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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. It's not only Serato. I also like Native Instruments' Traktor.
  2. I'll be able to give you a definite sometime during the week prior.
  3. What is JABB?
  4. Don't misunderstand. It's not that any martial artists will go into a fight knowing only one hit KOs. Any fighter should be able to change and react to the situation, whether that means one or a thousand hits to take out their opponent. But in non sport fighting, the first move of a fighter should be to end the fight. You said you preferred fighters who are built to last versus those who'd end it quickly. To me that seems to be completely against a lot of what martial arts stands for. As my Shotokan black belt friend said, "The best martial artist should never have to fight." They should be able to talk themselves out of any situation. Of course, if the gloves have to come off... then they're a force to be reckoned with. From my green belt test:
  5. I think a majority of black belts and similarly seasoned fighters would disagree. If you learn techniques which are meant to end a fight in one shot, that's incredibly advantageous. Every second you spend in actual combat is another second for you to fuck up or for your opponent simply to catch a lucky break. If you can take a lot of punches, good for you, but it really doesn't take much to incapacitate another human being. A quick fight prevents that from happening (or else is the result).
  6. There are several nerd stereotypes out there. One of the more recent ones is karate. At the basest level, it makes sense. Learn to defend yourself from the asshole taking your lunch money. And any fascination with Asian culture brought on by video games probably doesn't hurt either. Can't say for sure how relevant any of that is anymore. But, to note, my instructor is a math professor here at the college, and a good number of us in the class are math or science majors of one kind or another. I do Chidokwan style, and have just finished my third semester of it by successfully testing for my green belt this evening. We've had our share of traditional kata (Heian Nidan & Heian Sandan), arnis sticks and throws, but also a good number of practical self-defense techniques. So, if you do martial arts, what kind? And for those who don't, what do you think about the stereotype today?
  7. They sent me anthrax. The fuckers.
  8. One person (maybe someone here knows him) actually climbed into a cabinet in the gaming room to sleep last year during the night I monitored it. I shit you not.
  9. Alright folks. What's the word on the blaring trumpets & trombones, the kings of the swings, the jazzamatazz? I want to mix big band style. Any comments on Garritan Big Band? Any particularly competent freeware alternatives?
  10. Unfortunately, I'mma hafta wait till the semester's over. Too much potential for further procrastination. However, it will be the first shit I rent upon my return.
  11. Sorry... change me back to maybe. May or may not be blind at that point in time.
  12. Well... yes and no. Some things certainly did feel 3D for 3D's sake. But I actually enjoyed that feature more often than not, as the objects which were 3D helped to set the scene. The steeple was a personal favorite. But I hated that fucking parody. They were trying to make a joke every second and a half and it all came off as forced and stilted. I will never think about it again. Ever.
  13. ...was this before the world knew Scrubs? If so, whatever. If not, what the fucking hell?
  14. I dunno if most submitters frequent the forums. You might just be preaching to the choir.
  15. QFT. QF10Char.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTHJUXUNo3E One of the best prog rock songs in existence. QFT.
  17. Some of us are still underage. But I'll be turning 21 in April so no need for fake IDs or shit.
  18. Well with Eisner gone it's possible the company might become somewhat less evil now. As for the movie, my mom wanted to take me to see it. Err... yeah. Methinks not quite the best person to see it with. God I needs a lady friend
  19. Plunk around on the piano or keyboard. Random notes at random times. I can practically promise that within 10 minutes of doing so you'll hear at least one thing and think "Hey, that sounds cool." Play it a few times over and you should be good from there.
  20. I say you're a maniac. MANIAC! That's for sure.
  21. And I'm reminding everyone about that remix panel. Anyone have any more ideas? If not, we should let Mr. MAGFest know about it.
  22. Statue of Liberty? ::shrug:: It's one of those things native New Yorkers never seem to do, and tourists always want to do. I don't know what cost is, but if it or crowds aren't prohibitively expensive I say we go for it.
  23. I do say try them all. Some have more of a fanbase than others but I am always upset that I didn't get to grow and evolve with the series, instead getting in on the FF7 floor.
  24. As you all know, there are precisely 93.75 Sonic fangames which either were or are being made. I, for one, would like to play them. Is there a way for me to track them all down other than a google search?
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