major and I cannot math very well. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or cure any disease.)
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