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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. when i get to level 30 and im trying to buy rune combos for everyone i'll probably be the same way. right now i have a full rune setup that holds pretty well for tanky characters overall, which is most of what i play. so im satisfied for the time being
  2. when i say buy i mean with IP not with RP this is a free game and i mean to keep it that way
  3. what do people think of seige cannon xerath? i think he's awesome i might save up for him. even though i want to buy nasus and maybe kassadin and maybe maybe heimer and malphite and maokai and trundle
  4. speaking of bad characters i bought and started playing eve and i currently have only lost one game with her out of like 5 or 6 i guess before 30 people don't know what oracle is? except for one amumu i played against but he was never with his team anyways
  5. BBS was why i got a psp this will probably be why i get a 3ds
  6. yeah i don't hate your or anything it sounds like that conversation got wrapped up though i will say that teemo was my second character i picked up and i did really well with him, but i haven't played him in forever and ended up doing so in a game a few days ago and got ROLLED not to say that its super common or happens fast but characters can be forgotten
  7. that aside even in draft games people can be bad they don't troll as hard but they're still dumb my last 2 games people have focused leona and singed respectively didn't work out so great whats a fun carry to learn i don't really do many carries
  8. i get that you passive troll here a lot but ok. someone here 'LIKES' playing eve. sorry for not being more specific and i bow to your intelligence which is clearly above all of ours continue. also, please continue to stroke your own epeen for all of us please, everyone loves mental masturbation for the record i have 12 characters i am confident in, and given i started july of this summer i'm pretty ok with that. and shen isn't really that bad
  9. so two things one, i found a way to play LoL while i'm in san diego so that's sweet two, i know one of you plays eve and i just figured out that shen ultimate lets me teleport to you while you're stealthed and APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE to kill some douche blitzcrank this needs to happen soon so many ganks are gonna go down
  10. just went 1/1/18 mid as galio. GALIO MID EASY MODE also draft pick games seem to have less trolls and shitty players that was a clever way for riot to weed them out. what troll wants to wait 3 minutes in queue and in lobby?
  11. NUUUUUUUU seriously that megaman legends 3 thread just made me so angry im still salty about it but this looks pretty cool maybe i'll try it sometime
  12. OMFG MEGAMAN!?!?!?! i hate megaman so much. worst fanbase next to sonic. makes me want to try this less
  13. for this game? neh we usually just get on the client and group up and then skype it
  14. The World Ends With You is actually the best portable game I've ever played. Legit. However if you're in a bumpy car it may be tricky, I'm sure you'd be fine. Also Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and A2 (for DS) are both long and tons of fun the entire time. Also also Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep if you like the kingdom hearts series.
  15. what's your nick? also stevo try ryze if you're still new he is uber easy mode and fun
  16. sunday afternoon i will be in san diego without my computer again
  17. i'll be home tonight and the night after that probably gonna be crankin out some time on this. i might even buy a mic if people will promise to play with me...?
  18. i miss playing this game i'll be home on friday and play a few games and then i'll probably be gone for another month or so after looking around mobafire and whatnot i really want to try trundle he seems sweet
  19. i've been there before part of it is poor teammates honestly. i just had the blessing of playing 4 in a row with smart teammates and oh good LORD the difference it makes. in one of the games our 5th was pretty bad but because everyone kept their heads together we still won even with him feeding early. if you get behind against a team who's better than you they'll always be ahead in gold and items and they won't give it back
  20. this may be my last night playing for awhile depending on whether or not my laptop can handle league of legends; its pretty old so i'm not sure. also just played a game as galio and went 1-0-19 while flaming a teemo who blamed his team all game it was fun
  21. i actually would be interested in reading this stuff but i just don't have the money to shell out dollars per issue
  22. what are the red lanterns i've never heard of that before
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