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Everything posted by Sindra

  1. Can't tell you how many times I've wanted to finish a piece even after missing the deadline, but ya kinda lose all heart.
  2. To be honest....it's not like they didn't do this with Mortal Kombat a shit-ton of times. Still had me buying the newer games for the new characters and tweaks, but I'd usually wait until the price dropped below the release pricing.
  3. Oh shit! Disregard my entry then, Bonzai! I hadn't fully finished it, but now I can since you extended the deadline! YAY!! *goes to sleep now*
  4. Ugg...I'm gonna try to get mine done in time for the deadline....but I move this weekend. This makes me sad because I have a killer picture.
  5. Pretty much. Usually I do like a little story, but in Sonic's case the less the better.
  6. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xu9mx_patrick-swayze-chippendale_dating
  7. I wasn't aware of just how long Swayze toughed through that type of cancer. Christ....power to him.
  8. Wow. This was a shit year for celebs.
  9. I wasn't denying there is Genesis music that is fucking awesome and as good or better than Sonic's. I'm just pointing out that Sonic's was more than above-average for the system in terms of the sound engine of the system.
  10. Well, I think you could say that about alot of the classic oldschool games of that generation. It's personal preference, really. The Sonic games really made full use of the Genesis' sound engine above almost any other game on the system, and I have no problem saying that they easily rivaled the sound produced by the SNES. I think that's why we all love the music from those games in particular. On a side-note...I love how this topic went on the tangent of why we loved the old Genesis Sonic games. (and consequently why this new one should really stick to the precedent set by those games)
  11. Personally, I enjoyed what you had to say, as it mimicked pretty much my entire feelings on the games. Good show.
  12. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/top-10-screwattack/55604 Yeah, I pretty much agree with everything on their list.....except I never got to play PSO. Hence, I never knew what PSO stood for.
  13. Ooo...I have some great ideas. Lets see if I get them to paper this time.
  14. Blades work too, methinks. I have a small collection, so I'm more than happy to lend some out.
  15. I knew Phalanx and I would make good friends.
  16. Power Stone was good digs in terms of a fighting game. I wish they would come out with another, but am thankful they don't for production's sake.
  17. Coop never liked Spinball? That's unfortunate, as I thought it was pretty fun and clever. It was certainly a pain in the pissing ass, but that was the challenge. The music was catchy too.
  18. You and me both. Its sad I never actually OWNED a Dreamcast, but certainly played enough of my neighbor's that I might as well have ganked his.
  19. I would run over to my neighbor's house to play House of the Dead 2 on his Dreamcast all the damn time. Then, it was going over at night when they'd moved it to his basement to play Code Veronica. Loved me those times.
  20. Yeah, I knew exactly what it was referring to when I read it. Awesome kickback reference.
  21. Yeah, Sonic CD really was an under-appreciated game due to its being on a underdog of a system. It never got the hype it deserved.
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