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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. Sorry for the double post, BUT... I just wrote an article for Smashboards about Project M, and got to interview someone in the PMBR. Go read it!
  2. Shadic - do you have any good resources on how to add custom music to Project M? I'd like to write an article for Smashboards on how to do it, but haven't done it myself.
  3. remind yourself to never be a game reviewer. thanks
  4. Not even close. The actual was - 16/6/16 Loss 12/4/5 Win 7/3/2 Loss 5/0/4 Win 15/9/10 Loss 12/5/6 Loss 3/0/11 Win 6/3/12 Win 11/7/9 Loss 4-5 with a 87/37/75 cumulative record. Seems legit right?
  5. I'm going to post my records for the last few games, and I want you all to guess how many wins and how many losses came of it. 16/6/16 12/4/5 7/3/2 5/0/4 15/9/10 12/5/6 3/0/11 6/3/12 11/7/9 kudos if you can guess which were which. no cheating with lolking or something like that.
  6. Nice! It's funny that this thread just reappeared, I just got a gig writing for smashboards so that will probably take up more of my time in the foreseeable future, but I definitely still intend to start up my own site at some point.
  7. that is actually *exactly* what you said don't talk down to me like it wasn't the point of this thread is to find a way to improve the workshop forum to be more accessible to commentary and possibly provide an incentive for doing something
  8. why? a 1-10 rating doesn't say anything to the artist about what was good or what was bad. it is completely unhelpful to someone trying to improve a song. it has no redeeming outcome.
  9. this is exactly what we're saying here no one said 'get xp for posting mindless responses with no value' obviously no one thinks that's a good idea
  10. Pretzel - if this system goes into action sometime down the line and requires moderation I'd be happy to chip in. Get at me! I think it's a great idea that will inspire people to get involved in the musical aspect of this site at all levels, especially if there is an aspect of EXP or recognition for positive contribution. Older artists would help the newbies, people who just listen can give opinions and contribute in a qualitative way, and everyone learns more. @Mirby - not a lot of people coming up use IRC anymore. Not to say that it's outdated, but probably not going to be as effective as a forum feedback system if you ask me.
  11. i'm around playing a game. ping me if you want to run a team game.
  12. The entire FFXIII series did this too bad everyone was busy talking about how 'how bad it was'
  13. Would you be willing to talk more about that? It sounds like the makings of a good article. Speaking of which, halc interviewed on Overclocked Records!
  14. yeah that's just not true at all. any non-combo based character got essentially a free full-damage spell from auto attacking, and got it regularly. a high ap item that also gives you 600-800 (in late game) extra damage is really good. having it so it gives you less seems fair to me.
  15. thanks for the heads up i moved it back.

  16. if this game is anything like paper mario then it is one of my new favorite games already paper mario series too good
  17. Cool idea I'm in
  18. teambuilder is an infinitely better way of setting up games and i hope that matchmaking is done this way immediately.
  19. i did that with my entire n64 collection easily my biggest regret in life
  20. yeah see, the problem is right now he kills people even with no offensive items. so now, you have to build offensive items to kill people and risk taking damage, instead of being an unkillable tank, and still being able to kill people. explain to me the part about that that is supposed to be 'unfair'
  21. other people don't like being in nintendo's sandbox because they get bodied
  22. yeah seeing as there are multiple full soundtracks in perfect quality on youtube game companies clearly are not pulling their hair out over this i wouldn't worry about it
  23. now someone just needs to do the doopliss theme and the final song from the rumble pit and we're good. enjoying this song
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