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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. I checked yesterday, I had 143 wins, 143 losses, and a win % of 45%. I guess stalemates count as neither, so that would mean that even if you're perfectly even then it'll end up being less than 50%.
  2. I'm interested to see where this goes, if they change the script they'll have me to answer to.
  3. I hope not, or Harmony and zircon have a few things to discuss outside...
  4. Thanks, and I know that you can do all of that with SFZ, but It's much too complicated to bring up since this is a beginner tutorial Also, I still tend not to use it since I run into multiple instance problems. As far as I can tell, rating and comments are allowed, I know Youtube had a few parts of their server down earlier today though.
  5. We should also rename Fruity Loops to FL Studio, it's the name the program is going by now and it's much more professional.
  6. This question is completely unrelated to FL Studio, Sounds like a supersaw, you'll either have to spend a good amount of time perfecting the unison effect on Synth1, or you could try Superwave P8, which is a very good free plugin like Synth1 that's good with fat sounds like that.
  7. Just finished up another tutorial video on where to find, and how to load up soundfonts using VSTi soundfont players. This works in any program that supports VSTs. Check it out and leave a rating or comment if it helps you out, Enjoy!
  8. "See! Red! He's turning Red! Oh wait... that's blood." ^My favourite line by far.
  9. Lol, Valve is teasing us, they just uploaded the "Meet the Spy" video to the official Valve youtube channel, then deleted it right away. They're messing with us.
  10. That's incredible! Nice one again! How did you learn to drum like that!?
  11. If you do that, then nothing will start on-beat again, so I'd recommend you either chop those notes out and put them into the beginning of the next pattern or make an extra pattern for them or something. Or you could use pattern clips, slice it how you want it, then paint it in that way.
  12. 2 options, you can go Project settings > General settings> Beat : 5 You'd set it like that, put in the quintuplets then change it back (the notes should stay) OR you can paint in 5 notes of equal length in a row, select them all, then hold shift and scale them to fit into 1 beat. Good luck!
  13. I'm a Freshly Baked Remixer, I'm a newbie but I'll see what I can do...
  14. I tried the demo, and it seemed fun, but I just don't know about dropping $15 on it when it's only a few hours long. I love the time puzzles though, the space-time relationships made my head spin.
  15. Watch the demonstration video, it's realtime time stretching, and it's very impressive.
  16. Only major innovation I really saw was the time stretching, which is freakin amazing, but other than that it looks like a linear recording DAW. For $250 what seperates it from all of the linear ones that have been around forever, cubase, sonar, live, etc. What is the matter with them and hating VSTs, it doesn't make sense, they could sell twice as many copies if they just integrated that.
  17. Hrmm, are you sure just changing the pitch doesn't work? You might try a voice-masker used for online gaming, that'll probably be your best bet. Most of them aren't free, but I dug up this one, I'm not sure if it works but I'll try it out later. If you can't find a good masker, you might try a dynamic pitch transposition effect; might be able to find something here. Oh, and since this is more of a plugin question, it should probably be asked in the generic Workshop area instead.
  18. Next video is coming soon! It's to help out all of the beginners who are interested in "Mixing for Free", or at least saving a little money. I'm doing a quick tutorial on how to find and use soundfonts, and this will be a generalized tutorial (For any host).
  19. Whoah, that just blew my mind. That's a great idea, solves all problems.
  20. They come in multiple formats, you buy the one that best suits what you have, if you have Kontakt, you'd get that one, if you use Reason, then you'd probably get that, or you can use them individually as wav's.
  21. The Guides & Tutorials board said to post any tutorials in here and if they're well accepted they'll be moved, and the way I figure, the Fruity Loops forum seems more for people asking questions about FL Studio. If anyone disagrees then feel free to move it ... I'm helping people out, and giving them a discount, I don't see anything wrong with that.
  22. Ya, the song at the end was more to demonstrate what it sounds like more than to sound good. It's tinny because I am eq'ing out the bass - I have a nasty buzz with my setup right now. I suppose maybe I could invest in a better mic, I'm using my TF2 Headset mic right now, it's what I've got on me. Also, I plan to do a new one for FL 9 when it comes out, but seeing as it's only beta right now, it would probably just confuse people who are unaware of the beta.
  23. I did a quick video tutorial on how to set up some simple sidechain compression using a peak controller in FL Studio. I hope it helps!
  24. I did a video tutorial for beginners on how to get and install VST plugins into FL Studio (sorry, only good for FL Studio). This is for beginners, I hope it helps get you started.
  25. Hrmm, I'm still interested in this, and rights aren't really an issue for me, I'd do it just to get better at it, so I don't really care if facebook can steal it, what exactly would they use music from a small RPG for anyways? Haha, I'll try out the app later and let you know.
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