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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Hmmm. Do they have to be commercial? If not, do they have to be complete? If you answer no, yes then I think 95% of the games on that list qualify.
  2. Does that make it underrated? I don't think it's underrated. I hear the main map theme quite often.
  3. I never said anything about me. I know the ladies love me. I know that "no" really means "Yes! Oh yes!" And I know that this jail cell they're threatening to put me in is really their naughty side taking control.
  4. Aw, fuck. This is really an interesting feeling. I didn't know Ruben. I didn't even know of him (he didn't seem to be that active in the forums or with recent mixes). But this is really strange. Even those who knew him better than I might have a hard time really understanding what this might mean. All we really know is that we won't be getting any more mixes under his name. I feel like we need a musical tribute or something, though. Given that that is the nature of this site, it seems a proper way to express our appreciation and feelings on the matter.
  5. Very happy to hear about Flynn. As someone who started reading the comics around the same time he did (a bit before, actually), I look to him as inspiration for how fans can get into their industry of choice. The fact that he uses OCRemixes shows he hasn't forgotten his roots. Plus, I think we needs us a MIDI art (which translates into tonally acceptable music) contest.
  6. We have a crisis. In two of the three latest mixes posted, the particular songs being remixed have not been named (from Cool Spot and Pokemon Red). Now, fortunately, I am familiar enough with Cool Spot to recognize the theme being remixed. Unfortunately, even though I played it voraciously in 6th grade, I could not identify the Pokemon song being remixed, and with no title in the "song" category on the remix's page, I was woefully adrift. I am very upset by this, and am now cowering in a corner in an attempt to come to grips with this.
  7. People seem to have failed in noticing how strange and sketchy an introduction this is to the thread. I want to know how this happened.
  8. I want poontang. Hope that helps.
  9. I don't know how far Zircon lives out of the city, but I am about 40 minutes away by train. I will have room to house a couple of people. I don't know how inclined anyone is to stay with someone they don't know well, but the option exists.
  10. Take it from a real drummer... it does get easier, but not by a whole lot. Especially if you're pedaling for a long stretch.
  11. Whoops. 10char.
  12. Threads of Fate is one I frequently consider. The Metal Gear games (NOT Metal Gear Solid... I've actually only played Metal Gear Solid 1 and the soundtrack is fairly... repetitive) are good too. Until the most recent mix I thought I was the only one who knew the glory of Cool Spot. I intend to do something with Pier Pressure. Fuck yeah. I only started playing The Dig recently, actually. Goddamned fossil... But yeah, hearing Land do music for that and then hearing his stuff for Sam and Max Hit the Road really shows you something about the guy's abilities.
  13. I appear to be missing something here... What could CS artwork possibly have to do with Linux development?
  14. Aaaah! Shit! Gotta read their homepage more carefully, I guess.
  15. I mentioned this before, but maybe with more people it'd be a possibility. Having heard about NYClan, I investigated it near the end of last summer. They had a number of stations set up and you could play any number of games. I elected not to play, but I had some great conversations with some of the regulars. I formally invited them to MAGFest. And it's not that far if you know where you're going (I sure as hell didn't the first time).
  16. How do you "get" flOw? Isn't it just a Flash game? I couldn't figure out how the damn game was supposed to work.
  17. By the way, if it's hot, passionate sax that we want, I've always wanted to do something with .
  18. Somewhere toward the end of college, Video Games and I went on a break. Not a break up, since we both agreed that we still enjoyed each other's company. And we had too much history just to give it all up, you know? But it just started to feel, I don't know, really impersonal. I guess we had both kind of changed. She started hanging out with some really rich, Hollywood types and I noticed that all of a sudden she was really into 3d technology and high production values. Me? Well, I thought she looked nice, but I missed the good old days, when it didn't matter how much money we had - when anything was possible and the world was ours for the taking. She was so eager to try new things back then... now it takes three years and a few billion dollars just for us to go on a simple date. (And I'm ashamed to say it, but sometimes I thought she looked really tacky in all that bloom lighting.) What can I say? It just wasn't the same. Things didn't really get any better as time went on. We'd still go out, occasionally, but you could tell that something was gone. The slightest thing could set off an argument. Example: "Didn't we just eat here the other day?" I would ask at dinner. (Inevitably we'd go to some fancy, over-priced new place with nothing but sex and violence on the menu... where you needed a tux and a $500 graphics card just to get in the door). "No," she'd reply, coldly. "That was Halo 2. This is Halo 2: Game of the Year Edition. And you asked me the same thing about Final Fantasy 8, 9, and 10!" "Well, I'm sorry! I just can't tell the difference anymore. God, this place is so crowded," I complained, as I picked at the tiny little morsel on my plate with my controller. "A Link to the Past gave you twice as much food, and for half the price..." "God, all you ever do is talk about the past and complain! I'm sick of it! And I put on all this bump-mapping and bloom lighting for nothing!" (Silence) And maybe she was