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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Good plan, I've been doing some orchestral work lately in FL with Philharmonik (I got it as a freebie) I wouldn't recommend it for an orchestral library, but it's shown me that orchestral work is definitely possible.
  2. Of Course! You can do any style you want to, the only thing you may find a bit difficult is doing tons of meter changes, but if you're not doing too much of that it really shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Producer is a good buy, It's got everything you really need, and the XXL edition has more than you need. Try out slicex before you buy it unless you're sure you need it though, but other than that you should be happy with those programs.
  4. Only at a VGL, playing before we sat down. That was expected.
  5. I was surprised when I found out, but Braid itself is worth $30, and I'm really excited to try these others!
  6. I strongly recommend against transposing full songs in any way. If you do want to do it, transpose it via midi, it'll be smoother and it's just a better idea.
  7. World of Goo is worth the $30 alone, so get the Braid, Audiosurf and a bunch of other awesome ones in there too! Totally worth it, thanks for the heads up.
  8. Are you talking about pitch bending? Go into the wrapper menu for that plugin and try toggling it's "Send pitch bend range" setting, if using FL's doesn't work you can disable that and use the one in the plugin itself.
  9. You might be best served in just learning some general theory instead of FL Studio stuff, that way you learn more about how to make music, learning the program will come with time, and it's easy to find tutorials for that. Someone else can point you towards some good theory sites.
  10. I've always loved Thrice, they have an awesome style.
  11. I'm excited to see where FL Studio is going, it's too bad it's written in Delta, but I'm sure they'll do something about that when the time comes. With the new version they're starting to change a lot, making it more linear while still keeping a pattern based approach. I really like where it's going.
  12. I've been told, and have checked it out, but it's not highly recommended. The sound is fine and everything, but since it's only a medium grade sound library with no upgrade path you might be more interested in buying something that is either a little higher up on the scale, or something with an upgrade path. That way you aren't sinking money into something that you're going to need to replace a few years later. EWQLSO and Vienna symphonic both have upgrade paths with some higher level options. Plus, I've heard EWQLSO is better at epic orchestral stuff while GPO is better at slow emotional stuff, you like epic stuff, right hoboka?
  13. Haha, awesome times with hide and seek on sawmill last night.
  14. I think you may perhaps mean that you want your first WIP's in for December of 2009...
  15. Hrmm, Steam does everything I need thanks, and LOTS of people use steam since it's necessary for some games, and easiest for most.
  16. Ya, I found those, but I'm hard pressed to find a place selling to Canada, Nova music had some, but they sold out before I could order. I'll keep looking over the next few days and hopefully find something. zzounds could really expand their market if they shipped to Canada.
  17. I'm back from Fiji, hopefully I can play a bit soon. Thanks for the patch Brushfire, it came while I was away.
  18. Argh! Why did I have to be in Fiji when this came out! They're all sold out already!
  19. Hrmm, first thing I'd check is that you don't have any zones or groups turned on in your keyboard, sometimes they can broadcast multiple notes from that. Secondly, the keyboard might be sending some other midi messages for every note on a different channel, FL studio picks up messages on every channel, so you may want to check and make sure you're only broadcasting on one channel.
  20. For digital sea, it's a cinch, just crank up the resonance on a low-cut filter and run a slow sweep. Getting actually electronic sounding samples is a good place to start too, then just tweak them slightly.
  21. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president!? Haha, interesting choice for a remix project, sounds like you had a lot of fun on it!
  22. www.box.net www.tindeck.com www.mediafire.com
  23. Good Day sir! Age well like wine and fine cheese! And keep making music for all us little people.
  24. I'm thinking you have your lingo a tad confused. Sonar is a DAW not a tracker. If you want a DAW then you should probably decide what style you want, I think Sonar is linear (call me on this if I'm out to lunch) so you may want to look at some other linear style DAWs. FL Studio is more of a pattern based DAW that works mainly with midi, try out some demos for some other programs.
  25. Hit enter, it should resize down, if not try going into the piano roll menu and flipping the Detached state.
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