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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Wooowww. You did this back in 2009?! Very nice Vinnie, this is pretty awesome =D!
  2. I may pop in for a bit, once schools done for the day. Good luck dude, seems like an interesting idea.
  3. Some insightful information in this thread, thanks guys.
  4. Happy born day dude, keep on being rad!
  5. I responded to your tweet, though rather simply since you can only put in so many characters. Always unfortunate to see stuff like this. I don't post much, I basically lurk like BGC does.
  6. Interesting piece, I like the drums with the classical instrumentation. I don't have anything constructive right now, not sure if I will but I figured I'd stop through and say that I like what you have so far, pretty sweet stuff dude =D!
  7. Happy belated born day Mr. Mokram! =D
  8. Been playing around with this one, I like it, thanks for posting about this!
  9. Omg, having to warp to this map and hear this music every time almost blew my head up, hah. But now that Ive stopped playing the game I've built an appreciation for this song, Ragnarok Online had some really awesome music in general anyways. I find this to be a nice interpretation of the source tune, definitely dig the upbeat and heavy elements on this song. Nice work Andrew, good to see Ragnarok gettin some love =D.
  10. Man, please put this at the top of your priority list of songs to finish, lol. If it continues with that same flavor of that 36 seconds that I heard, I will love this forever!
  11. That cake is pretty dope. Happy born day dude.
  12. Not familiar with the source, but I did enjoy this mix. Great work =).
  13. This is fucking awesome! I couldn't recognize the theme at first but after about a min in, I could be begin to hear it. Very interesting piece and I loved every second of it. Kudos my man.
  14. Hey, I appreciate your feedback on my recent post in the originals section. I find it interesting that you don't have a posted remix yet as your work is pretty darn good =D. It would seem that you use FL Studio as well, perhaps we can collab on a track sometime in the future!

  15. Heyyy, thanks Kristina! I will definitely take your feedback into consideration. My friend just gave me the idea last night to make a trap EP(although trap is not really my thing, haha), so it would be beneficial to work on this song a bit more and add it to the ep. Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it =D.
  16. Pretty simple by design, but I was going for something that was pretty chill, that you could relax to or read or yoga even? Lol well anyways, if you have time, have a listen - hope you enjoy. Driftin'
  17. Nice work! Interesting take on a classic I enjoyed the beginning section but the whole song was pretty boss.
  18. Yes, this is my thoughts exactly. Nice work dude, cool ReMix!
  19. Knowing a little music theory, better, a lot of music theory will take you farther. Throw some chords in there, change the melody up a little, transpose(basically changing the key signature of the song). In my Goldeneye remix, I made a whole new bassline for the remix, although to be fair, there was never really any bassline to begin with. But that doesn't mean you can't replace basslines or other parts of the song with your own ideas. Add chords or arpeggios. There's a lot you can do. Just gotta fiddle around and play around till you get something that's different from the source, but still recognizable, and you still like it. Hope that helps, I can add more, or elaborate on certain things if you wish...
  20. Nice one Alex. I know it's been a long time coming for you man, I'm glad to finally see you with a posted remix given that that I've heard some of your other stuff and enjoyed it quite a bit. Not sure exactly how the work was diveed up, but nice work nonetheless from you guys.
  21. Happy born day to Dave and Alexis.
  22. I basically had written out a thesis, but I figured I wouldn't go that deep in the discussion. I'll just say that I'm down for it and don't mind when I hear it in other songs. There isn't a song that I've made where there hasn't been a bit of sampling in it...
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