right. I did spend too much time talking about the past. But where was our future going? Maybe it really was time to see what else was out there. Movies? Books? Comic Books? Board Games was kind of homely, but at least I knew she'd never cheat on me. So I called it off with Video Games. She cried when I told her how I felt, but we both knew it was for the best. It wasn't long before we both started seeing other people. For her it was a string of young guys who were mostly into her good looks... real boorish types who liked to argue in all caps about what system she looked best in. Me? I got into a few relationships with other artforms, but it never lasted. (At one point I was so desperate I even called up my ex from junior highschool, Pogs, for a one night stand. Yech, what a disaster that was.) After a while I really started to wonder if I was going to find "the one." Then, one day, purely by chance, I ran into Video Games again on the internet. (You never know who you're going to run into there.) I could tell the years had taken a toll on her - she was bloated, rehashed, and uninspired. But hey, running around with fanboys and Hollywood types will do that to you. We hugged briefly and exchanged pleasantries, and then she introduced me to her family. That's when it happened: "Derek, I'd like you to meet my younger sister: Independent Games." Independent Games? I took one look at her and my pulse reached a fever pitch. Wow, she had really grown up. She was beautiful! And not in that made-up, fake way like Video Games, but in that genuine, natural way that's so much more appealing, am I right? I could tell from the start that she had a lot of passion for gaming. I asked her out immediately. It was a whirlwind romance, and every moment we spent together was wonderful. I took the time to really get to know her, and I was overjoyed to find out how genuine and thoughtful she was. We went out, tried new things, took chances. Things weren't always perfect, but for the first time in a while, playing games felt exciting again. I felt like a new man. I was in love. It's been a few years now, and it only seems to be getting better for me and Independent Games. She's even hotter now than she was when I first met her. We still make sweet, sweet love all the time, and it's just as great as the very first time. Yep. Oh, and guess what? We're pregnant! That's right! Thanks... I was as surprised as you are. In the end, there are no hard feelings between me and Video Games. She's doing her thing, and we're doing ours. Although I think Independent Games is having a good influence on her. She sees how happy we are together and I can tell that she's trying to innovate a little bit. Last I heard she was meeting guys through digital online distribution, so that's good. I wish her the best of luck. In fact, I'm supposed to meet Video Games and Independent Games tonight for dinner and a few drinks. And there's a question that I've been dying to ask the both of them... "Threesome?" -Derek Yu With the newest generation in full swing, it can be easy to get caught up in the hype. Personally, I have not acquired any next-gen systems yet and, considering how many of these games are coming out for PC, there's a good chance I might not (even the Wii controller could be easily emulated for PC). The point being, when I do have time to game (given that I'm in college) I have taken alternative paths, choosing instead to work on games from previous generations, or else to seek new material elsewhere. Fortunately, this has been eased somewhat by the discovery of this page. I was happy to see several games I recognized, but even happier at all the stuff I'd never heard of before or had only dim remembrance of. Facade, for example, received high, high acclaim upon its release (and why shouldn't it? It is, as far as I'm concerned, the first true interactive story) but has faded from public view. Same thing with the AGS engine, as some games on the list were made with this tool. If/when I have time, I'm going to shut myself up in my room and play through as many of these as I can. Indie games don't seem to get a lot of love around here, and while more remixes from such games might change that, it might just be because no one has bothered to talk about them. So, discuss. Also, if your favorite indie game doesn't appear to be present, don't worry. This list was pared down from an even bigger list.
  19. You hear about accidents and drunk drivers very frequently, but it seems very rare that it seems to actually affect us. Maybe a month and a half ago there was a car accident in my college town. I didn't know anyone involved, but apparently a student at my school used to date the kid who died. Some of my professors and other people I know in this community knew the family, so I was affected by proxy. I know this doesn't quite compare to your story, but it's sobering nonetheless.
  20. Fuck yes. And maps. Luckily I knew where the Nintendo store was, but if I hadn't....
  21. This seems to be significantly overshadowing the fact that an actual Ghostbusters III movie is in the works.
  22. Wrong. It's me.
  23. Gary Brolsma returns with his junior work: Considerably lower budget than the last one, but still looks better than Numa 1. And I can finally understand what the hell he's saying. Personally, I don't think it's wrong of him to continue to put out work. I know many purists would have vastly preferred for him to ride the way of his first Numa vid and leave well enough alone. Nothing will ever beat the impact the first Numa had. He knows it, and we know it. But because of that I think it's interesting to see what he tries, knowing that he doesn't have the immense pressure to follow up one of the biggest Internet cultural phenomenons ever.
  24. As a an actual drummer, I'm hoping I can pwn on those. And I'm getting decent at GH, able to do just about anything on medium and select hard stuff.
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