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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. My goodness lol. It took me 10 seconds to realize that this was different but then couldn't help but to sit through the whole five and a half minutes of that.
  2. Lol The movie was pretty good in my opinion. They managed to do a fairly good job balancing the amount of characters in the movie, and I enjoyed the dialogue. Good comedy and nuggets of "food for thought". I'm not sure about the mid credits scene, I didn't know who I was lookin at...
  3. Thank goodness my bracket round starts on the twelfth. I have a wedding to participate in this week, that wouldn't be good for my health. I played this rhyming game of oh-cee-are Now it's time to watch this play out from afar.
  4. Oh, how I love piano solos. Saw this on youtube I thought it was weird when I didn't see it on here first lol. Awesome work!!
  5. Yeaahh - I'll just go back into hiding until that time comes lol. Wasn't aware of the sigs, they're pretty awesome, thanks!! =D
  6. What has this thread turned into lol?
  7. Not like a lot of people here remembers my track lol, but I'll be removing the sakura section I put in there and keeping the track purely Akuma. I'll be getting to work on it, as soon as I can knock out this school work @_@.
  8. No no no lol. I'm just saying that act 1 and act 2 of rusty ruins are reversed between the two platforms. My influences are gonna be coming from act 2 of the saturn version which is act 1 for the pc. No worries, as I said I was just stating it because it just seems like sega was trying to confuse the shit outta people lol xD.
  9. What confused me is that the damn pc and saturn versions have their versions of rusty ruin mixed up lol, all the confusionnnn. Of course it's not an issue since I'm gonna be using the alt version but I just thought it was funny to point out xD.
  10. I've been showin this to my friends and they've been lovin it! Not to jock on your sylte, but I'd love to make some music like this lol. As much as I find all these songs equally good and very therapeutic, I find Power of the Mind to stand out a tad more and favored a bit more than the rest. Either way kudos to this album man I'm glad I found this, thank you =D.
  11. I don't see any threads about 7 places. I must say I love your freakin work lol. Anything new in the works?

  12. Ah, I understand now. I gots no complaints =D.
  13. I just realized that Sonic and the Secret Rings isn't up there. That game had some of my favorite music aside from the first three sonic games.
  14. This is exactly how I am @_@.
  15. So how many people do we have now? I thought sixteen was a nice number to cap off the recruitment, but that's my two cents...
  16. Whoops, my bad, I edited my roster. Lol I read the instructions, I was still oblivious of two different versions of that game in particular lol.
  17. Ooo, let's get the ball rollinz: Rusty Ruin Zone(Sonic 3D Blast/Saturn) Chemical Plant Zone(Sonic 2) Spring Yard Zone(Sonic 1) Marble Zone(Sonic 1) Aquatic Ruin Zone(Sonic 2) Hard choices lol. Also DS has a very awesome format for such an event don't feel like you're jive'n on his style. Don't fix what isn't broken as they always say.
  18. Damn. Way to match damn near perfectly, the state of my consciousness lol. For me, this brings about a tense, urgent feeling with some sadness behind it. I like the arrangement and the production's nice. Very solid piece man, thanks and great work!
  19. Is Capcom just picking grand champs or will they be looking at the other entries as well? Just curious...
  20. This is why I love OCR. A place where I can get some good info and I don't have to look around on the big ol internet much. Thanks for the info guys this helped me out as well xD.
  21. Awww, I was hoping PH would win over Gario lol
  22. You got a lot of music I can listen to to chill and read a book to. I will be buying this when I get the dough!
  23. Straight, fuckin, awesome! I can't really say anything about the song since I know nothing about this song technically all I know is, it's pleasing to my ears and I appreciate you guys makin this!
  24. =/? Kinda confused about that lol.
  25. My apologies DS. I understand that rule we have till the end of the week right? My decision is complicated because of two different reasons. The complication of the nature of the competition in itself; I feel both did an awesome job on their tracks for that week talking about it lol. The other is life situations. I just don't want to waste a slot as zircon put it, but I want to play this by ear and see if I'll have time to work on another round. I'm sure you understand. As a desperate I will most def vote for James since I can't lose with him. I know it's not that serious but I'm just tryin to make this equal and fair =).
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