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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. This is completely and utterly unrelated to Fruity Loops...
  2. AARGH! I got sent one even though I mentioned I'm gone for the next month, I love the source too and I totally want to do it! Maybe I can get it done in the next week... but not likely. What to do, what to do...
  3. This shouldn't be too difficult to just do by ear, it should be easy to figure out the basic shape, then just tune it to perfection. Ex. piano would have instant attack with no sustain, just a really long decay, flute could change depending on articulation, but a medium attack with a reasonably high sustain, etc.
  4. lol, it cracks me up when people from the States trash us Canadians actually, but everyone should keep it all in good fun. I haven't played much lately, finals and whatnot, and I'm going to fiji for a month, so maybe I'll drop by TF2 sometime when I get back.
  5. Found him on last, love all of it!
  6. http://pianothemes.com/games.html http://gamemusicthemes.com/ http://www.ninsheetm.us/index.php
  7. Haha, people take games way to seriously these days anyways... Did anyone take a second look around for plugins that allow both teamtalk and alltalk at the same time? I think we tried that but it didn't work, if we could get that to work it would solve all our problems.
  8. Now that I think about it, if you can do this kind of work, why not do an original project and actually get paid for it!? I'm surprised about black mesa actually, what reason did they have to go through that much work, even if it will be absolutely awesome
  9. This is a really cool idea and project, and so long as there's no exchanging of money involved Nintendo will probably let it slide. This'll take you guys a while though, this is like a whole Black Mesa. I hope you're in it for the long haul though. How far into it are you now?
  10. Just open the tempo events hit "ctrl + A" then delete. Also check in the remote control in the browser to see if it's in the initialized control list, you may want to delete it out of there.
  11. Loved the first one, some really great logic puzzles. I'll be picking this up for sure. The story was even fairly good for the first one. Thanks for pointing this out!
  12. Thanks everyone, it actually did turn out to be a pretty good birthday! See you all around.
  13. Thanks for the birthday note dude, it made my day!

  14. FL Studio Velocity edits should work with any plugin that supports velocity through midi, it's not a native FL thing, it runs it through midi.
  15. This is pretty impressive, you're moving along quickly.
  16. I'm also wondering if Sylux will be making an appearance, considering the vast amount of things relating to the Galactic federation, and the easter egg at the end of MP3. Could be in the wrong spot in the timeline though. Maybe Sylux kills adam, that'd be cool.
  17. 2 Months eh? Hrmm, I'm gone for all of July so I don't think it'll be happening this year... Maybe next year.
  18. Never heard of that actually, I've noticed anything microsoft now is using windows live ID's which is nice, and anything google related will use your gmail account (I use my gmail account for youtube). I just found firefox's Master password system today, it's an interesting feature, I don't think I'll use it, but it's a good compromise between being way too secure, and unsecure. Basically it remembers your passwords and usernames for site, but when you access the site it will ask you for your firefox master password, punch it in and it'll unlock every remembered password for that session.
  19. There's no way I'd use this for anything important like bank accounts or anything, mainly for trivial things like forums and random sites you'd only use once anyways. And I won't be using this until it becomes mainstream, if that ever happens.
  20. Stumbled across this today, it's an attempt to have websites integrate a single account system, no more remembering 25 usernames, email accounts and passwords! It doesn't seem to be doing too well, but I'm hoping it continues to grow, apparently the site has been up since 2007 working behind the scenes. Check out their website and read up on it a bit. http://openid.net/
  21. I don't really see what's new about this, I live in Canada, and I can't access any full episodes to any american based TV Networks, nor can I access hulu, or youtube episodes, or anything like that. It's really annoying but it's the way it's been for a long time.
  22. Okay, so I'm not sure how surround sound works, but I'd imagine that there's a separate audio track for each speaker. If this is the case, then it's actually fairly easy to set up. All you have to do is set aside 1 mixer track for each speaker in the surround sound set-up, then route the FX channels to each speaker accordingly. To explain a little more in-depth; route your instruments to their own effects slots as usual, then using the little yellow arrows near the bottom of the FX slot, route for example the piano track into whichever speaker track you want it to sound in. Make sure to disable it's routing to the master track, it'll go from the speaker 1 track to the master track. In this way, you can route 1 track to each of the speaker tracks and by using the send amount knobs control the amount going to each speaker. If someone is walking by the screen or something and you want footsteps to fade from front speakers to back, all you need to do is hook up an automation clip (hooked up with the send amount knobs) with one link inverted to do a flawless crossfade between speakers. This was probably pretty confusing but hopefully you can get started with it, keep in mind i have zero experience with surround sound . When you're done you would just export each speaker seperately and would then need some sort of program to mesh them into a surround sound audio file of some sort.
  23. I'd heard this main theme many times, and I always considered it chiptune mastery, but I'd never realized what they were doing on such a tight channel limit! I love this soundtrack too. Check out some of the other songs if you haven't yet everyone, this one has a sweet melody, and it sound's processed, but I'm not sure if that was even possible.
  24. Well, if we ever get this second server up that would work perfect. So long as it's not way too serious, I'd love to join one of the teams, but I'm definitely not "great" but I'm an alright scout/spy.
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