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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. i am so bad at this game sometimes. i actually think its from when i have cold hands, i have pretty poor circulation so if my hands are cold i'm a split second behind
  2. if i ever get given extra keys i'll make sure to offer them up, so if people here want one say so i wanna play with people i know. today i had my first case of mic flaming, some batrider on my team was terrible and was just going on and on about how bad the juggernaught in his lane was. the entire team told him to shut up which he did finally but he ended up going 2-9, feeding their weaver and destroying our chances
  3. here is literally all you have to do Title: OCR BF3 Recruiting thread (funny catchphrase thing here) Hey guys, Seeing as the new Battlefield just came out I was hoping that people on OCR would want to play together! My XBL is 'insert here' people that are interested should post theirs in this thread! I literally just made this thread for you. Feel free to copy and paste or does that take too long
  4. nah plenty of us play together all the time and it's fine we have fun i think i've laughed hardest in recent memory while playing LoL with ocr people
  5. i find it strange that this game is 50 dollars in store and 30 dollars on steam
  6. pretty much this the only shooters i've ever played super seriously are the halo series and that's because they're balanced to be competitive modern warfare and call of duty aren't even close to being balanced in any way shape or form
  7. oh man i just watched the video review on that ign link now i really want this
  8. so puck is oodles of fun escapes like crazy, can port wherever and silence, can evade damage whenever she wants (windrunner arrows? dodged) and her ult is basically a no-win situation like blood's. it took me a few games to figure out how to make it work but now it's good times all around
  9. i think you miss the humor in my idea, nofunsword

  10. is there an hd version of your sig picture i want it
  11. if i make an unofficial sonic generations thread would you ban me again

  12. i am a cool kid thus i do not like any of the games that average people think are cool i am too good for them
  13. for anyone who *didn't* read the article pretty much the entire article was talking about how the poll was taken at a small conference pretty much only populated by social games/iOS developers obviously this is going to happen
  14. so after playing this game entirely too long today i can safely say it is what people have been waiting for it feels great, looks pretty sexy, and once you get a handle on it the interface is great. the shop could still use some work (i had to spend over a minute in the shop trying to find a pair of boots i saw while watching a game) but even that after awhile will just be secondhand knowledge. i'm actually surprised i like this as much as i do being big into lol and all but you really get into a groove while you're playing 11/1/12 with brood mother. its like playing eve but being invisible everywhere all the time, always getting the slow from the decloak, and having spider minions!
  15. if you build mr runes and rush a chalice you'll have some of the highest ap in the game for lv 2-5, when i played with people who didn't care as much i would galio mid, and i'd lane against annies and brands and out-damage them in harass, destroy their cs and pretty much cripple their ap carry galio is more or less my best character at this point i think so it takes some experience but you get pretty unkillable as long as their entire team isn't like, yi/xin etc.
  16. if you guys do the survey it puts you in the pool of people they're giving out keys to, it said they're going to continue to expand it so that's something you should definitely do
  17. so i played a few bot games and my conclusion is DAMN its been awhile since i played dota the map is much larger, and it is much easier to lose track of your map awareness. i did pretty terrible mostly due to the fact that i didn't pay close enough attention in the earliest levels and someone would come up and kill me, but by my last game with sand boy i was getting things done, killing and supporting the team like i was supposed to be. i think the shop interface is a little wonky compared to what i'm used to but its just what you're used to, by the 3rd game i knew where to find what i was looking for no problem. i also got chop, but i think that's latency; i could be wrong but that's what it looked like to me. overall i'm really excited about this game. now just to do some research on a couple champs so i know how to build intelligently
  18. hey i saw the gift but it said it was invalid, could you try sending it out again? waiting by my comp i am much more excited for this than i thought i would be edit NEVERMIND GOT IT installing now
  19. thank you you're the man my steam name is The Derrit (big surprise) so friend me up and then i'll install so we can play!
  20. i just picked the heroes i remembered playing from the original dota, tiny most specifically tiny's fun
  21. has there been any indication on when these keys will go out?
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