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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. officer positions should clearly be decided by postcount and join date the only two things that matter
  2. like actual full moons? that's kind of random
  3. AD is more important though imo because you need high AS for ult/better abilities and having a high AS with no power behind it is kind of a waste
  4. i'm trying to but it doesn't seem to be opening in steam edit: nvm got it to work had to restart steam twice
  5. i just went merc's -> malady -> frozen mallet -> the end of the game but after that was thinking about a last whisper or something like that. malady also gives the slight bump to your otherwise mostly damage-less fireball plus the magic resist debuff for your friends edit: also yeah dexie i thought about doing that my first game i was looking through items and was like 'hmm... other than the waste of mana regen that could kinda work'
  6. will someone please give me one of their invites you'll be my bff on the internet
  7. so shyvana is pretty fun. still trying to figure out how to build her, obviously you need attack speed and i'd like some sustain but there aren't many inexpensive armor/mr items that fit well. the wit's end idea is pretty smart and works but that attack speed needs some damage on it to be effective. i'll figure it out
  8. what is the binding of isaac don't know much about it
  9. half the reason this thread originally existed is because people like me were like "fuck the mcribbbbbbbb" and then everyone else was like NAY. the mcrib is wonderful. its fun and funny not super srsness this is the internet people
  10. MINIMODDER BAN HIM its a slippery slope
  11. huh this is pretty cool thanks for sharing
  12. well that's the entire point they're trying to keep that from happening so that's specifically what they're not doing
  13. most mmo's have promised this but almost none of them deliver on it, and for good reason. let's think about this for a second. let's say you have a user base of 2 million people, not that unusual. at the starting hub, there's probably 500,000 people if this is the first weekend the game is live. if this is the case, only one or two groups can do a quest at a time, because their result will change what can and can't be done for the groups behind them. what does this mean? the game must have thousands and thousands of quests lined up, along with variations. unless it changes something that is truly unimportant (like whether the trees have leaves on them or not) it's pretty much impossible to implement.
  14. this is what i imagine some of you doing
  15. everyone in this thread may disagree about the merits of mcribs but i think we can all agree on the merits of meat and how it is delicious.
  16. red robin bitches that's where its really at
  17. the part where i get to play a game with my friends that doesn't involve direct competition, i.e. shooters, lol, etc. where rageface is prevalent
  18. considering i was at a mcdonalds about 4 days ago with a sign saying 'mcrib is back' i think so
  19. hey larry hey. larry. the mcrib is back. good thing you made this thread otherwise i would have made a whole thread just for you
  20. just went 16/4, team blamed loss on me just another day at the office.
  21. good i'm excited for all of us to play together! anyone deciding what kind of character they want to make yet? fan the hype flames
  22. so spot on what people do not realize is that these kids online who call you a 'no-skill noob' or a 'scrub' aren't part of the fighting game community. they're immature little kids/adults who play fighting games. if you go to a tournament or to shoryuken.com etc. people are nice, welcoming people. many other communities aren't like that; when MLG was in its prime many of the halo competitors were not personable and rude. instead of caring about building the community, they just cared that they got paid to play halo, and wanted to make sure it stayed that way. also, watch this if you have an hour to spare, its about Mike Ross. He's one of the biggest faces of the fighting game community and shows what kind of people populate the community. http://www.g4tv.com/videos/54396/focus-a-g4-films-presentation/
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