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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. im the same way i actually don't play any other mages but if ryze is any indication maybe i should thinking about giving soraka a try she's still pretty supporty
  2. on that note i bought him because he costs nothing and is sweet my 3rd game my record was ridiculous
  3. so ryze is the easiest character ever pretty much build tear of the goddess and you're a monster by the end of the game the rest doesn't even matter
  4. outside the fact that madden nfl has an enormous installed fanbase that buys their game EVERY YEAR and loves it
  5. this is fair. however if the last games were dead awful as they have every opportunity to be without inafune there would you be more upset that they didn't finish the series or that they did and did a horrible job? it seems like kind of a no win
  6. so how exactly do you get closure in a series that doesn't have much of a piece by piece storyline, that's like getting closure on south park there is no way to just wrap everything up in a nice little package also if the more recent ones are of lower quality why would you want more if mario games started sucking i'd just stop playing them not ask for another one this is the exact thing sonic people do ask for more hoping it will be better than the last while knowing it won't be
  7. i just had a really good fiddles game too then at the end of laning phase our vlad 1v1ed veigar and lost. 5 times we ended up losing
  8. this is pretty much what seems to be the complaint of every stratification of capcom fan
  9. OR.... laning with a zliean that already has a mana manipulator? i sense an experiment coming on
  10. i think this got posted already but it was worth watching again for the dunk'd blazblue song also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrYsQ8nNmIA&feature=related double edit: i've never played trundle but now i want to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N3lrYWMHpY&feature=related
  11. i've never heard of or even seen an udyr in lane i don't think its what he's meant for
  12. played at red tonight twas fun my sniper skills have been somewhat retained but need work
  13. don't worry i'm really not the best either, the nice thing about tf2 is losing isn't really a big deal. unless you're playing competitively in which case it does but no one flames over games at ocr server do they? if they do things have changed since i've been on
  14. if there's one thing i hate its a bad team that blames their tank for dying also my brother just got home from his naval base in CA for his friend's wedding and saw me playing so i just put him in an AI game it was so funny to watch on the other hand he is 6'6 and built like a greek god so i dare not laugh at his ineptitude
  15. i think i've figured out its because half of the people play either with their shitty friends all the time or do a.i. games and eventually get to high levels but are actually no better than a level 13 player when we all get to level 30 i'm excited to be the tank/support specialist for our team. tried out shen last night and he is SO COOL. don't even care if he doesn't do much damage your job is to keep your team from getting killed and you can directly do it like all the time with ult and taunt and even vorpal blade's healing
  16. so for people who play with me, i'm spending the next few days filling up my runes because as of 2 days ago i had none pretty much
  17. apparently it was felt all the way up to vt. i'm in nh but didn't get any of it
  18. then how is inafune not the culprit here? capcom didn't fire him he left. and if he was truly the father of megaman then what on earth does capcom do if he leaves also, to anyone who thought that an MMO megaman was a good idea...
  19. So I was on capcom-unity.com today and one of the admins had posted a Mega Ran song. TL;DR is Mega Ran is a rapper who raps about/over video games. The second comment afterwards was: and the prompt reply from someone else was: This is also incredibly evident on the MvC3 facebook group. Whenever something is posted, a bunch of people comment on it, a bunch of people comments on "CAPCUM EVIL EMPIRE WHY U NO MEGAMAN" and everyone else tells them to shut up.To me this is a huge scale occurance of 'Fan Dumb' (read: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanDumb) but am I missing something? Most of it is either over Mega Man or them releasing large scale updates to games such as SF4 to SSF4, but I feel like I'm missing something. Can anyone explain this to me? I honestly don't understand what Capcom did to deserve this kind of obnoxiousness. NOTE: This has been happening since before Mega Man Legends 3 was cancelled so I know that's not the only reason.
  20. one exception to this is galio who gets ap from MR, so having higher early MR not only gets you survivability but makes you more dangerous cuz well i only have a good galio really
  21. in that last game its not like we played well but when we're losing teamfights i'm gonna be the first to go if they're fed. i had 2 deaths until they started rolling us and i'm gonna die if im initiating also i need to buy runes at this point i can't assume people won't have them anymore
  22. ok... so what is this game exactly
  23. lol also i just picked up rumble and he is every bit as bully as i hoped he would be i just crushed an ashe and a maokai 2v1 in lane it was SO SATISFYING
  24. i saw a dude the other day named harold freeman looked almost exactly like gordon freeman it was creepy
  25. after a string of terrible games with terrible players i just went 18/2/17 with fid how sweet it was
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