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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Awesome work, I actually saw this up on One more level and thought I recognized something about it, I check the creds and surely enough there it was, danny b.
  2. It all comes down to audio buffer size like BGC is getting at. No setup needs to experience under-runs, it's just a result of trying to push their processing speed a bit too far. If you can't keep a low enough buffer for your liking with your setup, you may need to think about getting a new soundcard or improve your system's specs. Keep in mind that buffers only really affect recording from an external source such as a midi keyboard. If you're not doing any of that then just crank up the buffer a bit. If you are, then consider lowering the buffer while recording midi, then raising it back up again for mixing/mastering.
  3. I've never really looked into any Toontrack stuff, I'd only really ever tried out AD stuff. Interesting that they're going the electronic route though.
  4. I'm looking forward to achron, time travelling RTS. www.achrongame.com
  5. I've figured this would be coming eventually since I'd seen how they do the drum effects in kontakt, makes sense really, gives you a lot more control.
  6. You'll want to take on komplete one beast at a time, I'd recommend Kontakt as a starting point, it has a wide variety of sounds and isn't terribly difficult to figure out. Are you using a DAW or the standalone version? I think you mentioned it comes with cubase right?
  7. I'm getting excited for this game, seems pretty much insane, I didn't know it's so easy to get stuck, from the looks of the game I figured it would be a breeze, but tons of fun. Can't you just make a UFO for everything and cruise through it?
  8. Wow, this is sweet, it's beautiful, I just happen to have come by while this is on, I hope these tracks are available somewhere...
  9. If you've got a laptop, I'd take midi controller + DAW for performing any day, it's more versatile IMO than just a keyboard with stock sounds, you can play along with songs, use customized sounds (and use komplete 5). Of course, that's provided you learn how to work your DAW. And like we've said, don't worry about the after-touch, because as far as I can tell, if you've never had it, there's no way you'll miss it.
  10. I've got a few to add, what about the Harpejii? Jordan Rudess himself is a spokesman for it, I'd love to try one out! Eigenharp anyone? Synth + drums + fretboard + step sequencer + funky lights, sign me up!
  11. I'd be fine with meeting a lot of people from online communities, but I wouldn't be so trusting to invite them is with other communities. OCR however is somewhat of an anomaly as far as forums go, it's small enough to be a community, big enough to be active, full of drama, yet everyone gets along and actually has discussions. I don't really know of any other forum like it in this regard. It seems like people who hang out around here are somehow a cut above average. I'd consider inviting people over after an afternoon of hanging out, depending of course on how many of them appear likely to pull a gun, or a knife, on me.
  12. Komplete 5 too? Wow haha! I wish...
  13. I love aftertouch, it's a ton of fun, however I actually don't use it terribly often. I usually map it to the mod wheel so I can do mod stuff without wasting one of my hands.
  14. I love it when people think the Onion is real. Especially when it's a company... and they quote it... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_onion#The_Onion_taken_seriously
  15. Awesome, I'll take more skryp anyday, I'll listen to this later today.
  16. Someone loses at naming threads, congrats to both of you newlyweds on your success! This'll be really great advertising for both of you! I didn't see this coming either, but it makes the utmost of sense!
  17. I was happy to see the huge price cut and the new kontakt, I've been planning to pick up kontakt all summer, and was going to buy komplete but missed the sale. Now I'm trying to decide whether to go all out with komplete, or just pick up kontakt. With the huge variety of kontakt though, I think I'll be fine with just that for now. Cheers to the academic discount!
  18. Of course! Open up the GPO window, in the top right you should see a green LCD, set that port number to something (it doesn't matter what) now insert a midi-out channel, set the midi out port to the same number as GPO, now that midi out will send messages to GPO. Set the individual channel numbers per instrument in GPO, then make a midi out channel for each one and set the channel numbers in those accordingly. Now just use the midi outs as if they were the GPO instrument. To send the output to different mixer inserts, make sure "Enable multiple outs" is turned on in the wrapper settings, good luck! Hope that helps.
  19. I had a lot of trouble clicking with one of those the first time I used it, side buttons are nifty, but I can get those on a normal mouse, with normal clickers. Scroll wheel is teensy, looks shiny though!
  20. Ya Got an email about the new version, love the new price points, I think I'll pick up kontakt 4, then upgrade to komplete somewhere down the line.
  21. This is a problem with the keyboards programming, it's running on something like a button channel I think, use Enigma to reset the programming on the keyboard and it might clear up.
  22. Love the graphical style, love the idea, let us know how it goes!
  23. I'd love to hop in and play a few rounds with everyone if anyone has an extra key handy,
  24. I would do a game in which you are travelling backwards in time and see the aftermath at the start of the game, (apocalyptic, or just someone getting mysteriously murdered) you see that he's murdered but you have to work the the clues backwards through time and try to solve out who did it, but more importantly how to prevent it. This works good for a single location because there's just enough places to look, and you'll probably be going back to places to re-examine scenes often.
  25. Hey dude, I miss the stories on your blog, get them started again whenever you can!

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